Fountainhead e-Letter, Berlin Germany Fountainhead - 20.06.2009 02:30
An information e-Letter regarding the international, intercultural diplomacy undertakings of Fountainhead Tanz Theatre. THE COLLEGIUM Forum & Television Program Berlin Culture in Berlin, Fountainhead Tanz Theatre  XXV Black International Cinema Berlin 2010 FOUNTAINHEAD® TANZ THEATRE e LETTER, Berlin/Germany June 2009 Please send replies to / Bitte senden Sie Antworten an ******************************************************* XXIV. Black International Cinema Berlin MAY 7 - 10, 2009 Intercultural/Interdisciplinary film/video, dance, theatre, music & seminar presentations Berlin/Germany & USA A COMPLEXION CHANGE International & Intercultural Diplomacy A tribute to Chancellor Willy Brandt "The future will not be mastered by those who dwell on the past." Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals." President John F. Kennedy "We must never forget that art is not a form of propaganda; it is a form of truth." President Barack Hussein Obama "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." produced & directed by Fountainhead Tanz Theatre THE COLLEGIUM - Forum & Television Program Berlin in association with Cultural Zephyr e.V. in cooperation with/in Kooperation mit Commissioner for Integration, District Tempelhof-Schöneberg, Berlin der Integrationsbeauftragten des Bezirks Tempelhof-Schöneberg, Berlin **************** Venue/Veranstaltungsort RATHAUS SCHÖNEBERG (city hall) John-F.-Kennedy-Platz 10825 Berlin/Germany Festival Presentations: Kinosaal (Cinema) & Bibliothek (Library) Admission Free / Eintritt frei ******************************* FILM FESTIVAL AWARDS XXIV. Black International Cinema Berlin 2009 Best film/video by a Black filmmaker URBANWORLD Director: Malik Isasis, USA 2006 THE QUINTESSENTIAL BLACK WOMEN Director: Charles O'Bannon, Jr., USA 2008 WHAT SHALL I TELL MY CHILDREN WHO ARE BLACK The Legacy of Margaret T.G. Burroughs Director: Nate B. Grant, USA 2008 Best film/video on matters relating to the Black Experience/ Marginalized People TOGO Directors: Nicholas Peart & Pierre Morath, Switzerland 2008 PRINCE OF BROADWAY Director: Sean Baker, USA 2008 TAPOLOGO Directors: Gabriela & Sally Gutirez Dewar, Spain/South Africa 2008 IN PRISON MY WHOLE LIFE - Mumia Abu-Jamal Director: Marc Evans, U.S.A. 2008 Best film/video by a German filmmaker or a filmmaker residing in Germany ABORTION DEMOCRACY - POLAND/SOUTH AFRICA Director: Sarah Diehl, Germany 2008 Best children's film/video CIRCLE UNBROKEN Director: Sandra Nikolajevs, USA 2008 AFIA Director: Lacey Duke, USA 2007 Best film/video in the Fine Arts Disciplines BLAS: EL HOMBRE Y SU LEYENDA / BLAS: THE MAN AND HIS LEGEND Directors: Galina Likosova & Hernn Humberto Restrepo, Colombia 2008 NOT ENOUGH NIGHT Directors: Dan Boord & Luis Valdovino, USA 2007 Best film/video documentary production GRISSI SIKNIS - LA ENFERMEDAD MAGICA DE LA SELVA / GRISSI SIKNIS - THE MAGIC SICKNESS OF THE JUNGLE Director: Enrique Ruiz-Skipey, Spain/Nicaragua 2008 MINDELO - TRAZ D'HORIZONTE / MINDELO - BEHIND THE HORIZON Director: Alexis Tsafas, Cape Verde 2008 INSIDE BUFFALO Director: Fred Kudjo Kuwornu, Italy 2009 NOLLYWOOD AAN DE SCHELDE / NOLLYWOOD ABROAD Director: Saartje Geerts, Belgium 2008 Special Filmmaker Award YEK ROZE POR DARD / ONE DAY FULL OF PAIN Director: Sattar Chamani Gol, Iran 2008 MADARAM SAYEH BOLANDI DARAD / MY MOM HAS A LONG SHADOW Director: Kaveh Ghahremany, Iran 2008 BAHA / THE WILD FLOWER Director: Shriprakash, India 2008 PESAYE ZIBAYEMAN PASHA MISHAVAD / MY BEAUTIFUL SON WILL BE KING Director: Salem Salavati, Iran 2008 SHOBHAYATRA Director: Vijay Ghatge, India 2005 DERAKHTE MAN / MY TREE Director: Sara Siadat Nejad, Iran 2008 BAD HAR KOJA BEKHAHAD MIVAZAD / WIND BLOWS WHEREVER IT WANTS Director: Naryam Esmikhani, Iran 2008 68 & CLEAR Director: Dawn Westlake, USA 2007 ******************************* FILM FESTIVAL IMPRESSIONS For festival impressions, please consult the festival website: Photography Andrea Brehme Thomas M. Wendt Marion Kramer ****************************** VISITING FILMMAKERS Sarah Diehl, Germany Kaveh Ghahremany, The Islamic Republic of Iran Vijay Ghatge, India Galina Likosova, Colombia Tomasz Magierski, Poland Simone Pfeifer, Germany Hernán Humberto Restrepo, Colombia James Richards, USA Enrique Ruiz-Skipey, Spain/Nicaragua Otu Tetteh, Germany Alexis Tsafas, Cape Verde Patrick Vernon, UK ******************************************************* THE COLLEGIUM TELEVISION PROGRAM BERLIN produced & directed by/produziert und geleitet von Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre/Black International Cinema Berlin/Cultural Zephyr e.V. ALEX - Offener Kanal Berlin (Open Channel Berlin) Voltastr. 5, 13355 Berlin-Wedding * LIVE * LIVE * LIVE * LIVE * LIVE * LIVE * JUNE 21 7-8 pm / 19-20 Uhr ALEX - Offener Kanal Berlin (Open Channel Berlin) CINEMA Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre Production A Complexion Change International & Intercultural Diplomacy XXIV. Black International Cinema Berlin 2009 May 7-10 OPENING PRESENTATION, May 7, 2009 INAUGURATION DAY, JANUARY 20, 2009, BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA OPENING SPEECH Presenter: Terrence K. Williamson Embassy of the United States of America, Berlin/Germany Photographic Interlude OPENING SPEECH Presenters: Gabriele Gün Tank Commissioner for Integration, District Tempelhof-Schöneberg, Berlin/Germany Yamil Borges singer/actress/poet INTERVIEW Terrence K. Williamson Embassy of the United States of America, Berlin/Germany conducted by Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith for THE COLLEGIUM - Forum & Television Program Berlin Acknowledgement Embassy of the United States of America, Berlin/Germany Wolfgang Brandt Peter Claussen Kerstin Reichert Terrence K. Williamson Amerika Haus, Berlin/Germany Wolfgang Brandt Renate Semler Thank you ARTS CALENDAR John F. Kennedy Schule Jazz & Modern Movement at the John F. Kennedy Friendship Center Dancers Jasmin Kränzel Celina McCarthy Esther Richards Nadine Struck Calvin Struck Netra Nambiar Veetil Production, Direction, Choreography: Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith Marion Kramer ******************************************************* ALEX - OFFENER KANAL BERLIN / OPEN CHANNEL BERLIN For further information & visual impressions, please visit THE COLLEGIUM website. ******************************************************* BLACK INTERNATIONAL CINEMA BERLIN Production & Direction: Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre FestLabPass Holder presented by European Festivals Association FESTLAB - An Initiative of the European Festivals Association 2009 - EUROPEAN YEAR OF CREATIVITY & INNOVATION Signatory to the Arts Festivals' Declaration on Intercultural Dialogue[tt_news] =487&tx_ttnews[backPid]=333&cHash=a84ea34108 ******************************************************* AACHRONYM A Blog regarding Global African Arts with a focus on art-equity and cultural patrimony issues. Notable Person: Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith / Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre ******************************************************* Fountainhead® at Fountainhead® at MEDIAWAVE FESTIVAL, Hungary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE COLLEGIUM TELEVISION PROGRAM BERLIN produced & directed by/produziert und geleitet von Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre/Black International Cinema Berlin/Cultural Zephyr e.V. Sunday 7-8 pm / 19-20 Uhr Wednesday 11-12 pm / 23-24 Uhr ALEX - Offener Kanal Berlin (Open Channel Berlin) THE COLLEGIUM TRAILER THE COLLEGIUM Television Program is televised in Berlin, Magdeburg, Wolfsburg, Dessau and additional cities. THE COLLEGIUM Fernsehmagazin wird in Berlin, Magdeburg, Wolfsburg, Dessau und weiteren Städten ausgestrahlt. produced & directed by/produziert und geleitet von Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre/Black International Cinema Berlin/ Cultural Zephyr e.V. BERLIN Every Sunday/jeden Sonntag 7.00-8.00 pm 19.00-20.00 Uhr Every Wednesday/jeden Mittwoch 11.00-12.00 pm 23.00-24.00 Uhr ALEX - Offener Kanal Berlin Voltastr. 5 13355 Berlin-Wedding presenting / präsentiert werden Cinema / State of Affairs / Arts Calendar Filme / Diskussionen / künstlerische Darbietungen for program information, please contact: Programminformationen bitte unter: 0049 (0)30-782 16 21 0049 (0)30-75 46 09 46 THE COLLEGIUM MAGDEBURG Offener Kanal Magdeburg ( First Thursday in every month Jeden ersten Donnerstag im Monat 6.00 - 7.00 pm 18.00 - 19.00 Uhr THE COLLEGIUM WOLFSBURG TV 38 ( 25.06.09 - 18.00h/6.00pm 26.06.09 - 9.00h/9.00am & 15.00h/3.00pm 30.07.09 - 18.00h/6.00pm 31.07.09 - 9.00h/9.00am & 15.00h/3.00pm THE COLLEGIUM DESSAU Offener Kanal Dessau ( ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOUNTAINHEAD® TANZ THEATRE BLACK INTERNATIONAL CINEMA BERLIN THE COLLEGIUM - FORUM & TELEVISION PROGRAM BERLIN CULTURAL ZEPHYR e.V. MISSION STATEMENT We are an international, intercultural community of persons engaged in achieving increasing understanding and cooperation between individuals and groups in support of democratic procedures and the elimination of violence, religious, ethnic and gender persecution, youth exploitation, homophobia and racial hatred through the process of art, education, culture and dialogue. Wir sind eine internationale, interkulturelle Gemeinschaft von Menschen mit dem Engagement für ein besseres Verständnis und wachsende Kooperation zwischen Individuen und Gruppen, mit Unterstützung des demokratischen Prozesses und der Beseitigung von Gewalt, Verfolgung aufgrund religiöser, ethnischer und geschlechtlicher Zugehörigkeit, Kindes- und Jugendmissbrauch, Homosexuellen-Feindlichkeit und von Rassenhass, durch die Mittel der Kunst, der Bildung, der Kultur und des Dialogs. Nous sommes une communauté internationale et interculturelle de personnes engagées à promouvoir la compréhension et la coopération croissantes entre les individus et les groupes, à lappui des outils démocratiques et à travers lélimination de la violence, de la persécution religieuse, ethnique et sexuelle, de lexploitation de la jeunesse, de lhomophobie et de la haine raciale par le processus de lart, de léducation, de la culture et du dialogue. MOTTOS "I may not make it if I try, but I damn sure wont if I dont..." - Oscar Brown Jr. "Mankind will either find a way or make one." - C.P. Snow "Whatever you do..., be cool!" - Joseph Louis Turner "Yes, I can...!" - Sammy Davis Jr. "Yes, We can...!" - Barack Obama Copyright: Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre/Cultural Zephyr e.V., June 2009 |