Wie zit er achter het varkensgriep virus? dokter hond - 20.06.2009 11:57
Wie zit erachter het virus?  varkensgriepvirus  varkensgriepvirus  varkensgriepvirus National Geographic reports: “Etched into crops, the outlines of a newly found 600-acre Bronze Age burial mounds surround a roughly 190-foot (57-meter) circular Stone Age temple site about 15 miles (24 kilometers) from Stonehenge in southern England discovered during a routine aerial survey by English Heritage, the U.K. government's historic-preservation agency. The ‘crop circles’ are the results of buried archaeological structures interfering with plant growth, while crop formations are produced by flattened and standing cereal crops. Aerial photograph © 2009 by Damian Grady, English Heritage. Left: Photomicrograph of 2009 A/H1N1 swine flu virus. Right: Swine flu viral structure by Caspar and Klug. Swine flu virus concept and images provided by Australian scientist. On the first day the formation was reported, June 17, 2009, only the “head” of the organism was there. That same day, the farmer cut the crop down inside the somewhat 7-sided figure. The next day at 6 AM, June 18, the fresh tail appendage was found added. Charles Mallett, Crop Circle Research Center, reports: “The ‘tail’ section measures approximately 200 feet in length. Overall diameter of the main body of the circle is approximately 160 feet.” Second day aerial image on June 18, 2009, © 2009 by Monique Scholten- Klinkenbergh. Right: Third day of formation evolutionwith two more “tails” photographed on June 19, 2009 by Russell Stannard. Images and information by: Cropcircleconnector. www.earthfiles.com http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2009/westkennettavenue/westkennettavenue2009.html |