Target Café 24 June Climate Camp and G8 Target Café - 21.06.2009 11:00
This month Target Café will focus on two important upcoming mobilisations: the Dutch-Belgian Climate Camp (3-9 August) and the G8 in Italty (8-10 July). De Peper, 301 overtoom, 20.00, Amsterdam  Wednesday 24 June, Target Café, Climate Camp and Anti-G8 De Peper, 301 overtoom, 20.00 Join us for an evening of information and discussion about the politico-economic roots of climate change and updates on both the climate camp preparations and the anti-G8 preparations. All the info you need to know to plan your trip or to brainstorm solidarity actions. Dutch Belgian Climate Action Camp, August 3-9 at the border near Antwerp: Climate Action Camp recognises the profit-driven economy as the root cause of climate change and identified self-organisation, self-education and direct action as crucial in countering corporate power and creating positive alternatives. Come and here how you can join the week of actions, workshops and discussions as well as an action against coal on 7 August. Anti-G8, July 8-10, Italy: It’s been eight years since the now ‘famous’ Genoa protests, and the G8 is back in Italy. Berlusconi has declared the ‘no globals’ officially unwelcome and moved the G8 summit to l’Aquila after the earthquake because he thought no one would dare to protest there. But movements in Italy and elsewhere are planning to take Berlusconi up on his challenge and a mobilisation against the G8 is starting to emerge. Come and hear the details and see how you can get involved. Join us! When: Wednesday 24 June, 20.00, doors open at 19.30 Where: De Peper, 301 Overtoom, Amsterdam Website: |