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Call out for action days against upcoming eviction wave scub ppl - 22.06.2009 17:50
*They come with the wave, we come with tsunami!!* *Action days against the upcoming eviction wave: *They come with the wave, we come with tsunami!!* *Action days against the upcoming eviction wave: * 22th June - 7th July* CREATE YOUR STRUGGLE* A call for actions all across the city! The upcoming massive eviction wave will kick around 100 people out on the streets and once again close utonomous social centers which are stages for free and open political and cultural activities.So get together with your friends and neighbours and be creative. Get out on the streets and be visible. Bring your living room, kitchen or toilet to the street in protest against bullshit government policies. Give workshops, present your projects to the public, decorate your chosen owners office or a cop station with some colourful paint (an "arrestatie groep" can be arranged when needed...)..We must fight the evictions and we must fight them united! Amsterdam has been asleep for too long. We cannot go on being divided, isolated and prejudiced against each other. It's time to change this once and for all. So let's stop just talking about it.. Let's stand up and start acting! Pass by SCUB to get updated and update others. Exchange ideas, share your knowledge and experiences, prepare your actions, pick up flyers to spread anywhere and everywhere (squats, streets, performances, various hannukkah parties..). Hopefully towards the end of this week we will be able to bring all our separate contributions to this struggle together and make a massive, varied demo in a central location in the city. 5th of June, 15.00* SCUB COURT CASE* Except for a 1-month-long antikraak contract, the Scub was empty for four years before we squatted it. Now, because of that contract, the space has been declared 429. Article 429 states that it is against the law to squat a place that has been in use within a year, and now the city is using this ridiculous argument to get us evicted. They are just trying to shut us up! During all those years Ymere showed no interest in the place and neither do they have any plans for its' future use. Article 429 is just an easy excuse for all speculating owners and the corrupted establishment to keep houses empty and to execute their repressive politics over people. Naturally they love using it against any kind of self-organized activities that oppose, and present alternatives to, the consumerism and capitalism of this society. So we decided to fight against this 429 decision and sued the city. Come join us in protest on the day of our court case, 25th of June 3PM at Parnassusweg 220! The more people there will be, the more pressure the judge will have: use your legitimate right to be fucking noisy! Bring banners, couches, kitchens, kittens. Each and every form of support is much appreciated. The fight is not over yet, it just began! 27th - 28th of June* DIY FESTIVAL* Bands, performances, dj's, vj's, workshops, graffiti and whatnot! DIY stands for Do It Yourself, so don't be a wallflower, be a part of it! It's up to you what is going to happen. Bring your records, instruments, spray cans, installations, whatever you always wished to do and just go with the flow! Preparations are being made and it might be your skills and ideas that this place is still missing. If you are interested in giving a workshop, presenting your DIY project or help in organizing pass by SCUB or check the website for contacts. SCUB De Ruyterkade 153-157 www.squat.net/scub |
Lees meer over: kunst, cultuur en muziek media vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | DANCE OR DIE! | scub - 22.06.2009 18:58
   the first action took place in niewumarkt by the collective op de brugen. they made a dance-music performance in the middle of the square and they spread flyers among the enthusiastic crowd. ___________________________________________________________________________ reclaim space for free social creativity. we are a collective of performance, from a variety of artistic and cultural backgrounds, formed at SOCIAL CENTRE UNDER THE BRIDGE (S.C.U.B). The SCUB is not simply a squatted building but a creative social project, where multi-various groups have free space for a plethora of non-profit activities: Samba band, music, dance and voice workshops, performance improvisations, linux club, silkscreen atelier and voku. at the present the scub is at risk of imminent eviction. what benefit to the city of amsterdam can the eradication of such free social spaces have? how can we let them repress our self-organised creativity? the eviction of the scub, and of other similar squats, is a finger in the eye of freedom disguised as a normal act of legality! we would like you to support and join our campaign. june 25th, demonstration at the rechtbank in parnassusweg 220, 15:00. june 27-28th, do it yourself festival, performances, music, workshops, and more at the scub starting from 16:00 JOIN OUR CREATIVE RESISTANCE! DANCE AGAINST THE MACHINE! E-Mail: spaceinvaders@cryptodrunks.net Website: http://squat.net/scub | more photos performance | scub - 22.06.2009 19:01
   more photos performance niewemarkt | more photos | scub - 22.06.2009 19:06
   more photos | Corrction | Scub - 23.06.2009 03:34
court case date is on the 25th of june NOT 5th... Website: http://squat.net/scub | |
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