[adam] scub courtcase parade tomorrow 13.30 scubber - 24.06.2009 12:44
Tomorrow Thu 25th the court will have its possibility of supporting or defeating our fight. What is gonna happen? Will the scubber win? Will Ymere present a new antikraak contract? Will the judge cry? We will see in the new chapter of the series "Withering courts"!  owners We will meet at 13.30 at the plein in front of Amsterdam Zuid train station (between the train and the tram). We still haven't heard of any plans for the building, so we scream again: GEEN ONTRUIMING VOOR LEEGSTAND! Except for a 1-month-long antikraak contract, the Scub was empty for four years before we squatted it. Now, because of that contract, the space has been declared 429. Article 429 states that it is against the law to squat a place that has been in use within a year, and now the city is using this ridiculous argument to get us evicted. They are just trying to shut us up! During all those years Ymere showed no interest in the place and neither do they have any plans for its' future use. Article 429 is just an easy excuse for all speculating owners and the corrupted establishment to keep houses empty and to execute their repressive politics over people. Naturally they love using it against any kind of self-organized activities that oppose, and present alternatives to, the consumerism and capitalism of this society. So we decided to fight against this 429 decision and sued the city. The more people there will be, the more pressure the judge will have: use your legitimate right to be fucking noisy! Bring banners, couches, kitchens, kittens. Each and every form of support is much appreciated. The fight is not over yet, it just began! And save the weekend for the DIY FESTIVAL! 27th and 28th of june in the SCUB Bands, performances, dj's, vj's, workshops, graffiti and whatnot! DIY stands for Do It Yourself, so don't be a wallflower, be a part of it! It's up to you what is going to happen. Bring your records, instruments, spray cans, installations, whatever you always wished to do and just go with the flow! Preparations are being made and it might be your skills and ideas that this place is still missing. If you are interested in giving a workshop, presenting your DIY project or help in organizing pass by SCUB or check the website for contacts. SCUB De Ruyterkade 153-157 http://squat.net/scub More info at http://indymedia.nl/nl/2009/06/60239.shtml E-Mail: scub@lists.cryptodrunks.net Website: http://squat.net/scub |