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Nefilim terug op aarde? wippie de viking - 14.07.2009 17:11
nefilim terug op aarde?  fase 1  fase 2 Onze laatste dagen zullen zijn als de dagen van Noach. In die tijd waren de reuzen op aarde, de Nefilim, Gen. 6. Zij zijn de reuzen uit de Griekse en wereldwijde mythologieen. Zjjn ze terug? So the predictions in the crops were correct: A solar storm erupted just as ‘they’ predicted. Since April 2009 there have been a number of crop formations that have indicated that some sort of solar event would take place. As Spaceweather.com reported , “Sunspot 1024 has crackled with B- and C-class solar flares. Solar observers haven’t seen an active region like this one in more than two years. It is big, complex, and rapidly growing. The magnetic polarity of the sunspot, revealed by SOHO magnetograms, show that it is a member of new Solar Cycle 24.” How amazing! So, to all the sceptics: How on earth (or more correctly off earth) could this solar event have been predicted and encoded in the crop in such a clever way? How could have this been predicted way back in April? So much for your boards and rope theories… But the fun doesn’t stop there. I have submitted a FOIA request for the sighting on July 26th of the Gazelle helicopters chasing a UFO in the Golden Ball Hill area. Also there have been more sightings of ‘beings’ within the circle’s… just when I thought I was going to have a boring Monday afternoon I received a call from a contact within Wilts constabulary. I have built-up a few friendly contacts due to my continual use of the Freedom of Information Act to extract information of UFOs, and this police sergeant in one of them. The contact, who doesn’t want to be named, was driving past Silbury Hill early Monday morning when he saw three figures in the formation there. At first he thought they were forensic officers as they were dressed in white coveralls. He stopped his car and approached the field. The figures were all over 6ft and had Blonde hair. They seemed to be inspecting the crop. When he got to the edge of the field he heard what he believed to be a sound not dissimilar to static electricity. This crackling noise seemed to be running through the field and the crop was moving gently close to where the noise was moving. He felt the hair on his arms and back of his neck raise up. He shouted to the figures who at first ignored him, not glacing at him. When he tried to enter the field they looked up and began running. He said “They ran faster than any man I have ever seen. I’m no slouch but they were moving so fast. I looked away for a second and when I looked back they were gone. I then got scared. The noise was still around, but I got an uneasy feeling and headed for the car. For the rest of the day I had a pounding headache I couldn’t shift”. The beings sounded not too dissimilar to beings Arthur Shuttlewood encountered in Warminster, and the presence of the static electricity running along the ground was documented in these encounters too. These are interesting times… http://thetruthhides.wordpress.com/ |
aanvullingen | fase 2 | wippie - 14.07.2009 17:14
 moet zijn deze fase 2 | opzouten graag | jaja - 14.07.2009 17:24
met je new age hobby | Gimp / Fotosoep | pp - 14.07.2009 17:27
Ow leuk, fotosoep plaatjes op indymedia. Website: http://gimp.org/ | kut | wippie - 14.07.2009 17:31
ik ben geen new ager maar orthodox christen. Anarchisten kunnen dit fenomeen na 15 jaar niet af blijven doen als new age. OFwel: de STINKENDE arrogantie van de linkse anarchokerk die bepaalt wat nieuws is!!!! | |
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