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ontruimingen jungle Calais anne - 16.07.2009 20:50
Information from activists on the ground in Calais points to the police preparing to destroy some or many of the ‘jungles’ housing around 1,800 migrants in Calais, this Monday 20th July or Tuesday 21st July. Information from activists on the ground in Calais points to the police preparing to destroy some or many of the ‘jungles’ housing around 1,800 migrants in Calais, this Monday 20th July or Tuesday 21st July. These ‘jungles’ are where people who have travelled across Europe wait in makeshift shelters, with little food or medical assistance, for their nightly attempts to get onto lorries making the crossing to the UK. Many of the migrants will be unaware of this threat. Call out for cameras, video activists, legal observers See also Calais Witnesses French Tourist Office protest on Tuesday 21st July, London Please act now. We are calling for phone and email blockades of the French Embassy in London; Phil Woolas, UK Immigration Minister; the French Interior Ministry. All contacts at the end of this message. We are calling for these targets as the UK Border starts in Calais – both the French and British states are implicitly involved in any attacks (legal or otherwise) that are launched against migrants in Calais. As the burning and destruction of the migrant camp at Patras in Greece shows, EU states now have little to fear in their attacks against migrants, as popular support for the far-right in the European elections shows. We need to show them otherwise. Of course, any other direct action is welcomed. No Borders! No Nations! For more information, latest updates and contacts of Embassies see: http://calaismigrantsolidarity.wordpress.com/ |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme europa vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | steunorganisatie Salam | nn - 16.07.2009 21:38
Communiqué from SALAM, charity supporting migrants in Calais, DESTRUCTION OF THE JUNGLE ON TUESDAY 21st JULY According to verified sources we know that the destruction of the jungle announced by Mr.Besson before the end of the year 2009 will take place Tuesday 21 July. The jungle of the Afghan Pashtu will be the first hit, but other jungles also risk being destroyed. 800 places have been "reserved" in different hostels. SALAM has already informed migrants and continues every day its presence alongside them. Everything will be put in place to ensure migrants can exercise their rights and do avoid the charter flight to Kabul. This threat is unfortunately there: after the Evian summit of the 6th July agreements have been signed with the British government deciding to organise forced deportations between France and Britain (who regularly organise charter flights to Kabul). Last November, 2 charter flights to Afghanistan were cancelled thanks to the mobilisation of all. SALAM calls out to all: DONT LET THIS CHARTER OF DEATH LEAVE For any information: http://www.associationsalam.org
| Franse ambassade in NL | nn - 16.07.2009 21:51
Ambassade van Frankrijk Internet: http://www.ambafrance-nl.org Phone: 070 312 58 00 Fax: 070 312 58 24 Address: Smidsplein 1 2514 BT DEN HAAG the Netherlands
| update | Anne - 20.07.2009 11:45
Vanmorgen is er een vergadering gaande tussen de hoofd politie (Prefect en Sub Prefect), minister van Immigratie Besson en humanitaire organisaties. Hopelijk weten we na deze vergadering meer wat men nu precies van plan is. Besson spreekt van een "oefening", wat inhoud dat er een gedeelte van de jungles mogelijk zal worden ontruimd deze week. Voor het kantoor is er op het moment ook een demonstratie gaande. Gisteren hebben we met een paar mensen een bezoek gebracht aan een van de jungles en gesproken met de mensen daar. Mensen zijn terecht ongerust op de mogelijke otruiming en maken zich zorgen over mogelijke arrestatie en deportatie. Voor verdere informatie, updates en fotos (o.a. van de demonstratie); calaismigrantsolidarity.wordpress.com We roepen mensen op calaismigrantsolidarity.wordpress.com te checken voor de laatste updates omtrent de op hande zijnde ontruimingen. Website: http://calaismigrantsolidarity.wordpress.com | |
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