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Support for big squat in Zurich Züri - 22.07.2009 13:55
Binz is a big squat (40 people living, over 100 working) in Zurich. It is threatened with demolition and eviction. Please sign the petitions, visit the internet page of Binz (in German) and read the statement below (in English) BINZBLEIBTBINZ Since three years, the factory site at the Uetlibergstrasse 111/111a in Zürich, Switzerland, has been squatted. Today, about 40 people live here. Many more people use the site regularly. Every day people work in the garages and workshops, theater groups and several bands practice, film projects are being realized and the trainings room is used daily. People come to do things and to share ideas with others. That’s Binz today, in full bloom, offering many people shelter, inspiration and room to realize their ideas. In 1983, the canton of Zurich acquired the factory buildings after the Color Metal AG went out of business. The buildings date from 1894. The first plans of the canton were to make the buildings into a multi-purpose site including the cantonal Information Technology Department („EDV“), a „Kantonale Drucksachen- und Materialzentrale“ (KDMZ, cantonal printed media and material storage) and a „Bezirksgefängnis“ (BGZ, cantonal prison). Because these plans were not in accordance with legal building regulations, the area has been rented out for several temporary uses and eventually given „in Gebrausleihe“ (as users loan) to the city of Zurich. The city planned a provisional Free Style park in the buildings, and gave notice to all tenants for this. After the buildings were left empty, they were squatted in May 2006. The Free Style park project was cancelled in early summer 2007, due to delays resulting from objections from neighboring house owners. After three years of good cooperation with the city of Zurich, the „Gebrausleihvertrag“ (users loan) has ended with the month of June and the canton has again become responsible for the site. Obviously determined to act as quickly as possible, the canton published in the „Amtsblatt“ (official city paper) a „Submissionsverfahren“ (an invitation to open the bidding) of the demolition of the buildings. According to the announcement the demolition was to start at the 1st of July. This announcement came as a complete surprise to us. To clarify the facts, we contacted the responsible authorities of the canton. The result of the following meeting was the oral assurance that nothing will be done until the end of September. It is in the intention of the cantonal Building Commission to hand over the land „im Baurecht“ (sell over the building rights in exclusivity for 99 years). For that, only market-economy criteria will matter. If the future owner prefers to have the area cleared and decontaminated before taking possession, than at the 1st of October the demolition will start. We see no good reasons for that. To leave the place where we are living to remain un-used is unacceptable for us. Before a new building project is designed, planned, has gained all necessary permits and approvals and all necessary preparations have been made, one has to take into account a period of at least one to two years. That is how long we will stay here. At least. We are not here by chance: We have occupied these empty buildings because we want a self-determined and communally oriented life. To realize this we need space and the Binz offers an ideal place. It has the space. The buildings have no pre-defined functions. They can be arranged and rearranged according to needs and intentions. In this way, there have formed a variety of spaces and niches, projects and creations that are as diverse as the people that have made them. At the same time, the communal use of the buildings demands and promotes cooperation. We share not only the infrastructure but also knowledge and ideas. All this we accomplish with great commitment and with little money. We invest our time and energy, and thus can live our lives with respect and autonomy. At the same time, individual skills and social abilities are developed. The potentials that arise in this way are innovative and lasting. These effects reach beyond the Binz and are found again in innumerable forms. Be it in politics, research, art and culture, crafts, family, etc. In brief: because the Binz is threatened by unnecessary and premature demolition, and because we are convinced that a place like the Binz is highly needed, we have launched two petitions: BINZBLEIBTBINZ und BINZBLEIBTBINZBIS. We would be pleased if you signed today, at best both. Website: http://binzbleibtbinz.ch/ |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme europa kunst, cultuur en muziek natuur, dier en mens vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | anonymous | nn - 22.07.2009 14:55
is it necessary to fill in your real name for the petition ? because i think a lot of people don't feel comftable with using their real name on the internet ... | names for petition | Züri - 23.07.2009 11:59
hi nn all data given with petition is only used to verify validity of signature (for example you need to give a valid e-mail address, so you will receive an e-mail with a url to validate your signing of the petition), as is stated in the page of the petition: "Die angegeben Daten werden nur für diese Petition verwendet und nicht an Dritte weitergeben." (= the data given, will only be used for this petition and not given to third parties) and if you just give your first name, i guess that will be enough still, your name will be among few hundred (and in the end hopefully a few thousand, or even tens of thousand...) other names, signing a petition is not a crime, only if you really do not want to use your full and real name, you could just give your first name hope this is clear enough? Website: http://binzbleibtbinz.ch/ | |
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