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Windmolen fabriek bezet Peter Polder - 23.07.2009 22:27
De windmolen gigant Vestas uit Denemarken is failliet gegaan als gevolg van de kredietcrisis. De arbeiders uit hun fabriek op Isle of Wight houden de fabriek bezet om te verkomen dat de inboedel verkocht wordt. Voor hun eigen baan en voor het klimaat Ze worden daarbij ondersteunt door het engelse Climate Camp netwerk.. 1) VESTAS FACTORY OCCUPATION - SOLIDARITY UPDATE 2) STATEMENT FROM INSIDE THE FACTORY 3) CALLOUT FROM SOME CLIMATE CAMPERS ON THE ISLAND 4) GETTING TO THE ISLE OF WIGHT - PRACTICAL INFO ************************************************ 1) VESTAS FACTORY OCCUPATION - SOLIDARITY UPDATE The occupation of the Vestas wind turbine factory on the Isle of Wight is continuing. Workers are fighting back against the bosses plans to cut 600 jobs at the end of the month, and have been occupying the factory since Monday despite attempts to cut off their food and threaten them with redundancy. GET DOWN TO THE ISLAND The best way to support the occupation is to get down to the Isle of Wight. Climate campers have joined co-workers, families, residents, trade unionists and other climate activists outside the factory since the occupation began. Travel instructions are below. There's a demonstration in Newport on Friday evening: Friday 24th July, 5.30pm in Newport St. Thomas Square, Newport, Isle of Wight THINGS TO DO WHILE YOU'RE PACKING FOR THE ISLAND: - Visit the Save Vestas website:
http://savevestas.wordpress.com/ - Join the Save Vestas Blades UK Facebook group:
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=55989366737 - Follow them on Twitter:
http://twitter.com/savevestas - Sign the Save Vestas No. 10 petition:
http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/SaveVestas/ - Reply to Ed Miliband:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/cif-green/2009/jul/23/ed-miliband-vestas-wind-power ************************************************ 2) STATEMENT FROM INSIDE THE FACTORY 23/7/09: ‘Another eventful day yesterday as everyone knows from yesterday’s newsletter, Vestas imposed a food ban but they didn’t stop our great supporters getting food to us and in the right way, walking calmly and peacefully and throwing food to us, thanks guys. Despite Paddy Wier being in meetings for most of the day yesterday with other senior management, the network reps and the island’s MP Andrew Turner, it seems they appeared to have achieved very little, their only option was to issue a last chance ultimatum for the fourth time, ‘come out or lose your jos and your redundancy’ to which we declined. Afterwards we recieved a letter from Paddy Wier stating we are now liable for temination and no redundancy package. Vestas are however allowing us some food, as from today Vestas have stated they will supply us food but they will not allow any outside food onto the premises. The rally at 6pm last night was very sucessful it was great to see so many people showing their support and a big thanks to everyone out there organising these events. All our supporters are doing a fantastic job and it is you guys who are going to win this for us and with all the hard work and support and the huge publicity we are generating it shouldn’t take too long.’
http://savevestas.wordpress.com/ ************************************************ 3) CALLOUT FROM SOME CLIMATE CAMPERS ON THE ISLAND *More Campers needed at Vestas* On Tuesday a handful of Climate Campers arrived at the support camp outside Vestas at Newport around midnight. Within hours we had set up a camp and attempted to deliver food to the occupiers by one of us sneaking into bushes and making a mad dash for the rope which hung from the balcony of the administrative block, where the workers are in occupation of the factory. This daring-do was hugely appreciated and built good relations with both the occupiers and their supporters. They could not believe that these unknown folk were willing to face arrest in solidarity with the workers. From 11 o'clock onwards, Campers helped initiate a mass 'pastie' trepass in a bid to deliver food again. Climate activists, united with workers, their families, trade unionists, workers liberty and the socialist workers, marched calmly over the police line and began delivering food to the occupiers, facing down police and private security. It was this delivery of food that did three things: buoyed the workers in occupation, radicalised their supporters, and forced the company to erect harris fences all around the entrance. We were also, through the arrest in the early hours, a key part in getting the national media to pay attention. It's one of the most exciting moments in climate change history. Climate activists are united with workers in their bid to save green jobs. The workers in occupation are in their 20s, are not unionised, and are genuinely committed to the role that wind has to play in stopping climate change. They are proud of their jobs and see their role in the climate change fight as a motivator for this struggle too. We have a lot in common with these lovely brave blokes. This is our opportunity to show we care about all classes and see green employment as fundamental to stopping climate change. When we left last night there were others coming to the camp. And there are 3 tents left there for people to sleep in. One reads 'Climate Camp is with you'. But I am aware that those down there cannot stay forever. We URGENTLY need more people to go, taking with them everything that Camp is - especially entertainment such as instruments, art materials, games for those outside supporting and a radical commitment to support the workers through direct action. We went to the Camp at an Industrial Estate on Dodnor Lane, via East Cowes on the ferry from Southampton, two hours from London. But you can also go from Portsmouth to Ryde: http://www.wightlink.co.uk/ Please keep up the presence! It's really an amazing place to be. ************************************************ 4) GETTING TO THE ISLE OF WIGHT – PRACTICAL INFO If you want to go to the Isle of Wight and join the campaign there, as many activists from around the country have already done: National Express coaches go London to Southampton every hour, with funfares from £5 booking online. Megabus coaches go London to Southampton at 08:39, 10:39, 12:39. 14:39, 16:00 and 21:39, with prices from £6 (the 16:00 ones tend to be the cheapest). Both arrive at the National Express station on Harbour Parade in Southampton, about ten minutes walk from the Isle of Wight ferry terminal (the Red Funnel terminal). To get to the terminal: 1. Head south on Harbour Parade. Go through 1 roundabout. 2. Turn left at A3057/W Quay Rd. Continue to follow A3057. Go through 1 roundabout 3. Turn right at Bugle Street. Destination will be on the left Red Funnel ferries cost £7 at the desk, and from £4 booking in advance online. When you arrive on the Island, take the chain ferry from East Cowes to Cowes, then the No. 1 bus to Newport from the stop on Newport Rd. Website: http://www.klimaatactiekamp.org |
Lees meer over: globalisering natuur, dier en mens Schoonmakers-Campagne | aanvullingen | Requests any? | Autonoom - 24.07.2009 06:40
Please see the earlier self-organized workplaces in South America, like a self-run (workers collective) hotel for cross reference. Would be good to know what's needed and what the long and short goal would be from the workers. Of course we don't need the plan on indymedia, except maybe how people can contribute who wish to go there and contribute. The rest is up to your private meetings. The Struggle Continues!
| workers climate action | Klimaatactiekamp - 24.07.2009 11:40
Een activist van Workers Climate Action zou een workshop komen geven op het Nederlands/Belgisch Klimaatactiekamp van 3-9 augustus. De bezetting van de fabriek betekent dat hij waarschijnlijk niet zal komen. Met de hoop dat deze bezetting nog even voort zal duren zullen we in plaats van de workshop updates geven over de bezetting en trachten we een verbinding te maken met de bezetters. meer over Workers Climate Action:
http://www.klimaatactiekamp.org | |
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