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politie inval In Pashtun Jungle Calais calais witnesses - 30.07.2009 09:33
Woensdag ochtend rond 9 uur 'sochtends omsingelden de ME de Pashtun (Afghaanse) Jungle en werden alle migranten gedwongen gefotografeerd en geteld. Woensdag ochtend rond 9 uur 'sochtends omsingelden de ME de Pashtun (Afghaanse) Jungle en werden alle migranten gedwongen gefotografeerd en geteld. "There are always CRS (riot) police coming to the 'jungles' in groups of about 20 at a time. Some sneak in through the trees, and then everyone is shouting 'police in the jungle'" Donderdagen zijn de gebruikelijke dagen voor ME invallen. Deze woensdag was anders doordat de ME foto's maakte van migranten naast hun tenten en vervolgens deze tenten op een kaart van de omgeving rood kleurden. De mensen maken zich erg ongerust en vertrouwen deze manier van handelen van de ME niet. Men is bang dat de Jungles op een stille, heimelijke manier gaan worden ontruimd. Mensen zijn hard nodig in Calais, dus kom naar Calais en als je komt neem dan contact op met:(English) 00 33 6 34 81 07 10 (French) 00 33 6 34 81 07 10 Als je wilt weten wat je kunt doen kun je ook commentaar posten op de onderstaande website en je krijgt snel een antwoord. http://calaismigrantsolidarity.wordpress.com/2009/07/23/if-you-are-coming-to-calais/ De huidige activiteiten bestaan uit het monitoren van de politie, medische support voor migranten en solidariteit met de mensen in de jungles en kraakpanden. |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme europa vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | Mishandelingen door CRS | witness - 30.07.2009 10:04
Nu is bekend dat het voor de Franse ME, de CRS, normaal is geweld te gebruiken tegen migranten, verbaal (racisme, vernedering) en fysiek. Het geweld lijkt echter toe te nemen. De CRS is heel erg racistisch. Mensen worden opgejaagd door de CRS, vernederd, in elkaar geslagen, opgepakt en daarna weer gedumpt ergens 3 kilometer buiten Calais als je geluk hebt... maar ook verdwijnen mensen soms (in detentie centra). Een aantal voorbeelden uit de dagelijkse praktijk van de CRS. Mensen in de Jungles worden gedwongen op de foto gezet, geteld, de tenten gemarkeerd op een kaart. De CRS vraagt soms voor ons nog onbegrijpelijke vragen, zoals het willen zien van de ruggen van de handen van migranten. Ook is de CRS naar een Iraans-Kurdische Jungle gegaan om mensen te ondervragen of ze uit Afghanistan komen... Dit terwijl de politie weet dat er geen Afghanen in de des betreffende Jungle zitten. Mensen worden onder weg naar de (gratis) dokter opgepakt omdat ze vaak te ziek of te verwond zijn om weg te vluchten voor de politie en daarmee makkelijke prooi zijn voor hun. Vaak wordt men buiten Calais weer gedumpt zodat ze nog verder van medische hulp verwijdert zijn. Er worden dagelijks invallen gedaan in kraakpanden en jungles waarbij geregeld traangas gebruikt wordt en mensen de nodige klappen op kunnen lopen, vervolgens worden er een aantal mensen opgepakt. Mensen worden in een niet als zodanig uitziend arrestanten busje gegooid en wie weet waar naar toe gebracht... Sommigen staan na een tijdje weer op straat van anderen zie je niks meer terug. Tijdens een poging om de overtocht te maken deze week werden een aantal migranten gespot door de politie. Mensen vluchtten, maar drie mensen konden niet ontkomen. Een van de drie mensen probeerde te ontsnappen aan de arrestatie, maar deze ontsnapping kwam hem duur te staan. Hij werd in elkaar geslagen door de ME en werd o.a. erg hard op de rug geslagen. Twee van de arrestanten werden diezelfde dag nog vrij gelaten, maar van deze jongen ontbreekt ieder spoor. Niemand weet hoe erg hij gewond is en waar hij zich bevindt.
| solidariteit en activisme | nn - 30.07.2009 10:42
The call for solidarity to go to Calais is justified no doubt. But who does it aim for ? ( Aan wie is die oproep gericht ?? ) That question is justified too. Not ( enough ) is considered the position of people who want to help but are more or less precarious them selves in The Netherlands. This is the case also elswhere in the world. Arrest by the police has big consequenses if you have little money. It is not clear what support there is for people who want to show solidarity and have a change being arrested. So are they just a burden the people who do not even know how to get to Calais ? I my selve got the remark " why don't you go to Calais ? " I do not even know how to get there. To start with it is just to expensive and further cost like being arrested is also beyond me. Activism inside The Netherlands is also for me and a lot of people not an option as long as there is no strong support for people who have to face the consequenses like being arrested. The so called Anarchist Black Cross islike a myth. Financiel consecuenses like fines; it is also faque who is going to pay those fines. These are facts easly over looked while talking about in general" organising. " Overlooking these facts are also to say the least not very considered towards people on low income precarious who want to show solidarity. So : o.k. write a letter and leave the travelling and hardcore activism to a small group of students or people who are in a position to take risks like being arrested and so on ?????
| on the route to adventure! | nn - 30.07.2009 11:03
you can easily go hitchhiking to calais from the netherlands. calais is near the E40. about the cost of fines: most of the times you just spend lots of time in garde a vue, administrative detention with a max of 48hours. eating and drinking in calais would be at your cost, but i think it's the same thing in the Netherlands. I don't think calais is much expensive then A'dam.
| not possible to be active | another nn - 30.07.2009 11:08
to nn I can imagine it is not that easy to just pack up everything and go to calais. i cannot do that either. but saying you cannot be active in the netherlands is such bullshit. now i understand why it's so hard to find people to join in several actions against the dutch and fortress of europe's migration politics! You're afraid of a fine? You're afraid of doing some time? it does't even háve to come to that. for example there are often noise demo's (at detention centres and also disturbing contractors who build the damn things) that do not necessarily háve to lead to arrest. why don't you go there!? and furthermore, dutch justice is not even that hard on activists, it's not like we're living in the UK or the US. ps. this is written by a no-less 'precarious' person. i always consider my situation uncomparable to the circumstances of migrants. i did do the time, and i did get the fines, but here i am, behind my computer, still writing this! so... it is easy to complain, but why don't you get you're act together and dó something about it. migrants need your support. | nn | nn - 30.07.2009 19:55
dutch actions are a laugh and are mostly organized in such a way to be sure to be arrested. Support for arrested is non-existent. "Just do the time". eh right if your Dutch and in a privileged position that is. "... there are often noise demo's (at detention centres and also disturbing contractors who build the damn things) that do not necessarily háve to lead to arrest. why don't you go there!? " Do not necessarily have to lead to arrest? Its true one might not be arrested 'often', but some people can not take the risk being arrested at all. As long as some activist (yeh i know of many like this, regrettably) take arrest as good for ones scene points or playing a 'martyr' the dutch activist scene is not attractive for me at all, and even more: rather exclusive. | to be clear | witness - 31.07.2009 09:53
This is not a Dutch action, Calais Migrant solidarity, Calais Witnesses are an international support group. If you read the article you will see that the two languages with the contact phone number are French and English, so no Dutch... and if you go to the site http://calaismigrantsolidarity.wordpress.com/ you will notice it's all in English.... And if you actually read what's been written you will notice that your fear of being definitely arrested has no real basis. The migrants are the ones who are being chased, humiliated, beaten up and arrested. Photo's http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2009/07/435359.html Quote witness on UK Indymedia 30-07-2009: "Several of us saw the migrants chatting peacefully in the gardens in front of the town hall. 10 seconds later a police van arrived. The migrants ran and were pursued by a couple of cops on foot and another police van. The police caught up with them and viciously beat at least one of them to the ground with a baton. He was hospitalised and the other was cuffed and taken away. When asked the police told us that they'd been arrested "for running away from them". The police later claimed that they had been called to the area because the migrants had been trying to get into a caravan (which was parked in a very busy and visible place in front of the town hall). This was a surreal and incredibly vicious incident; locals and tourists got a glimpse of the routine hassle that migrants are subjected to here, before continuing about their business in sunny Calais." Please do not be afraid to show solidarity!
| addition | witness - 31.07.2009 10:33
In France it is illegal to 'help' migrants, so in way there can be a risk for arrest. Don't let this not put you off though, there are many things you can do on different levels in Calais. If you want to go to Calais, get in contact with us. We can help you with where to go, what to do, legal advise, etc, etc. (English) 00 33 6 34 81 07 10 (French) 00 33 6 34 81 07 10 Or:
http://calaismigrantsolidarity.wordpress.com/2009/07/23/if-you-are-coming-to-calais/ If you can't go or don't want to go to Calais, there are many things you can do from and in your home town too.
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