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Novartis CEO's hunting lodge burnt down,mothers ashes stolen Direct Action - 05.08.2009 19:48
Media has reported that Novartis chairman and CEO Daniel Vasella's hunting lodge in Tyrol, Austria, has burnt down. A Novartis spokesperson claimed "It was arson with a professional fire accelerator," and that Vasella has now decided to sell the property.  Hunting logde Daniel Vasella There is speculation that it is the work of the same group that stole the ashes of Vasella's mother on July 27 in Chur, Switzerland. Her gravestone was defiled with "Drop HLS Now", calling on the Novartis CEO to sever its ties with Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS). HLS is the largest and most exposed contract testing laboratory in Europe. Five hundred animals are put to death every day by HLS, killing tens of thousands of horses, cats, dogs, primates, rabbits, hamsters, rats, mice and fish amongst others each year. About three weeks ago, graffiti slogans against Vasella and Novartis were written on the church in Vasella's village of Risch in central Switzerland. Messages were also left on the road near Vasellas home including "Vasella is a killer. We are watching you. Death to Vasella. We'll be back." In recent months the Militant Forces Against HLS (MFAH) [1] has reportedly targeted Novartis in France, burning down a sports centre, and in Germany, vandalising executives cars and homes. [2, 3, 4] MFAH has this year targeted HLS customers Sandoz, Sanofi-Aventis, Bayer, Schering Plough and Pfizer. [1] The Animal Liberation Brigade [5] also claimed setting fire to executives cars in Switzerland. [6] Grave-robbing is not a new tactic. In October 2004 the Animal Rights Militia (ARM) [7] – which has also targeted Novartis – claimed responsibility for removing from a grave the mother-in-law of a British farm-owner who bred guinea pigs for HLS. Darley Oaks Farm, in Newchurch, subsequently closed after the attack. Novartis claims that it no longer contracts HLS and has not worked with them for years, but refuses to make a statement confirming this to anti-vivisection campaigners, namely Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC). A spokeswoman for SHAC denied any involvement in the recent events, but added that the organisation had many sympathisers "who support our goals". [1] http://www.google.co.uksearch?hl=en&=site%3Adirectaction.info+%22militant+forces%22&meta= [2] http://www.directaction.info/news_may18_09.htm [3] http://www.directaction.info/news_may27_09.htm [4] http://www.directaction.info/news_apr07_09.htm [5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_Liberation_Brigade [6] http://www.directaction.info/news_jun06_09.htm [7] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_Rights_Militia |
Lees meer over: natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen | Meer nieuws uit Zwitserland | Maurice Leonard - 05.08.2009 21:31
Al vanaf zondag 2 augustus zijn artikelen uit media in Zwitserland over de vermeende SHAC-acties tegen de Zwitserse Novartis directeur te lezen op het weblog http://animals-in-the-news.blogspot.com. Pas vandaag, 5 augustus, bericht het NRC als eerste Nederlandse krant over de gebeurtenissen in Zwitserland. Opmerkelijk laat, omdat er ook in ons land een SHAC-groep actief is die ook zo nu en dan demonstreert bij Novartis vestigingen in onder andere Arnhem. Ook internationale media wereldwijd hadden al bericht over de Novartis-SHAC gebeurtenissen in Zwitserland. Ravage Digitaal, http://www.ravagedigitaal.org/, heeft er sinds gisteren een artikel online aan gewijd met een link naar een artikel van 3 augustus van een Nederlandse blogger over de diefstal van de urn met daarin de as van de moeder van de Novartis Bazel directeur. | Communique | Direct Action - 06.08.2009 11:37
Daniel Vasella received anonymously (photo: Zoom-Tirol): "************************************ Daniel Vasella's Hunting House Oberbach, A-6653 Bach, Austria ************************************ night 02-03 August 2009 ************************************ As well as butchering animals at HLS, Novartis Chairman and CEO Daniel Vasella likes to butcher animals in his own private hunting estate in Austria. He had it personally built in a town called Bach, up in the mountains. There is a large cooling unit and an area for preparing his kills, which he sometimes supplies to the local restaurant. There is also a large garage, that we guess holds the car that picks him up from the neighboring town (the rich scumbag flies in on his personal helicopter!) You could tell it was his house from a distance - the skulls of deer we saw hanging from the walls outside and inside only made us more determined. 60 litres of petrol was concentrated in two places around the house - the roof sheltering the front entrance was packed full of petrol bombs with most of the petrol containers placed under it by the door to catch the wood inside, and around the side the wooden garage door and angled roof supports were targetted with the second group of devices. It hasn't been your week has it, Daniel? Understand this: This will continue until you sever all ties with Huntingdon Life Sciences. We will attack your private life wherever possible. If you think it's fun killing animals in your own forest in Austria and bring them to your hunting estate, we will destroy it. Have you got any more hobbies Daniel? We will destroy them. We will destroy your life. Just remember one thing, dealing with HLS means dealing with US. DROP HLS NOW! MFAH Austria - if it can burn, it WILL..."
http://www.directaction.info/news_aug05_09.htm | |
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