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Calais solidarity work continues... UPDATE anne - 09.08.2009 13:57
Work here continuing in Calais between migrants and activists from France and UK Work here continuing in Calais between migrants and activists from France and UK See the website for more details, updates and photos. *police brutality and cowardly actions continue. The only water point for 100's of Afghan migrants sprayed with tear gas, soluble in water, to prevent use *police act illegally to prevent photojournalists working, successfully challenged *local Calaisiens leafletd in town about police actions *photo exhibition of migrant life in Calais flyposted in town centre *migrants tell their stories on the blog *scabies outbreak gets worse, Medecins du Monde and Medicins sans Frontiers plan mass treatment for 17 to 21 August. Volunteers needed. Some concern at how authorities will exploit this situation *solidarity action at French Consul, Barcelona *people continue to arrive to show solidarity, anything from one day while passing through Calais *basic medic support to migrants *discussions with local humanitarian organisations about how to work more effectively *police not happy being monitored, tend to leave when activists present or have their work disrupted *repression and arrests however continue You are welcome to join us in Calais! If you are coming to Calais to show solidarity and want information call (from UK) 00 33 6 34 81 07 10 or from France 06 34 81 07 10 calais migrant solidarity - e-mail: calaisolidarity@gmail.com - Homepage: http://www.calaismigrantsolidarity.wordpress.com |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme europa vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | vertalingen van flyer naar Dari en Pashtu | anne - 09.08.2009 14:07
ما کی هستیم ؟ مونږ څوک یو ؟ Who are we? ما یک گروپ از مردمان (اشخاص) هستیم که در ماه جون سال 2009 همبستگی ( کمپ بدون سرحد ) No Border Camp ، همبستگی کشور های بدون سرحد در شهر کالاس اشتراک کرده بودیم. ما همه از کشور های مختلف اروپایی میباشیم. ما همراه با گروه های مختلف مهاجرین در شهر کالاس که کوشش داخل شدن به انگلستان و عبور از کانال بحری داشتند ملاقات و به تماس شدیم. برای مهاجرین در جنگل های مختلف تهیه غذا، تداوی امراض جلدی و جراحات های سطحی و ارائه گزارش در باره وضعیت فعلی انگلستان برای مهاجرین انجام دادیم. ما میخواهیم که این ارتباط و حمایت مستقیم خود را با اشخاص و مهاجرین که از نعمت ها و حقوق ابتدائی زنده گی مانع شده اند و برای شان داده نمیشود دفاع نمایم و همبستگی خود را برقرار داشته باشیم. حقوق ابتدائی زنده گی شما در حالت و وضعیت فعلی ( غذای صحی، تداوی عاجل، کمک های اولیه، آزادی حرکت و آزادی بیان ) میباشد. شعار و فعالیت های ما : چون که ما تحت بیرق و شعار کشور ها و ملیت های بدون سرحد کار کردیم و به این عقیده هستیم و میباشیم که ملیت ها و مردم دیگر هم آزاد و بدون کدام مانع از یک کشور به دیگر کشور سفر بتوانند همان طوریکه اروپایی ها بدون مانع سفر مینمایند. • نظارت از فعالیت ها و عملکرد پولیس در مقابل مهاجرین، در صورت امکان مانع شدن از عملکرد غیر قانونی پولیس در مقابل مهاجرین. ( دستگیری غیر قانونی و لوت و کوپ مهاجرین و اطفال ). • اشخاص رسمی دولت های اروپایی و موسسات امداد رسانی برای بشریت را در مورد وضعیت فعلی مهاجرین شهر کالاس در جریان گذاشتیم و فعلاً هم در ارتباط هستیم برای کمک های بیشتر شما. • تظاهرات شدید در مقابل سفارت فرانسه در شهر لندن انگلستان، قونسلی فرانسه در برسلونا هسپانیه، دفتر شاروال (شهردار) و پولیس شهر کالاس به راه انداخته بودیم و در آینده نزدیک همچون فعالیت ها را در نظر داریم. آروزومندیم تا یک محل دایمی به زودترین فرصت پیدا نمایم تا کار و فعالیت ها خود را بهتر همراه شما ( مهاجرین ) یکجا دسته جمعی انجامی بدهیم. البته همراه شما نه به تنهایی، به حمایت و کمک شما همیشه نیازمندیم. مونږ څوک یو ؟ مونږ یو ګروپ د هغه خلکو څخه یو چی د جون د ماشتی د کال 2009 د بغیر له سر حد د کالاس په ښار کي ګدون کری وو. مونږ ټول د مختلفو اروپایی هیوادنو څخه یو. په هغه وخت مونږ د هغه خلکو سره چی انګلند ته به غیر قانونی ډول تلل ولیدل. لپاره در مهاجرینو په ځنګل کي د غذا ورکول، د جلدی مرضونو لپاره ورسره کمک وکړ او د انګلند د قبولی په باره کي مو معلومات ورته ورکړ. مونږ غواړو چی دوی ته د همیشه لپاره خپل کمکونه ورسوو او د دوی د حقوق دفاع وکړو. ستاسو د ژوند لومړني حقوق د اوسنی حالت کي دا دی ( صحی غذا،عاجل تداوی، اولیه کمکونه، د حرکت آزادی او د بیان آزادی ). زمونږ شعار او فعالیتونه: ځکه چی مونږ د بغیر له سرحد تولنه کی کار کری وو په دی عقیده به یو او یو به لکه څنګه چی نور اروپایی وګړی آزاد ګرځیدلی شی نو مهاجرین هم باید په همدی ډول وګرځی. • د پولیسو ګرځیدل او غیر قانو عملکرد د مهاجرینو په باره کی نظارت کوو، مونږ د مهاجرینو په باره کی د پولیسو مخنیوی کوو. ( د پولیسو غیر قانونی چلند لکه غیر قانوی نیول او د ماشومانو وهل ) • مونږ د هغو اروپایی دولتونو او کمکی موسسی سره په باره کی د مهاجرینو د وضعیت په کالاس کی مخکی خبر ورکړی دی او دوی سره په تماس کی یو. • مونږ د لندن په ښار کی د فرانسی سفارت مخی ته سخت تظاهرات کړی وو، د برسلونا په ښار کی د فرانسی قونسلګیری، د ښاروال دفتر او د پولیسو دفتر مخی ته سخت تظاهرات کړی وو. او غواړو چی په آینده کی هم داسی تظاهرات وکړو. هیله لرو چی مونږ زر تر زره یو داسی ځای وتاکو چی هلته خپل فعالیتو تاسو سره یو ځای په مخه یوسو. البته ستاسو سره او نه بغیر له تاسو نه، ستاسو حمایت او کمک ته همیشه لپاره ضرورت لرو. Who are we? We are a group of people who went to the No Borders camp in Calais in June 2009. We are from different countries. We met and got involved with various groups of migrants in Calais trying to cross the channel, taking food to some of the ‘jungles’, giving information about the UK, doing basic medic work and generally talking. We want to continue these links and continue providing direct aid and show our solidarity with people who are denied the basics of life – decent food, shelter, freedom of movement. We’ve worked under the No Borders banner because we believe people should be as free to travel as the lorries that make Europe rich. We have been trying to monitor the police, and when possible prevent them attacking migrants and the camps. We have alerted politicians and NGOs to what is happening in Calais. We have protested at the French Embassy in London, UK, and the French Consul in Barecelona, Spain, and at the CRS police and mayor in Calais. We are hoping to get a more permanent space in Calais soon so we can better work WITH you, not for you. No Borders! No Nations! calaismigrantsolidarity | Scabies epidemic, treatment 17-21 August | anne - 09.08.2009 14:19
This briefing was given by Medecins du Monde and Medecins sans Frontier who are proposing a large operation to deal with the scabies edipemic which is a serious problem for many of the migrants in Calais, created mainly by the complete lack of basic sanitary conditions. Scabies is a parasite which burrows under the skin and is visible in the form of rashes on the skin, but for many people in Calais has developed into something that can look like boils and is irritable. Several Calaisien humanitarian associations attended the meeting, and people from No Borders, which was not expected but welcomed. NB people expressed their fear that the scabies treatment operation could be used not only to clean the ‘jungles’ but to clear them too. The operation was outlined as 17-21 August, with a temporary tent camp being set up near the lighthouse by Calais North post office. Around 46 volunteers will be needed, with a debrief every evening on how things are going. Shifts will be: 9.30 until 2.00 and 2.00 until 6.30 Travel costs from Paris and Lille will be paid, and food and accommodation provided. Despite requests for two unused hospitals in Calais to be opened, there has been no support offered from Calais town or Pay-de-Calais region. Treatment will consist of: - 4 pills/day - clothes - disinfect sleeping areas in ‘jungles’ They need to know where and how many migrants there are. There will be 6 different tents in the treatment camp 1. welcome and explain 2. take old clothes, treat, in sealed bags for 24 hours. They are looking for 1000 sets of new clothes 3. showers – need nurses to explain disinfection procedure and to screen if have scabies or not 4. unsure 5. unsure 6. get new clothes and blankets and personal sanitary stuff and sleeping bags 46 volunteers needed in total Will have 3 vehicles, 9 places in each. Vehicles will need disinfecting each time. Still a risk of reinfection. Will work through mosque and immams to explain process Communication with press – MdM and MSF suspicous of press, happy for all associations to communicate with press in their own name. Concerns of No Borders at the meeting and in discussion afterwards: - why haven’t migrants been involved from the start? - Reinfection possible when people return to ‘jungles’ – the Pashtun ‘jungle’ has up to 800 people there, can’t treat all in one day, only about 1/3 so how prevent people mixing and reinfecting? - What are the side effects of pills – people have several other health issues - What is get double treatment, for example visiting PASS clinic for scabies before MdM? To deal with this they want PASS to stop scabies treatments one week before. - Belle Etoile insisted MdM and MSF state that they are doing this week of treatment because national government has not kept up their responsibilities, not because migrants are ‘diseased’ and we very much agree with this While we have concerns about the authorioties misusung the proposed Scabies Operation (Medecins du Monde and Medecins sans Frontiers) to not only clean up the jungle but also clear out the jungle, we are happy to facilitate volunteers from the UK. Either to help directly with the operation, or to be vigilant and carry on other solidarity and support work with migrants here. Medecins du Monde and Medecins sans Frontiers have stated that volunteers will be accommodated and fed, and travel from Lille and Paris will be covered, so some travel support from the UK may be possible. Anyone able to speak the languages of migrants here will obviously be better able to explain the planned operation and help migrants make an informed decision about their involvement in it. Email calaisolidarity@gmail.com if you are interested and we will forward your details to the people organising the operation and connect you with other No Borders activists who will be present in Calais at the time
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