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Block the Nazi Demonstration in Dortmund Autonome Antifas Amsterdam - 17.08.2009 13:47
Neo-Nazis are mobilizing all over Europe to come to Dortmund for their so-called „National Anti-Kriegstag“ on September 5th 2009. This Anti-Kriegstag (anti-war day) has gained international importance for Nazi activists + self-appointed >autonomous nationalists<, so this demonstration may count as indicator for the future Nazi development in Germany and in Europe. => THE ANNUAL DEMONSTRATION Since 2005 Dortmund Neo-Nazis annually mobilize to Dortmund. While the first “Anti-Kriegstag” in 2005 was attended by ca. 200 Nazis, last year (2008) an increased number of ca. 1.100 fascists from all over Europe gathered in Dortmund. This does also include an increased potential of aggression and violence during demonstrations. Ever since the distressing murder of the punk, Thomas “Schmuddel” Schulz (2005), Dortmund Nazis have increasingly attacked people and facilities that do not fit their fascist ideology. On May 1st 2009 a major Nazi attack on the labor union’s march (DGB) gained much public attention. => THE AUTHORITIES AND THE "NON EXISTING" NAZI PROBLEM So far, Dortmund authorities and police keep quiet and don’t do much against the escalating Nazi problem. Even worse, authorities insistently deny the escalation and do not get tired to play it down. In order not to create too much media attention and not to threaten bourgeois (civil) society, the official city strategy seems to aim at the concealment of the Nazi violence transfiguring its relevance into a mere >right-left-youth conflict A CALL FOR ACTION For now, we call for antifascist action days – with various sorts of activism – on September 4-5 in Dortmund! Block the nazi demonstration! Smash fascism! Come to Dortmund the night before: 04.09.2009: warm-up demo // 18.oo // central station 05.09.2009: Antifa demo // 11.oo // central station => INFONIGHT IN AMSTERDAM AND UTRECHT Local autonomous antifascists organise together with the "Dortmund Buendnis" info- and mobilisation nights in Amsterdam and Utrecht 19.08.2009 Amsterdam @ Socialcenter Ceintuurbaan / Ceintuurbaan 215 / Amsterdam with vegan Voku for donation starting at 20:00 20.08.2009 Utrecht @ Antifa Cafe in the ACU / Voorstraat 71 / Utrecht starting at 21:00 after the Eetcafe E-Mail: antiracismegroep@hypocrisy.org Website: http://antifaamsterdam.wordpress.com/ |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme | aanvullingen | Correctietje | aau - 17.08.2009 15:07
De Kitchen Punx are on holiday, so no eetcafe in the ACU. The bar opens at 20.30, and 21.00 our comrades from Dortmund will begin | |
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