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Thodoris Iliopoulos international action day A - 18.08.2009 05:25
URGENT: Call-out for international day of action for Thodoris Iliopoulos, Monday August 24 The solidarity initiative for Thodoris Iliopoulos has released the following call-out. URGENT: Call-out for international day of action for Thodoris Iliopoulos, Monday August 24 The solidarity initiative for Thodoris Iliopoulos has released the following call-out. Please translate it and repost it in as many languages as you can. If you do a translation, please post as a comment here or e-mail us. You can find more posts on Thodoris here http://www.occupiedlondon.org/blog/tag/thodoros-iliopoulos/ On the day of action, Thodoris will be on the 45th day of his hunger strike; his situation is already critical. The last prisoner of December’s revolt must be freed – now! SOLIDARITY INITIATIVE FOR THODORIS ILIOPOULOS CALL-OUT FOR DAY OF ACTION FOR THE IMMEDIATE RELEASE OF THODORIS ILIOPOULOS, ON HUNGER STRIKE SINCE JULY 10 We call all groups in solidarity to co-ordinate their actions – propaganda, info-actions, meetings- aiming at the immediate release of Thodoris. For this reason, we have set Monday, the 24th of August at 8pm as the day and time when we will put together our voices and our power in demanding the immediate release of hunger striker Thodoris Iliopoulos. As part of this action the Solidarity Initiative for Thodoris Iliopoulos is organising a solidarity concert at the Propylaea in Athens, on Monday 24 August at 8pm. In the struggle for his defense and his release, our support is Thodoris’ breath. Let’s get his voice heard across the world!
http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1068604 |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | Lawyer arrested while expressing solidarity | @@ - 19.08.2009 00:09
GREECE: a lawyer was arrested in Athens while expressing her solidarity to Thodoris Iliopoulos, imprisoned hunger striker who was arrested during the December 2008 revolt and denies all charges against him. Lawyer Marouska Spiraki (Μαρούσκα Σπυράκη) was arrested while she was putting on posters and slogans in solidarity with hunger striker Thodoris Iliopoulos (Θοδωρής Ηλιόπουλος) at the Evelpidon courts in Athens, Greece. It’s a real arrest and not simply a presentation or bringing.* There’s no more info atm. Translated from Greek: http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=en&article_id=1068699 Note: the translation relies on the Greek text for its facts. There’s no independent verification. Translator’s comments: we see how simply expressing your solidarity to a persona non grata in Greece can land you in a police station with cops over your head. That’s Greece where anyone who deviates from the mainstream role of consumer–worker is repressed and labelled a terrorist and an ‘enemy of democracy’. *my translation of this word may be incorrect. The original is: προσαγωγη (prosagogi). It’s like an arrest but less serious. But the article clearly says this case is an arrest. | Thodoris Iliopoulos does not produce blood | @@ - 19.08.2009 11:29
Today 18 August 2009 after the arranged blood examination that took place, the medical doctor only managed to extract half the necessary amount of blood, because the syringe could not find any more blood. What do they want to do with him? We can't stand it anymore. Stop this cruel torture against Thodoris. Freedom to Thodoris Iliopoulos!
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