Thodoris Iliopoulos: birthday in the prison hospital @@ - 19.08.2009 20:47
An English translation of a Greek article of the "Avgi" newspaper regarding Thodoris Iliopoulos, hunger striker in Koridalos prison arrested during the December revolt and still in detention with fabricated charges.  Published 19 August 2009 Thodoris Iliopoulos yesterday became 31 years old. He is the last prisoner of the December insurrection [Translator's note: that's wrong, according to postings on Athens Indymedia there are others as well, including Nikos Tsouvalakis who is also a hunger striker for more than a month in solidarity with Thodoris), but the most important number for his life right now is 41, since on the same day it was his 41st day in hunger strike, which he "celebrated" in the Koridalos prison's hospital, as he has not been transferred to a public hospital as yet even though his health is getting worse day after day and the medical doctors who monitor him recommend so! After 41 days in hunger strike, the 31-year old Thodoris breathes and talks with difficulty, but his courage is still high. Here's some words he managed to send to "Avgi": "Why bow your head? Maybe to see two legs that regularly lose their balance over the tomb they have prepared for you? Keep your courage and some day the Sun will rise for us as well." Thodoris cannot stand anymore, or go alone to the loo, while today a new doctor's opinion is expected. The last doctor's opinion 9 days ago was talking about "18% weight loss with complications in multiple body organs and systems (cardiaovascular system, muscles, central neural system, electrolytic disturbances), and such weight loss puts his life in immediate risk!" Meanwhile, the Solidarity Initiative for Thodoris Iliopoulos calls affinity groups from every city in Greece to co-ordinate their mobilisations with a common action plan, setting Monday 24 August and 8:00 PM "the moment when all over Greece [everyone] will unite their voices and their strength demanding the immediate release of hunger striker Thodoris Iliopoulos." In Athens, the 24 August rendezvous will be in Propylea, where there will be a solidarity music event, at 8:00 PM. E.Z. |