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[A'dam][Tonight] Street-Voku op Bikoplein nn - 24.08.2009 12:49
humus gaat door Nevermind the horecas, here's the street voku! With humus, barbecue and much more.. on donation. On bikoplein (just 20 meters from Joe's garage), from sunset on.. |
aanvullingen | voku | nn - 24.08.2009 19:45
speciale aanleiding? | solidair met joe's garage | nn - 24.08.2009 20:12
Well, as you probably know, the city council is harrassing Joe's garage neighbourhood center with complains about it being an illegal bar and not being fire-safe etc.. So while Joe's is closed for making it totally fire safe we, people from the oost, still think we should be doing voku and activities for the neighbourhood, cos even if they'll manage to remove a place they will not remove the struggle. We don't need a special occasion to enjoy the streets of our neighbourhood! p.s.: we are also prepared in case of rain. | |
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