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[noborder lesvos] Roof Pagani occupied thea - 31.08.2009 11:16
Vanochtend is het dak van het Pagani detention center bezet door activisten van het Noborder camp in Lesvos, Griekenland. Ze eisen dat deze gevangenis nu eindelijk voorgoed wordt gesloten. Ook eisen ze papieren voor allen, het ontmantelen van Frontex, en het afschaffen van de zgn Dublin-II richtlijn. Hieronder een fotootje van de acties van gisteren (tegen de levensgevaarlijke acties van de marine tegen migranten die op gammele bootjes griekenland proberen te bereiken) + copy/paste uit engels verslag + wat links.  actie zondag tegen coastguard / Frontex This morning at 10 o’clock, ten noborder activists from Austria, Sweden, Spain, France, Czech Republik, Portugal, the Netherlands and Germany occupied the roof of the refugee jail in Pagani. With this action, we are increasing the pressure to finally get Pagani closed. The activists state: During the noborder camp, we were able to witness the brutal consequences of the European border regime hier in Lesvos. A ship employed by the European border agency Frontex is hunting refugee boats, the Greek coast guard and the Navy do the dirty work. Human lifes don’t count. Those who manage to come to the island alive are sent to the refugee jail in Pagani: permanently more than full, the jail in Pagani reminds us of conditions we rather know from Libya or Marocco. We are outraged about this blatant bleach of Greek and international law. The activists demand the closure of Pagani, papers for everybody and the abolition of Frontex and the Dublin-II treaty. |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme globalisering vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | copy/paste uit lesvos: activisten vri | ja - 31.08.2009 21:33
# #noborder activists released from police custody, situation calming down about 9 hours ago from web # police is chasing people in #mytilini. stay calm, don't go alone. we are stronger than them about 9 hours ago from web # prisoners in #pagani had a megaphone about 10 hours ago from web # activists are down from the roof and arrested, were brought to the #police station. no point in going to #pagani now, cops very aggressive about 10 hours ago from web #
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