Awakenings about climate camp,squat Rozbrat(PL),Ahmed Isaetc mgriks(at) - 02.09.2009 18:35
Finaly we manage to upload some awakening shows on the net.      You can listen,download or embed and read more here: 1st show about climat camp: 2nd show about Kerwins memorial, Ahmed Isa, and squat Rozbrat in Poland: about 1st: Today's Awakening mainly about climate camp, held in early August in the vicinity of Antwerp, in Belgium near the Dutch border. We will play interviews recorded during the camp and also from actions made by the camp people. There were a few (blocking nuclear power plants by clowns army , hunging the banner and 250-five boards along the highway to protect the St.. Anna, which can be destroyed for building another highway, the closure of the meat stand in a supermarket cause to the climate change, blocking of the largest coal terminal, the demonstration of the release the arrested, demonstration of children and their parents for their future and the against expansion of the coal industry, and many others) so we will tacle also topics related to them. Interviewed people also will tell us about the camp's ideas, processes, organizations, events, etc. After this we say, a little about demonstration in coming thursday for tolerance and in the commemorating the murder of black boy, Kerwin by one white boy from the same school who didn't liked his dark colour of skin. As always, we would try to fit next, this time the sixth part of a great film about ALF "Hidden Mask" (Behind the Mask).Then as usual we will also would try to fit some good news, DIY tips and positive things about squatting...In the background like usual some fresh in our collection international/political songs(mainly punk) about 2nd As usual, we will begin the show with the agenda. Then we will have a guest -Yo from the radio M2M(Migrant to Migrant), which will tell us about another pirate, independent radio in Amsterdam. It's focuses mainly on the theme of immigration. Yo would tell us also about the campaign in defense of Ahmed Isa, survivor of the fire at the airport Shiphol when in the cell waiting for deportation burned 11 people. Ahmed spite of this tragedy is still facing deportation. Yo would tell us about actions in defense him and other migrants without papers . Continuation of the climate camp we will move on to next week, because we also would have other visitors. The squaters from Rozbrat, Biała Podlaska, Wrocław(PL) and London would tell us about how it looks skloting in their cities and how is the situation of their pleaces and differences with movement in the Netherlands. Besides this we will play audio from demonstration for tolerance and in the commemorating the murder of black boy, Kerwin by one white boy from the same school who didn't liked his dark colour of skin. We will play the speaches and poem from this event what had place in 20 august in Vondelpark. I am afraid that we will have to skip our weekly parts of program do to this great invasion of guests ( I wish would happened more often). E-Mail: mgriks(at) Website: |