Denmark - a racist and fascist torture state nn - 05.09.2009 13:50
Torture state denmark. Denmark send back 22 refugees from iraq last wednesday, 5 are already arrested by the iraqi police. Yesterday Denmark was reported to the UN for torture. Torture state Denmark. August 13th the police went into a church housing Iraqi asylum seekers. The police came in the middle of the night, still about 400 activist showed up to prevent the bus from leaving by means of sit down blockade. only result was beating and pepper spray. last wednesday the 22 Iraqis were sent to iraq and 5 were immediately arrested. As a preemptive strike, the police rounded up activists the day before to avoid any actions, and a secret airport was used. Yesterday the Denmark was reported to the UN for torture as one of the Iraqis who was tortured in Iraq had been kept in isolation for month in Denmark, to the point where his condition was so bad he was hallucinating. This is a a time when, according to amnesty, 1000 (!) are awaiting execution in Iraqi prisons. The general reaction is horrible, racism and fascism has become normal in Denmark. It's not just this one event, but a general problem stretching out in all corners of danish politics. The leader Dansk folkeparti (which literally means the danish peoples party) is repeating Hitlers view on art, and even those who are supposed to be opposition (like social democrats) are supporting the racist government. Am official resistance movement has been founded, Danske Løver (Danish Lions), to fight danish peoples party, who is not in government but has succeeded in turning danish politics into a battle of who can be the most unforgiving evil bastard, Video of the action august 13th. about 3 minutes in you see a girl lying down get hit 8 times, which got a lot of media attention. church story on bbc deportation on bbc website of danish lions, unfortunately only in danish |