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Squatters occuping a house in Prague, district no. 2 praha - 12.09.2009 18:22
The publicly announced occupation of a new autonomous center taking place At this moment (from around 16 o'clock), a house on the corner of Apolinarska and Na Slupi Streets is being occupied. This house has been chosen for several reasons: it's empty since many years, neglected and left to disrepair. Even the smallest reparation works has not been done and the roof is then broken with water coming in. On the other hand, door and windows are very well walled up, so that nobody can live in here. According to an auction report, this house would be "an ideal place to build luxury appartements and commercial spaces", that means another victory of profit and not the one of real needs of inhabitants of the city, who can see emerging luxury houses, but no affordable housing, like if the need for it would not even exist. This particular house is constantly secured against all those, who don't have a place to stay, because it's there to serve to the rich and for the commercial purpose, which is a process happening in the whole center of Prague. And it is becoming a display window, deprived of any sign of everyday life of those, who can't afford the expensive housing and who don't go shopping in posh stores. The building of the former bathhouse dating back to 1932 is in a complicated situation: the estate agents, who own the house, cannot dispose of it, because it's probably in a bad financial situation and the house is now used as a guarantee. The house went in auction in 2002, but unsuccesfully. It could then fall into much of a worse state in the next few years or it can become a cultural and social space, different from the uniform Prague centre. A place that wouldn't serve only to those, who would live in there, but to a wide public, who miss something specific in the town centre... |
Lees meer over: wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | Squatters still on the roof | praha - 12.09.2009 22:58
Supporters were dispersed, police used a lot of violence, around 40 people were detained. Squatters still on the roof! More info in English on: http://friendfeed.com/bzzzwa | Prague: Around 100 people detained, squatters | prahaATsquatDOTnet - 13.09.2009 12:15
Today, at around 7 o'clock (13th September 2009), the brand new squatted space was evicted by police. Around 25 people, who were occupying the house and sitting on the roof, were arrested. It was announced in the mainstream media, that they might go to court on Monday, for a summary jurisdiction. In the evening, many people (probably around 70 persons) who were supporting the squat in the streets, were detained. Police used an extremely violent force and several different tactics and weapons. There are unverified informations about some injured protesters, but no serious injuries were reported. It was also announced, that the squatters might reach a penalty of up to two years imprisonment. Please, show your solidarity!
http://sept09.squat.net Contact: sept09ATsquatDOTnet This squatting action is a part of a week of unadaptability, which will continue until 19th September and will offer many actions, concerts and a diy carnival in the streets of Prague, the program of the whole week and the statement of the initiative can be found here:
http://neprizpusobivi.fnf.cz Website: http://https://squat.net | |
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