Info Day: Genocide in Indonesie '65-'66 Anti Fasis - 18.09.2009 20:49
Info dag: Genocide in Indonesie '65-'66 44 jaar, na de bloedige militaire staatsgreep & nu  Info dag: Genocide in Indonesie '65-'66 zondag, 27 september a.s. 14.00 - 17.00 Ceintuurbaan 215 - Amsterdam (Tram 25, 4, 3, Halte Van Woustraat/ Ceintuurbaan) - Film doc: Mass Grave" (2001 - Offstream) Synopsis A full and frank account of what happened in the reburial of 26 victims of horror in the 1965 mass killings. This documentary film weaves its story against the tide by presenting evidence of cruelties sponsored by the military in two regions of Central Java. |