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Hit the Production of Climate Chaos get involved - 23.09.2009 01:10
The climate catastrophe has not happened by random chance and the melting glacier is not its place. Our economic system, the way it produces goods, and the way they are transported and finally consumed is the root of climate change.  Climate Justice Action We do not believe that this COP will solve the climate crisis. The delegates, NGOs and company representatives are stuck in an ideology of never ending economic growth and universal market solutions to all human-made problems, such as ecological destruction. Social justice issues are consequently ignored. On December 13th we call for action on this economic system. We encourage affinity groups to take action on targets in Copenhagen, and abroad. In the Morning of December 13th we will also shut down the harbour of Copenhagen through a mass action blockade. The harbour is a key symbol of the global free-market economy. Here becomes visible what is usually hidden: ecological deterioration, economic and social exploitation, and utter injustice. Since the dawn of colonialism the global shipping industry has been characterized by violence. What was once gold pillaged from the Incas is these days profit based on cheap resources and cheap labour – usually transported by ships. Today, container shipping is one of the foundations of capitalism. There are hardly any regulations: fuel is not taxed, emissions are not subject to control and borders are seemingly non-existent for container ships. At the same time, the never ending need for more cheap goods is almost limitless. The “free” global flow of goods continues to grow – with benefits for only the few. But whereas these flows of goods can enter the EU/ rich world freely, humans cannot. As soon as people do not have the right passport or enough money when entering rich countries, they are put in prisons, deported and deprived of the most basic human rights. And the militarisation of the seas is not just happening around the EU borders. It is also used to protect international shipping, like in Somalia where international fishing fleets have robbed Somali fishermen of the fundamental elements of their existence. Finally, international shipping is more than just a method of transport for the global economy. It is in itself a primary cause of climate change. Approximately 5% of Global Greenhouse Emissions are produced by the shipping industry. Container ship fuel is basically toxic waste left over from petrol production, containing high amounts of sulphur and mercury. And like international flights, nobody is responsible for shipping industry emissions under the Kyoto Protocol. Climate justice and real social change will not come from above. Effective change has to come from everyone – affected, responsible, and observer. True change has to be organized and realized by people all over the world – all people on the streets and in the fields. We say no to the power of governments, companies and so-called non-government organisations which are only interested in maintaining their power, influence and flows of capital. We will try to stop this madness for a day. Fighting for climate justice means changing our economic system and this needs to happen here in the rich global north, which reaps the most benefits from the disaster. For the free flow of people and ideas, instead of flows of goods to benefit the few. Contact htp@riseup.net to get involved with planning the action, or come to one of our next meetings: Berlin October 3-4 & Copenhagen October 18. Website: http://www.climate-justice-action.org |
Lees meer over: europa G8 globalisering natuur, dier en mens vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  | nn | nn - 23.09.2009 04:05
Is er ook al een Nederlandse groep actief? Zou tof zijn er anders eentje op te zetten een een meeting te plannen. En dan niet met de IS of een andere groep maar meer 'autonoom' om het zo maar te zeggen. | kopenhagen | ua - 23.09.2009 12:48
Naast de grote NGO campagne beat the heat now (met oa greenpeace en milieudefensie), zijn clubs als groenfront en IS bezig zichzelf te organiseren. Daarnaast is gisteravond op de Universiteit van Amsterdam succesvol een studentencampagne van start gegaan, die ook gaan mobiliseren. Let op dat bij Beat the Heat ook politieke partijen, bedrijven en minister cramer betrokken zijn, maar dat organisaties als milieudefensie OOK oproepen om te gaan demonstreren rond de 12e.
| Er wordt aan gewerkt | COP15 mobilisatie - 24.09.2009 02:11
Er is in Nederland al een groepje bezig met de mobilisatie voor de COP15 in Kopenhagen. Er is een bus van Theaterstraat gereserveerd en er worden plannen ook vanuit Nederland plannen gemaakt voor acties in december. Binnenkort zal er meer informatie worden gepubliceerd over infoavonden in diverse steden. Maar als je er zelf eentje in jouw woonplaats zou willen regelen moet je maar even contact opnemen. Dat kan via Ook op de bovenstaande website van het Climate Justice Action netwerk zal binnenkort informatie over de mobilisatie in Nederland verschijnen. E-Mail: cop15mobilisatie@riseup.net | |
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