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Alfredo Bonanno in Griechenland festgenommen upsala - 02.10.2009 23:38
Der italienische Anarchist Alfredo Maria Bonanno wurde gestern gemeinsam mit einer anderen Person aus Griechenland verhaftet. Ihnen wird ein bewaffneter Raubueberfall in einem Bankinstitut der Stadt Trikala vorgeworfen. Die genaueren Informationen sind bisher zu vage um diese hier zu berichten. Soweit nur die Basics. Laut seiner Lebensgefaehrtin geht es Bonanno gut soweit. A. Bonanno ist bekannt fuer seine provokative Form des Schreibens. 1977 wurde er fuer seinen Text "Die bewaffnete Freude" deswegen 1 1/2 Jahre eingesperrt. Er ist Autor vieler Texte, unter anderen, "Die anarchistische Spannung," "Lasst uns die Arbeit zerstoeren," "Vom Zentrum zur Peripherie," "Distruggiamo la religione," etc. 1997 wurde er vom italienischen Staatsanwalt Marini und den italienischen Behoerden als Fuehrer einer fiktiven anarchistischen Bande (ORAI-Revolutionaere Anarchistische Insurrektionalistische Organisation) bezeichnet und zu 6 Jahren Knast verurteilt. Damals schon wurden Reden die er im Hoersaal der Uni von Thessaloniki - Griechenland hielt, als "Geheimtreffen" bezeichnet und gegen ihn im italienischen Verfahren verwendet. 2003 musste er dafuer 2 Jahre in Triest absitzen und weiters in Hausarrest. Nach letzten Infos wird er am Montag dem Richter vorgefuehrt. Ueber die zweite Person ist nur das Alter offiziell bekanntgegeben: 46 Jahre. |
Lees meer over: wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | english translation | nn666 - 03.10.2009 02:58
'Alfred Bonanno arrested in Greece' The Italian anarchist Alfred Bonnano was arrested in Greece yesterday, together with another person. They are being accused of an armed bank robbery in the city Trikala. The detailed information until now is too vague to describe here, hence only the basics. So far Bonanno is doing ok, according to his partner. A. Bonanno is known for his provocative form of writing. In 1977 he was imprisoned for a year and a half because of his text "The armed joy". He is the author of many texts, such as "The anarchist tension", "Let's destroy work, let's destroy the economy", "From the center to the periphery"(?), "Distruggiamo la religion" etcetera.* In 1997 he was said to be the leader of a fictitious anarchist group (ORAI - Insurrectionalist Anarchist Revolutionairy Organization) by the Italian prosecuter Marini and the Italian authorities, and was sentenced to six years in prison. Even back then the talks he held in the auditorium of the Thessaloniki university in Greece were said to be 'secret meetings' and were used against him in the Italian process. In 2003 he had to serve two years for this in Triest, and further in house arrest. According to the latest info he will be brought in front of a judge on Monday. The only thing that was officially announced considering the other person is his age, which is 46. * some of the names of the bonanno texts are not correctly translated (or not at all) because i can't find the texts in english.
| nn | nn - 03.10.2009 16:40
translated from greek indymedia (athens.indymedia.org): 2 people were arrested for a robbery in Trikala city. The holdup that occurred this morning in the center of Trikala city was solved. The culprits of the robbery are a 46 years old greek and a 70 years old of italian nationality. The robbery occurred at 10.35am this morning. The 46yo, camouflaged with a wig and a mustache and wearing myopia glasses and a jockey hat, came in the branch bank and under the threat of an armed gun, he took the sum of 46.900 euros from the registers. After he came out of the bank he gave the money and the gun to his 70yo accomplice and then he left alone with a rented car. The 46 yo was however arrested 20 minutes later from police officers who had set a road block on the 6th km of Trikala-Kalampaka highway. The arrested were lead to the district attorney and accused. --- see also
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