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Monday, Oct. 19th: Rebel Clowns Info Night Rebelact - 16.10.2009 13:37
Wanna know more about rebel clowning? Join the info night Monday, Oct. 19th in the Pepper, Overtoom 301, Amsterdam. Introduction with films about past, present and future of unpredictable red nose interventions. The night organised by the clowns of Rebelact will start 20.00 (door open 19.30). A night not only about what the clowns did: we're also going to tell you about an exciting secret mission, everyone's welcome to join on a Saturday night in October! And how to join the RABBIT weekend (Friday evening, Nov. 13th - Sunday, Nov. 15th) the Rebel Act Big Basic Intervention Training - needed if you wish to join the Amsterdam Rebel Clowns The info night and training will be in English. 2 years of rebel clowning in and outside Amsterdam: clown cleaners (cleaners campaign), Inspector Green, Grün and Vert, Operation Enduring Fooldom, First BP gasstation closed down (Hands off Iraqi Oil campaign), Church of Holy Consumption, Clownpatistas, Rita Fanclub Edam, National Apathy Party, temporary freed zone in 3rd Oosterparkstraat, Princes Day and the Clowny Family, Piggy Riot Police, Pink Cheerleaders, Clown Police, Apokaputalism Now! Zombie Walk, Toilet Business - economic crisis results, 60 years NATO - 60 years 'Culture of War', National Duckies Front, 'Everything under control with Medvedev in town', National White Bride Front. The Amsterdam rebel clowns also joined actions like Nato Game Over (Brussels, 2008), Euromayday (Aachen 2008), Stop Straathof (mega pig stable), Tierra y Libertad Solidarity Festival and more. E-Mail: rebelact@ddh.nl Website: http://www.rebelact.nl |
Lees meer over: Agenda anti-fascisme / racisme globalisering kunst, cultuur en muziek militarisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | flyer | rebelact - 16.10.2009 14:02
 hier de flyer | Maandag, 19 okt: Rebel Clowns Info Avond | Rebelact - 16.10.2009 14:30
Wil je wat meer weten over rebel clownen? Kom naar de info avond op maandag 19 oktober in De Peper(OT301), Overtoom 301 in Amsterdam. Introductie met films over heden, verleden en toekomst van onvoorspelbare rode neuzen interventies. De avond die georganiseerd wordt door de clowns van Rebelact start om 20.00 uur (deur open: 19.30) Het is niet alleen maar 'n avond over wat de clowns gedaan hebben: we gaan je ook wat vertellen over 'n opwindende geheime missie waar iedereen aan kan deelnemen op 'n zaterdagavond in oktober! En hoe je aan het RABBIT weekend mee kunt doen (vrijdagavond, 13 nov. - zondag 15 nov.) de Rebel Act Big Basic Intervention Training - nodig als je je bij de Amsterdamse rebel clowns wilt aansluiten. De info avond en training is in het Engels (maar ook vragen stellen in het Nederlands of 'n andere taal kan) 2 jaar rebel clownen in en buiten Amsterdam: clown cleaners (schoonmakers campagne), Inspector Green, Grün and Vert, Operation Enduring Fooldom, First BP gasstation closed down (Hands off Iraqi Oil Campaign), Church of Holy Consumption, Clownpatistas, Rita Fanclub Edam, National Apathy Party, temporary freed zone in 3rd Oosterparkstraat, Princes Day and the Clowny Family, Piggy Riot Police, Pink Cheerleaders, Clown Police, Apokaputalism Now! Zombie Walk, Toilet Business - economic crisis results, 60 years NATO - 60 years 'Culture of War', National Duckies Front, 'Everything under control with Medvedev in town', National White Bride Front. De Amsterdamse rebel clowns deden ook mee aan acties zoals Nato Game Over (Brussel, 2008), Euromayday (Aken 2008), Stop Straathof (mega varkensstallen), Tierra y Libertad Solidarity Festival, enz. E-Mail: rebelact@ddh.nl Website: http://www.rebelact.nl | |
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