7 Nov: Event Uzbekistandards – The forgotten dictatorship Press Now - 22.10.2009 13:33
Deze hele dag staat in het teken van het regime van President Karimov in Oezbekistan. Vluchtelingen, journalisten, wetenschappers, schrijvers en politici zullen allemaal hun licht op dit vergeten land laten schijnen en hun expertise delen. Ook zijn er films over o.a. katoen en kinderarbeid, het bloedbad in Andijan en mensenrechtenactivisten in Oezbekistan.      uzbekistandards The forgotten dictatorship Uzbekistan is a country of double standards. Lying between the Caucasus and China, its impressive landscape, its beautiful historical sites and rich cultural traditions - formed during periods of Turko-Persian, Islamic, Mongolian and Russian dominance - go hand in hand with the present-day authoritarian regime of President Karimov. During his twenty year rule, child labour, torture, disappearances and media censorship have flourished. Beyond attention to the country for strategic interests such as large gas reserves, military bases and the access it provides to Afghanistan, Uzbekistan is largely ignored by the rest of the world. Did you for instance know that cotton from Uzbekistan is some of the best there is? Did you know that young children are employed to pick the cotton for the t-shirt you may be wearing? On Saturday 7 November we want to offer you a window on Uzbekistan. Writers, poets and journalists will light your way with their inspiration and real life stories. Round table discussions and lively talk shows with Dutch politicians and experts will provide an opportunity to ask questions and get answers on this forgotten dictatorship. For the first time ever in the Netherlands, a mini Uzbek film festival takes place. An exclusive selection of films and documentaries will be shown non-stop. Also, there will be a photo exhibition and a collection of Central Asian products, music and books. Join us for this ONE DAY EVENT! When: Saturday 7 November 2009 Time: 11:00 – 22:00 Compagnietheatre. Kloveniersburgwal 50, Amsterdam – Admission Free Please register & check on line for the full program at www.pressnow.nl Organisers: Press Now, Amnesty International, Alfred Mozer Stichting (AMS), Hivos, Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) PS: Volunteers to help us on the day are welcome! You can send an email to: event7november@gmail.com. Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=135932584344 Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=155510209672 Twitter: http://twitter.com/uzbekistandards Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/uzbekistandards Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/uzbekistandards Website: http://www.pressnow.nl |