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International call-out Squatterts Unite - 26.10.2009 04:31
This is an international call-out, to all who still believe in your so called religion. Read your holy scripts and tell us; What do your Gods and prophets say about your surplus property? Shall it not be for the alien, for the orphan, and for the widow? This is an international call-out, to all who still believe you own a house. You do not own a house, your bank owns your house. You only own your loans. If you believe your house is too expensive, it is only because you believe it is. Remember, 80 years ago, on Thursday the 24 of October 1929. When the international economy crumbled, you were reminded. Money isn't real Money is the illusion that is pulled over your eyes to enslave you. Money is created by the banks, to give power to the bank. To give power to the rich and to enslave the poor. If you still believe your bank is too powerful, it is only because you believe in its power. Stop paying your interest, do your own modern bank run. Your bank is a bottomless pit, stop pouring your money into it. We've seen the first banks crumble, and more will follow. Stop being a slave to your mortgage. Money isn't real, but your house is. Stop paying your interest, banks crumble. Your loan will disappear, but your houses won't. Stop paying your interest, and you become just like us. Money isn't real, but bricks are! This is an international call-out, to all who get rich by leaching on the housing shortage. Behold! We are your angry squatter, We will hunt you in your nightmares, For we are a great multitude, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, Indeed my name is Legion, for we are many And thus with violence shall you be thrown down, and found no more at all. Yes, you will get back your empty buildings. Thank your protestant political puppet Ten Hoopen. This is an international call-out, to all squatters. unite Come out come out wherever you are. For as of the 1st of January 2010 Indeed, we shall return to them their empty houses. ONE BRICK AT A TIME! E-Mail: squatters.unite@gmail.co Website: http://www.Money_isn'_ real.nl |
Lees meer over: Agenda wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | critics on this 'international call-out' | Free Natty - 29.10.2009 12:06
I do NOT support it's message, because of the following lines: ______________________________________________________________ "This is an international call-out, to all who still believe in your so called religion." "Stop paying your interest, and you become just like us." "Behold! We are your angry squatter, We will hunt you in your nightmares," "Indeed my name is Legion, for we are many And thus with violence shall you be thrown down, and found no more at all." "For as of the 1st of January 2010 Indeed, we shall return to them their empty houses. ONE BRICK AT A TIME!" _____________________________________________________________ "...to all who still believe in your so called religion." --- What about the thousands and thousands of squatters that are believers living on land that is not theirs (shantytowns, townships, bustees or basti, bidonvilles, favelas, etc.) and/or in houses they do not own? How international is this message really? And why would people want to send out a message in which they speak out this way towards those that do believe and are squatters themselves or are paying sympathy in words and deeds to squatter-communities worldwide?? What does it mean: "...and you become just like us.". --- There is no "us" in this context. There may be these and those, but as an international call-out no-one, principally, can speak in terms of "us", no matter the number that may support it (a number unknown always be a minority, as people are not being asked whether they can find themselves in such text; it's often just the same as in any 'group' of people: the loudy ones often act as if they are representative for the huge rest, and that's how it will get depicted in the media for which 'they' are attractive). "Behold! We are your angry squatter, We will hunt you in your nightmares," --- Yes, being angry is nothing wrong with in itself, as far as I'm concerned, but as I wrote in the above, I really question whether people find themselves in such rhetoric. I personally don't. We should positively transform our justified anger into strong and lasting deeds. This text carries bad vibes in my opinion. Especially the "Indeed my name is Legion"-part I find terrible... "Legion" is the name used in the Bible speaking about a multitude of demons. I would never choose to demonize squatters in ANY way. People do not know what this "Legion" stands for. It stands for the despicable Romans and their destructive Roman empire (that underlays our present Babylonian world system!). Romans that are depicted as swines, in whom Jesus Himself, standing at the side of the poor and needy, had send those demons to be thrown into the sea and get drowned. It are these 'demonic' powers that are associated with anything that lead people astray into greed, materialism and thing. So it's crazy in many ways to associate yourself with that. "And thus with violence shall you be thrown down, and found no more at all." --- Well, this "And thus" I believe one can forget about following what I wrote right above. Next, I find this text very much aggressive/violent and a call-out for using violence. And, looking at the message of this line, even very violent ("...and found no more at all."). This is a text carrying out a certain (unspecified) ideology as an 'international call-out' that I believe is sending out a wrong message to it's readers.. "For as of the 1st of January 2010 Indeed, we shall return to them their empty houses. ONE BRICK AT A TIME!" --- I personally would not use words that somehow is affirming the (Dutch) proposed anti-squat law as if realized, as it can still be rejected. The "one brick at a time!" I already said some things on that in the above comment. Therefore, I resist! Free Natty. _________________ Isaiah 5:8 Woe to those that add house to house and join field to field, until there's no room for anyone else | |
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