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Demo: No Peace with the police-state and repression. Autonome from Göttingen - 29.10.2009 00:57
Call-for-action. No Peace with the police-state and repression. 20 Years ago Conny Wessmann was hit fatally by a car while fleeing from the police. Conny and other Antifascists were on their way to support comrades, which were in a fight with Nazi-Skins in the center of Göttingen. We will take to the streets on the 14th of November to remember this day but also to criticize the cause of fascist violence and state-repression. Our goal is still a free society based on solidarity! Come to the demonstration an the 14th of November 2009 in Göttingen (Germany)! 15:00h | Gänseliesel | Göttingen  Poster No Peace with the police-state and repression. Twenty years ago, the police chased Conny Wessmann into the traffic, where she was caught by a car hitting her fatally. At the end of the 1980s a wide network of neo-fascist structures established itself in southern Niedersachsen. This gave militant Neo-Nazis the possibility to act more freely. The increasing amount of fascist violence led to an extension of antifascist self-defense in the region. Since then a high amount of information about Neo-Nazis and fascist violence was published to encounter the rising presence. The cops however didn't do much to stop the fascists. Instead, they publicly denied the problems by referring to the violence as clashes between rival youth groups. In the evening of the 17th of November 1989, again there was a fight between autonomous antifascists and Nazi-Skins in front of a café in the center of Göttingen. Another group of Antifas heard of the fight and went to the spot to support their comrades. The group, of which Conny Wessmann was part soon had to retreat though. On their way, they already had been massively threatened by uniformed police-officers and the "Zivile Streifenkommando" (ZSK - a special civil police-unit in Göttingen). The order, that the group should be "crushed" was spread through the police-radio. Without closing-off the road "Weender Landstraße", the police attacked the group and hunted Conny into the traffic. She got caught by a car and died immediately. One week after the murder, about 18.000 people joined a nation-wide demonstration in Göttingen. During the following months - until 1992 - remembrances at the place where she got killed were held on a regular base. Demonstrations in the years after Connys death also remembered Alex who was knifed by two known Nazi-Skins in Rosdorf during new-years eve 1990/1991. But Conny and Alex weren't the only victims dying by the hands of fascist terror and brutal repression in these years. In the course of the so-called "Wiedervereinigung" (the collapse of the socialist republic of Germany), nationalism and racism came to a peak. The chant "we are a people" was one of exclusion: Migrants got hunted down and killed in the context of spreading fascist ideologies. In Hoyerswerda, Rostock and Mannheim the houses of migrants got attacked and set on fire. Together, bourgeois racists and militant Neo-Nazis threatened and attacked migrants. Not only the media referred to the so called "full boat" (a metaphor used to legitimate the racist border-politics to keep migrants out of Germany). Also the Parliament used the racist mob and, as a matter of fact, abolished the law for asylum. "If you don't fight, you can't win." Sunny Omwenyeke member of The-Voice-Refugee-Forum As a reaction, left-wing groups formed themselves to supprt the so called illegalized people and to fight for a right to stay in Germany - such as the recent struggle against the mass-deportation of migrants to Kosovo. The support consisted of organizing hide-outs, demonstrations, campaigns against deportations, but also militant actions such as the arson of "Ausländerbehörden" (these are government institutions which are also responsible for the deportations of migrants). Migrants had already been subject of special laws for a long time (such as "Residenzpflicht" - the restriction of movement for migrants within Germany, "Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz" and the biometric control of their identity). Especially in the course of 11/9/2001 and the increased panic reactions concerning terrorism in the following years, some of these laws were applied to most of the population living in germany, which has since then been suspected of being terrorist or criminal at least. You can't get an official travel-documents anymore without having to give the government your fingerprint and a biometric photograph which are then saved in a central database. Simultaneously private-life is targeted by state-repression: At the beginning of the year a new law passed the german parliament which forces Internet- and phone-companies to save all forms of protocols about calls and mail-contact. Life can be spied on by on-line-searches of computers and CCTVs are installed in public places. Also the right to demonstrate is being restricted - which implies the restriction of means of action against government control. This new law basically legalizes the practices cops have been using to enforce repression on social movements anyway, such as the thorough documentation of demonstrations by the means of cameras and photographs. Moreover: the vague vocabulary gives the police a wide range of options to criminalize any form of protest, while having the law on their side. People announcing or organizing manifestations risk high fines and even jail-time. As an emancipatory movement, we are in a constant antagonism towards the political and economic system in Germany. A system, that follows capitalist ideologies, which categorizes human beings into labor-force and consumers and separates us by the means of competition. Human-beings are defined to be exchange-values and are forced to be variables in an alienating system. Even if issues such as governmental racism, acceptance of fascist ideologies, in-dignifying social-systems and unconscious treatment of natural-resources are seen as separate problems: They unite us in the struggle against this inhumane system! This struggle can't accept the boundaries of bourgeois law. Exclusion and exploitation are to be responded to with solidarity against repression and in our social struggles. We need a free society. "Our lives imply loveliness, openness, friendship, courage to resist, to create a utopia and the hope that it will turn to the best right here. People who are alive in this sense, have to ask questions, can't accept inhumane conditions. They have to resist, have to fight against those who despise this liveliness and who profit from this inhumanity." (Quoted from a call-to-action after the murder of Conny 1989) Our goal is still a society free from rule, based on solidarity. Autonomous spaces fought for, such as collective housing, "Wagenburgen", Women/Lesbian-Centers or autonomous youth and cultural centers are mere stepping stones on our path. In these we experiment ways of acting together on the base of solidarity and to break out of the isolation and competition. And - of course - those spaces are also places to retreat, to find a certain amount of safety from racist, sexist and fascist ideologies and behavior. So: The demonstration on the 14th of November is an expression of our permanent antagonism towards the system - to finally get to a free society. We will continue, courageous and determined! Come to the demonstration on the 14th of November in Göttingen (Germany) The reason for this demonstration make the cops even more uncalled-for than they are anyway. So: No presence of cops before, during and after the demonstration! For more information (in German) check:
http://www.inventati.org/ali/ (call-for-action available in English)
http://www.redical.antifa.net/ Website: http://conny2009.blogsport.de/ |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme feminisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | |