Informatie voor Kopenhagengangers Climate Justice Action - 02.11.2009 19:18
Voor wie naar Kopenhagen gaat.. Vanuit Nederland zal in elk geval een bus naar Kopenhagen rijden. De bus vertrekt op donderdag 10 december en komt zondag 20 december weer terug in Nederland. Als je met deze bus mee gaat kunt je dus aan alle in de tweede conferentieweek geplande acties meedoen. De kosten voor een retourticket zijn 80 euro. Zelf liften, treinen, varen of fietsen kan natuurlijk ook. Als je mee wilt stuur dan snel een emailtje. Newsletter on preparations and logistics concerning COP15 in Copenhagen Dec09 This is a newsletter on the logistics concerning COP15, regarding what we know so far and what we are planning. Some things still haven’t been sorted out yet as bureaucracy in Denmark works very slow. This is the second edition, we'll be doing at least a third one just before the COP. Don’t panic if you arrive in CPH during COP15 not knowing how everything works. Just go to an info-point, all of which are currently being figured out; some will be centrally located around the Klimaforum09 and central station and some in Christiania and in the convergence center in Nørrebro. See map below for details. If you have any questions concerning logistics, inputs, requests or anything else that we haven’t thought of, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Best regards, Logistic-group of Climate Collective, Denmark // Accommodation: To better organize accommodation for all of you, we would love if you could let us know you are coming, if you need us to provide you with a sleeping place. We are not asking you to register! You just have to tell us how many people you are coming with, from when to when, and, only if you like to, you can leave us a name, a contact and your country of origin. Please fill the form in only if you need to be accommodated by us! You can find the form here: As it looks right now there are 3 different possibilities concerning accommodation. 1. Communal accommodation: The situation is that we are (still) negotiating with the local municipality of Copenhagen in order to get access to big sports halls and schools in the area of Copenhagen to use for accommodation. We are doing it on a non-registration base. Accommodation will be free, but of course always happy about donations, as there will be some expenses for e.g. heating and electricity. The sites will feature the basics; heat and proper sanitary conditions. Not all sites may have access to showers, but in that case shower locations will be made available elsewhere in the city, although this might include a small user payment. Currently, we have several sites on our hands: 1. Two vacant schools, Frederikssundsvejen and Voldparken schools, both with showers, toilets and heating and Frederikssundsvejen will host a kitchen. - At the moment it looks like there'll be some additional funding, earmarked for us, from the municipality for renting additional sites. - We're mapping and working on vacant buildings in Copenhagen and establishing contact with Copenhagen Project House, already working with this. 2. Rooms at unions, some with showers. - Among other, we have confirmed space at the union of the children's social workers. - We're still collecting support and building relations with unions, so hopefully more to come. 3. Flydende By, Floating City, has finally been granted a number of large industrial halls and buildings in Copenhagen's South Harbour and we will be turning these into accommodation and social sites. 4. Rooms in community centers, both in Nørrebro and the South Harbor. In the nearest future, we will compile the different sites, get an overview and distribute more specific information. During the summit, you can always just go to an info point (see below), when you arrive to Copenhagen to know where accommodation is available. The info points will also be reachable by phone, again details will come out in a later update. We expect the halls to open for accommodation from when the summit starts, but we’ll also be able to accommodate people in the run up – so you're more the welcome to come early and help out. Contact us by mail if you need accommodation before the COP starts. 2. Private accommodation with (random) locals: If you want to sleep privately, sent an email to: (the deadline for sign up is the 8th of November) It’s an art project, in order to get people together. Everyone within an hour of transportation from Copenhagen can sign up as a host. The host and guest are put together randomly, so you can’t choose your host. Go to the website to check out details. This option involves some registration and centralized, bureaucratic distribution. 3. Private accommodation with Danish activists: If you have particular reasons for not wanting to use the communal accommodation, which we advise you to as much as possible, you can stay with local Danish activists and avoid to go through the general public sign-up (New Life Copenhagen, see above), you are asked to use the following email-address. Please send us an e-mail, containing name, how many you will like to stay together (if you don’t mind staying individually, please state so in the mail), if possible the duration of your stay and contact information. You will then receive a mail with contact info of your host a few weeks before the COP15, so you can do the actual arranging yourself. We cannot guarantee people a spot though. Please note, that the Danish scene can only provide sleeping opportunity for a limited number of guests. Food: People’s kitchens will be set up on central spots in Copenhagen, such as info points, accommodation spaces, when possible, and in areas of activist activities. The biggest kitchen will be placed close to KlimaForum, and the Central station, at an infopoint. Other big kitchens will be at Folkets in Nørrebro and at Nemoland in Christiania. All kitchens will need volunteers during the hole period. Food will be brought out to the larger demos and actions. We will have to ask for donations, around 20 DKK (2-3 Euros) per meal. Also we are sending a call out to all vegetarian restaurants, cafe's and walk by shops, to have special low cost offers. If you’re part of a people’s kitchen planning to come for the COP15 and have not been in contact with us yet, please contact the logistics-group at: for coordination. Info points: Info points will be set up several places in Copenhagen and we are trying to mobilize Danish organizations and groups to help out, but international volunteers will be needed, especially as groups taking on organizing the management of a specific site. Sites: (see map below for exact location) - On the Central Station, primarily as an information and “redirection” stand - In Råhuset next to one of the communal kitchens by KlimaForum09 nearby the Central Station - In the convergence center Støberiet on Nørrebro - In Christiania, near the communal kitchen - On the social center Bolsjefabrikken, The Candy Factory in Copenhagen North-West area So far we're thinking that the info points would be places with: - Information on various practical matters and contacts, furthermore info on the following: - Food and accommodation space - Geography of Copenhagen (maps) - Legal rights, trauma and medics - Free internet services, with some computers available - Hot drinks for freezing temperatures - Free shop (with warm clothes, etc.) … Please send any more features you would suggest. Convergence centers: We are working with a few convergence centers spread around the central parts of Copenhagen. To clarify, when speaking of a convergence center we talk of both a social space to relax, discuss and research, a space for practical and other preparations and containing facilities like medics and trauma. Sites: (see map for exact locations) - The “main” convergence, Støberiet on Blågårds Plads on Nørrebro, which will feature medics, trauma support, legal aid, meeting and social spaces and info point. - Bolsjefabrikken, The Candy Factory, which is a social center in Copenhagen NW (next to Nørrebro). This will be a more practical center featuring workshop areas with tools and accessories, kitchen, social and meeting spaces and an info point. - A smaller convergence, Råhuset by KlimaForum09 on Vesterbro. This will primarily feature a social space and info point, also some KlimaForum09 activities and more. It is located next to the main communal kitchen. - The House of Solidarity on Nørrebro will feature a be-the-media activist centre open for everyone. It’s located very close to the “main” convergence, Støberiet. Legal rights: A legal team of law-students has been set up in Copenhagen. They have worked out a paper on basic rights in Denmark for Danes and foreigners, see attached file. They are in contact with lawyers and will work from their office during the whole period of the COP. Meanwhile we are setting up a prison solidarity support group, that will do the overall coordination of legal aid and prison support. They will be based in Støberiet, the main infopoint at Nørrebro. So if you have any legal issue or question, go to Støberiet. Then they can redirect you to the office of the legal team if it’s needed (which is very close to Støberiet). If you or your group wants to work on legal aid during the COP, please contact, for coordination. Border control: We strongly recommend you to bring your passport even though you are travelling from a country member of Schengen. People going to the G8-summit in Rostock in 2008 were checked at the Danish/German border and people not possessing a passport were immediately sent back. We expect the same to happen during the COP15. Border support teams are being set up at the German/Danish border and the Swedish/Danish border, together with lawyer support from Copenhagen. There will be organized pick up spots for people being denied entrance. We will have more specific information on this in the final newsletter, such as phone number, etc. If you’re a group working with border issues, please contact, for coordination. Visas: From some countries, including all Schengen countries, you don´t need a visa. See the list in the following link to see if you need one: PLEASE BE AWARE: It can take up to 8 weeks to get a visa, and costs around 60 Euros. If you need a visa then you need to start the process immediately. How to apply, go to: To get a visa you need a reference in Denmark. The easiest and most direct way to get a visa is to go through KlimaForum, it doesn’t matter if you don’t intend to participate in the forum. You need to fill out the attached spreadsheet in this mail and send it to: It would ease the process a lot if you register in groups. The deadline for registering is already the 6th of November. If you have any questions or concerns, please write us at To get a more detailed guide on how to apply for a visa, please write the email address above. Volunteers: We need your volunteer help to make our convergence on Copenhagen successful. Sign up both as an individual and even better as a group that is prepared to take on coordinating the logistics of a specific site for a specific period of time: - Keeping an eye on accommodation areas, media centers, etc.: Look after an area, give out basic infos and make sure everything runs smoothly (both day and night shifts will be needed) - Cooking food: chop veggies in one of the many communal kitchens and save the starving activists! - Working in an Info point: Give out info of all kinds about town and COP15. You will be given all the info you might need, but it might help if you know Copenhagen, COP15 or the alternative activities a bit beforehand. - Working as IT and technical support (media center): help solving any kind of IT crisis we might face - Coordinating volunteers: You will be in charge of coordinating one group of volunteers connected to one specific place/role. Coordinate and smoothen up shifts, time tables and so forth. - Driving/being a runner: Drive food around, go buying stuff or materials, etc - Making Propaganda, hand out flyers, put up posters - Translation: help us translating from and to different languages, both spoken and written (press releases etc.) You can sign up here: If you have questions write an email to Medics and trauma support: For both the medics and trauma support, there are Danish groups coordinating affinity groups from a series of countries. Both groups will have a central area in the convergence center Støberiet, as well as other locations. Are you an affinity group or individual doing medic work, please write Are you an affinity group or individual doing trauma support, please write Kids: There will so far be one medium sized space for kids to hang out. This space will be organized in collaboration with The Bottom meeting in Christania, and will need some parents to help out, take turns etc. We don’t really have an overview of what is needed in relation to kids, so if you’re interested - send an email to We hope to make another space for kids if it's needed. We are planning to reserve some accommodation places/room for families, see more on accommodation above. What to bring: - Warm clothes, average temperature in DK in December is between 5 and 0 degrees Celsius, and at night below zero. - Rain clothes, as it can be raining a lot, but usually snow will not come until January. - Money for donations for food and to cover other needs. - Sleeping bag and sleeping pad (if sleeping privately, ask your host what's necessary) Transport: Transport to Copenhagen: People are coming from all directions to the COP, try to hook up with someone already planning to come. The website is gathering all information on how people come here if they have place for others. So if you have place for others, (for instance) with a bus, download the form here fill it out, and send it to Then people have the possibility to find you. If you want to hook up with other to come, check out the practical info section in a few days or click on the “Converge on CPH” button on the webpage. Information will be updated constantly, so keep your eyes open and let us know how you are coming as soon as you decide. Transport within Denmark: Danish Railways: . Right corner to switch to English. It’s easiest to use the “journey planner”. In order to go to KlimaForum09, get off at “Hovedbanegården”, which is the main station. In order to go to Nørrebro with convergence centers, info points etc. get off at “Nørreport st.” (but be aware that all trains don't stop there). See map for details. Maps: Go to this website to see overview of locations of interests during COP15. The map will be updated continuously.,12.589989&spn=0.08769,0.307274&z=12&msid=110184864820337772851.0004721cd3e3063d58abf Pledging and donations: In order to set up this infrastructure in Copenhagen and plan the different CJA actions it requires quite a lot of money. Contribution is always needed, you can of course make a contribution when coming to COP15, but it’s actually a bigger help for us if we have it beforehand. Organizations/groups/network/individuals can transfer money using this information: IBAN: DK2484010001125014 SWIFT-code: VEHODK22 for international currency except Euros MEKUDK21 for Euros As an individual it might be easier just using paypal, se more here: If you’re having problems transferring money or so, please write to: Where to find more information: Climate Collective is a network of Danish groups and individuals that coordinate and organize activities and actions related to climate change from an ant capitalistic stance. Towards COP15, Climate Collective is mobilizing, particularly in Denmark, and is organizing and coordinating logistics. CJA is a broad international network, with member organizations from all over the world. They are planning actual actions in Copenhagen during the COP and putting an effort to coordinate mobilization worldwide along with doing solidarity work with the Global South. Klimaforum09 is also referred to as “The alternative summit”. It will take place during the same time as COP15. Klimaforum09 is organized by a broad coalition of Danish and international environmental movements and civil society organizations. Go to their website to learn more about the declaration-process and the program. The Never Trust A COP network was formed in April 2009 by individuals who want to link social struggles and climate activism based on an anti-capitalist analysis to mobilize against the COP15 summit. E-Mail: Website: |