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Defend the freedom to protest in Denmark Cop15 Mobilisatie - 03.11.2009 13:05
The climate summit in Copenhagen 2009 is of historic importance for people all over the planet. It is crucial that this summit is held in a country that respects democratic participation so all voices can be heard. The new law package presented by the Danish government, if implemented, will cause polarization, confusion and passivity. These new laws must be stopped! The climate summit in Copenhagen 2009 is of historic importance for people all over the planet. It is crucial that this summit will be held in a country that have respect for democratic participation so all voices can be heard. The new law package against "trouble makers" presented to the parliament by the government in Denmark is limiting democratic participation. It is according to the ministry of justice not directed against persons committing harmful acts. Instead the proposed law package that severely sharpens punishment including turning acts that previously resulted in a fine into crimes causing unconditional prison terms is directed against people that are in the vicinity of disturbances and accused of hindering the police in their work. This is a threat to democratic participation during the summit and in the future. The new law package, if its implemented, will cause polarization, confusion, and promote passivity. This is not useful in the situation we are in faced with the climate crisis. We support trade unions, environmental and other organizations in Denmark in their protest against the law package. We see it as unacceptable that the host country of the historic climate summit is limiting democratic participation and call for rejection of the new law package. SIGN THE PETITION HERE: http://danlaw.epetitions.net/ JOIN THE MOBILISATION: International grassroots: http://www.climate-justice-action.org European autonomous: http://nevertrustacop.org Mass direct action: Hit The Production: http://htp.noblogs.org/ Mass direct action: Pushing for Climate Justice: http://www.climate-justice-action.org/mobilization/reclaim-power-pushing-for-climate-justice/ E-Mail: Cop15mobilisatie@riseup.net Website: http://www.climate-justice-action.org |
Lees meer over: europa globalisering militarisme natuur, dier en mens vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | Convoy of dutch riot vans | nn - 03.11.2009 13:46
In order to make repression possible on the other side of the countryborders the dutch ministery of foreign affairs has lend some riot vans of the dutch police force to the danish police. See the film for footage of the convoy and some report bit. (especially funny is the danish cop saying he has been in holland before to borrow riot vans in 2007 because there was a shortage in denmark.... ungdomshuset anyone?)
http://www.nos.nl/nosjournaal/artikelen/2009/11/3/031109_me_bussen.html Om repressie mogelijk te maken aan de andere kant van de grens heeft het ministerie van buitenlandse zaken enkele ME bussen van de nederlandse politie aan de deense politie geleend. Zie het filmpje voor beelden van het convooi en een kleine reportage. (erg grappig is de deense agent die zegt dat hij eerder in nederland is geweest om ME bussen te lenen in 2007, toen was er kennelijk ook een tekort.... zei iemand daar ungdomshuset?) Website: http://www.nos.nl/nosjournaal/artikelen/2009/11/3/031109_me_bussen.html | * | * - 08.11.2009 16:23
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