REMINDER: 7 Nov Uzbekistandards,The forgotten dictatorship Press Now - 04.11.2009 21:32
Zaterdag 7 nov (11-22) staat in het teken van het regime van President Karimov in Oezbekistan. Vluchtelingen, journalisten, wetenschappers, schrijvers en politici zullen allemaal hun licht op dit vergeten land laten schijnen en hun expertise delen rond veel verschillende thema's. Ook zal er een mini Oezbeeks filmfestival zijn met exclusieve films en documentaires.  1 van de 5 flyers  achterkant UZBEKISTANdards The forgotten dictatorship Uzbekistan is a country of double standards. Lying between the Caucasus and China, its impressive landscape, its beautiful historical sites and rich cultural traditions - formed during periods of Turko-Persian, Islamic, Mongolian and Russian dominance - go hand in hand with the present-day authoritarian regime of President Karimov. During his twenty year rule, child labour, torture, disappearances and media censorship have flourished. Beyond attention to the country for strategic interests such as large gas reserves, military bases and the access it provides to Afghanistan, Uzbekistan is largely ignored by the rest of the world. Did you for instance know that cotton from Uzbekistan is some of the best there is? Did you know that young children are employed to pick the cotton for the t-shirt you may be wearing? On Saturday 7 November we want to offer you a window on Uzbekistan. Writers, poets and journalists will light your way with their inspiration and real life stories. Round table discussions and lively talk shows with Dutch politicians and experts will provide an opportunity to ask questions and get answers on this forgotten dictatorship. For the first time ever in the Netherlands, a mini Uzbek film festival takes place. An exclusive selection of films and documentaries will be shown non-stop. Also, there will be a photo exhibition and a collection of Central Asian products, music and books. Join us for this ONE DAY EVENT! WHEN: Saturday 7 November 2009 TIME: 11:00 – 22:00 Compagnietheatre. Kloveniersburgwal 50, Amsterdam – ADMISSION FREE Please register & check on line for the full program at Organisers: Press Now, Amnesty International, Alfred Mozer Stichting (AMS), Hivos, Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) Working language: English Facebook group: Facebook event: Twitter: Youtube: Flickr: Sign Amnesty International's PETITION to release Salidzhon Abdurakhmanov, Uzbek human rigts defender and one of the few independent journalists, from prison. After an unfair trial he was sentenced to 10 years for the supposed possession of drugs. PROGRAMME FIRST FLOOR 11.00 – 11.15 Opening and welcome by Leon Willems, director Press Now and Antoinette de Jong, central presenter , specialised on Afghanistan and Pakistan for NRC Handelsblad, VPRO, BBC 11.20 – 13.00 Talk show on how critique is expressed through the arts today with Hamid Ismailov, Uzbek writer, poet and journalist, Yodgor Obid, Poet, Yusup Razikov, film director and Laura Adams, sociologist, lecturer at Harvard University, co-Director of Harvard's Programme on Central Asia and the Caucasus Moderator: Elisabetta Plebani, Central Asia Programme at Press Now, former China and greater Asia correspondent, freelance journalist 13.00 – 14.00 One day from the life of… Reading of fragments from refugees’ stories, by Elisabeth Reijnders, performance artist 15.00 - 15.30 Presentation of Media Content Analysis. Uzbekistan in the Dutch media, Annemarie Kars, media analyst, currently working at "Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst”. 15.30 – 17.00 Panel Discussion on Dutch foreign policy and Dutch media on Uzbekistan Jan Marinus Wiersma, former Member of European Parliament for the Dutch Labour Party André Gerrits, Jean Monnet Professor of European Studies at the University of Amsterdam, and Member Expert of the Working Group EU-Central Asia Monitoring. Michel Krielaars, Russia correspondent NRC Handelsblad (life from Moscow) Moderator: Kirsten Meijer, senior project manager at Alfred Mozer Stichting (AMS) 17.00 – 17.30 Live skype connection with Uzbek youth on their life and work in modern Uzbekistan 19.00 – 20.30 The true cost of cotton, talk show on child labour in Uzbekistan, fair trade and Dutch policies with Gerard Oonk, expert on child labour policies; lobbyist, Rebecca Attwood, of Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF), member of parliament Joël Voordewind, member of parliament for the Christian Union, Maaike Schouten, sustainable cotton and textiles programme of Solidaridad. Moderator: Antoinette de Jong, journalist 20.30-21.00 Conclusion of the event Uzbekistandards, the forgotten dictatorship MINI FILM FESTIVAL – Uzbekistan in focus Non-stop films and documentaries– from 11am to 22.00 GROUND FLOOR 11.00 – 11.30 The first stop, (documentary 2006), by Shukhrat Makhmutov Children that have run away from home are living on the streets. Some of them are very young. Policemen have to decide whether to send them back home or to an orphanage. 11.40 – 12.00 Andijan and Uzbekistan Today (2009), by True Heroes Films. Witnesses tell their stories on what many call “the Andijan massacre” that occurred when Uzbek Interior Ministry and National Security Service troops fired into a crowd of peaceful protesters in Andijan, Uzbekistan on 13 May 2005. Estimates of those killed on 13 May range from between 187, the official count of the government, and 5,000 people, with most outside reports estimating several hundred dead. 12.00 – 12.15 Black Ashes, (documentary 1997), by Shukhrat Makhmutov Film about the production of Caracul fur from sheep in Uzbekistan. This is done in an inhumane way. The film received several prices at the International Film Festivals of Tokyo and St. Petersburg. 12.25 – 13.40 The burden of virginity (2009), by Oleg Karpov and Umida Ahmedova. This is the first Uzbek movie, raising important issue not only for Uzbekistan, but also for all oriental countries. The film focuses on preserving the virginity by the wedding ceremony. The controversy of the topic promised higher attention of the public. 13.50 – 14.30 Uzbek Poetry Readings Hamid Ismailov, and Yodgor Obid, hosted by Albana Shala 14.40 – 16.10 The Orator. (1998), by Yusup Razikov. A historical drama set in the 1930’s. The Red Revolution changes the life of the poor Iskander. He has three wives, harmoniously co-existing in his home, and now he finds a fourth, Mariam, who is head of the Revolutionary Committee. This epic story starts ironic and ends as a philosophical reflection. 16.20 – 17.10 Letter from prison. (2008)Amnesty International portrait about human rights activist Mutabar Tajibaeva. After the massacre in Andjian on May 13, 2005, Mutabar criticized the authorities and she was falsely convicted to eight years of prison. She has been released under international pressure. About her imprisonment, suffering and grief. Mutabar Tajibaeva will be on life skype connection from Paris and will take questions after the viewing 17.20 – 18.35 Between Heaven and Earth. (2007), by Frank van den Engel & Masha Novikova. Two circus artists, whose lifelong friendship under the dictatorship in Uzbekistan, are affected by the differing political choices they make under the dictatorship in Uzbekistan. 18.45 – 20.15 Oydinoy (2008). by Nazim Abbasov. This film is about the little girl Oydinoy, who lives in an Uzbek alpine village. Every morning Oydinoy leaves the house hoping that today she will be allowed to attend school. But she is not allowed because she is only 5. She lives in a dream world surrounded by wonderful people and animals, everything is kind and poetical. Barriers do not change her philosophy of life. The image of Oydinoy is hope and faith in this amazing and beautiful world 20.30 - 22.00 The Stowaway (1997), by Ben van Lieshout. Orazbaj, son of an unemployed Uzbekistan fisherman, is a stowaway on a ship towards New York. Stranded in Rotterdam he finds affection from the wife and son of a sailor man. Is he safe or shall the foreign affairs-police be informed about his illegal stay and send him back home to Uzbekistan? PARALLEL - FOYER Experience the real Uzbekistan! Photo exhibition – Cotton harvest Children at work. Experiment with “On the Ground Reporter”, a GAME empowered by Press Now Music, travel tips, Uzbek food and “Cook for Uzbekistan” with the Support group Undocumented women (SVZV) Website: |