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Calling All Students! Cop15 Mobilisatie - 05.11.2009 14:58
The COP15 Netherlands Mobilisation group is organising an info-tour of Dutch universities...get on board! On the 7th December 2009, governments and corporations of the world will come to Copenhagen for the 15th UN Climate Conference (COP-15). This will be the biggest summit on climate change ever to have taken place. But the UN climate talks will not solve the climate crisis. We are nocloser to reducing greenhouse gas emissions than we were when negotiations began 15 years ago: emissions are rising faster than ever, while carbon trading allows criminals to pollute and profit. In fact, the talks are legitimising a new colonialism that carves up the world’s remaining resources. Faced with the crisis of our civilisation, all we get is a political circus playing to the interests of corporations. Global grassroots movements are mobilising against the COP15 summit, linking social struggles and climate activism to mobilise tens of thousands of people across the world to take action during the summit. Climate Justice Action NL - the Dutch part of the international mobilisation - are organising a small info-tour of universities around the Netherlands. The talk will include info about the UNFCCC, the politics of climate change and the practicalities of going to Copenhagen (buses, food, accommodation, legal etc). The infotalks will be given in English, and will be accessible for all students, local or international, studying in the Netherlands. If you are prepared to host us for a talk, sometime between now and the end of November, get in touch at Cop15mobilisatie@riseup.net. JOIN THE MOBILISATION for COP15: International grassroots: http://www.climate-justice-action.org (Dutch: www.climate-justice-action.org/mobilisatie-in-nederland/?lang=nl) European autonomous: http://nevertrustacop.org Mass direct action: Hit The Production: http://htp.noblogs.org/ Mass direct action: Pushing for Climate Justice: http://www.climate-justice-action.org/mobilization/reclaim-power-pushing-for-climate-justice/ E-Mail: Cop15mobilisatie@riseup.net |
Lees meer over: europa gentechnologie globalisering militarisme natuur, dier en mens vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | uva-campagne | broeikasgasten - 05.11.2009 15:37
meer informatie over de campagne op de Universiteit van Amsterdam: www.broeikasgasten.nl Website: http://www.broeikasgasten.nl | Aims // | Pomos - 05.11.2009 16:17
So what is your goal in Copenhagen? | |
aanvullingen | |