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Turkse staat repressie van studentenbeweging Independent - 11.11.2009 02:11
Repressie tegen Turkse Studentenvakbond Repression of Turkish student union by state Op 17 november 2009 zal de Turkse staat pogen om de nationale studentenvakbond verder te criminaliseren. GENÇ-SEN werd opgericht in december 2007 en kan vanaf haar aanvang rekenen op de steun van 26 steden en 2500 actieve leden. Op de internationale dag van studentenactivisme zal de Turkse staat opnieuw proberen een sterke voorvechter van intern verzet proberen te breken. Niet zonder verzet en solidariteit. SOLIDARITY WITH THE STUDENT UNION OF TURKEY The Governorship of Istanbul on behalf of the Ministry of Interior has brought a court case against GENÇ-SEN claiming that the “Trade Union Act no. 2821 does not provide for the freedom of association for students”. The first hearing of the case was on 10th July 2008. The next and the fifth one will be on 17 November 2009. The attempt to ban GENÇ-SEN is a blatant attack on the fundamental right of freedom of association. There are student unions all over the world. The right of students to form a union is provided for by duly ratified international conventions and clause 90 of the Constitution. Turkey’s first student union GENÇ-SEN was founded in December 2007 and instantly attracted great interest across the country and brought students together. Branch and membership figures grew beyond our expectations. However since its foundation our branches were attacked one by one. Branch meetings were unlawfully barred posters and leaflets confiscated. Moreover some state officials again completely arbitrarily declared some of our branches ‘illegal’. Now such attacks have taken a leap towards banning our union altogether. The attack on our union and the freedom of association is neither unique nor a local exception. The local representatives of global powers that privatize and restructure education systems according to neo-liberal policies are trying to clear the market of each and every opposition. But they will not succeed. The attacks are rampaging globally but our fight back is global too. Hence our fight against these attacks should not just be a local affair. We call upon your solidarity. As a first step please fax protest letters to the Ministry of Interior and the Governorship of Istanbul. Also you are welcome to Ýstanbul for the hearing on 17th November 2009. Thank you for you support. Ministry of Interior, Fax: 0090 3124181795 Governorship of Ýstanbul, Fax: +90 212 512 20 86 |
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