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NATO SS? Czech troops wear Nazi insignia in Afghanistan zora - 17.11.2009 08:50
The NATO mission in Afghanistan has been shaken by the news that two Czech officers were found wearing Nazi insignia. The symbols of SS battalions on their helmets has resulted in the two men being suspended. Their commanding officer has also been suspended amid reports that he'd ordered a cover-up. The two soldiers recently returned from Afghanistan and received state awards. The NATO mission in Afghanistan has been shaken by the news that two Czech officers were found wearing Nazi insignia. The symbols of SS battalions on their helmets has resulted in the two men being suspended. Their commanding officer has also been suspended amid reports that he'd ordered a cover-up. The two soldiers recently returned from Afghanistan and received state awards. Two Czech soldiers were suspended along with their commander Monday after the soldiers were seen wearing Nazi insignia on their helmets while serving with the NATO-led force in Afghanistan. Defense Minister Martin Bartak said it was "unacceptable" that two soldiers had reportedly worn symbols of World War II Nazi SS divisions on their helmets while serving in Logar province, in central Afghanistan. In an interview with the Mlada Fronta Dnes daily, one of the men in question said his behavior was silly and caused by stress. He was shown in a photo wearing a helmet painted with the letter H and a sword on it, an emblem of the Hohenstaufen SS division. Their commander was suspended for allegedly knowing about the incident but failing to report it. According to newspaper reports, the scandal was discovered by a diplomat who complained about it back in Prague. Czech Republic has a 480-strong unit that serves with the NATO-led force in Afghanistan. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XhpWISmElc |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme militarisme | aanvullingen | |