The Return of No Future manuela - 17.11.2009 22:57
A team of people has organized a 1-day festival in reaction to the Ladyfest Rotterdam this weekend in EXIT, considered hypocritical because non respective of the political and d.i.y. tradition of this event. This Sunday 22 November in OCCII: a REAL grrrl-engined and non-commercial event as it's meant to be!  22 november zondag -- "THE RETURN OF NO FUTURE" grrrl-engined, D.I.Y., non-commercial, post-Ladyfest/post-Punk festival ***sunday 22 November*** Ladyfest is een internationaal festival dat aandacht vraagt voor de ondervertegenwoordiging van vrouwen in de muziekwereld. Van ritmesectie tot geluidstechniek tot management. Het festival is girl-powered maar staat open voor alle sexen. EVERYONE is invited! whom-/what-ever you are! ********************************************************** Dit is alweer de vierde keer dat er in Amsterdam een Ladyfest evenement wordt georganiseerd, door een groep anarcofeministen, muzikanten, aktivisten, en sympathizanten. Acts uit verschillende muzikale stijlen geven een beeld van de diversiteit van hedendaags feminisme. Met muziekacts in uiteenlopende stijlen en workshops over kunst en cultuur sprak Ladyfest een publiek aan dat los van de mainstream cultuur wilde denken en leven. Het festival is uitgegroeid tot een wereldwijd fenomeen. This year the manager of a record label has decided to organize an event at a commercial venue and call it "Ladyfest" (Rotterdam, 20-22 november, EXIT). He has put together a program with bands without a meaningful message, and without workshops or other political content. The event is over-priced and marketed without ideals. There are otherwise no women involved in the organization, and communication attempts with him have been refused. The team believes that this is disrespectful of the 10-year tradition of Ladyfest, and is encouraging the wrong image of "women (on stage)". We have decided to organize our own counter-event! ******************************************************** In de workhops kan je discussiëren over de vraag of feminisme nog nodig is en in welke vorm. 16:00 - 20:00 +Workshop: Writing an article (presented by LOVER magazine) +DISCUSSION PANEL "pOST-ladyfest, Post-punk: why still bother?" headed by a lady used to coordinating political debates at De Balie. We welcome people with an opinion, especially those against! +Workshop voor kinderen: maskers maken ******************************************************** RUBELLA BALLET (punk uit Groot-Britannië, with members of X-Ray Spex,, ANATOPIA (electropop, A'dam, with member of Caspian Hat Dance,, LAKE MONGOMERY (bluesy folk,, HOUSES (indie/pop, NL, ******************************************************** +Film screening: HerStory of Punk, interviews with members of Crass, the Adverts, Poison Girls, X-Ray Spex + more: ******************************************************** +DJ Power vs Power ( +VJ Nuns with Guns ( ******************************************************** FILM/CONCERTS START AT 20:00!!!!!! 6eur (Amstelveensweg 134, Amsterdam behind Vondelpark tram 1, 2, 17 Bus 15, Night buses!!!) Website: |