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breed of bread? | . - 18.11.2009 18:10
Ik mag hopen dat men bread en niet breed bedoelde. | more infos | someone - 18.11.2009 23:42
Here are some more information: There is a national socialist group called "AG - Ruhr Mitte" in Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW). They want to demonstrate in Recklinghausen, because they haven't organized a demonstration in NRW this year. Their slogan is "For Freedom, Work and Bread". They are publishing Flyers, in which they try to defame antifascist and want to explain that they will get back in the middle of the society. The "AG - Ruhr Mitte" is coordination network for neo nationalists in NRW, espacially from Marl, Recklinghausen and Dortmund. In Recklinghausen will be a converge center called "AKZ Recklinghausen". adress: Alternatives Kulturzentrum e.V. König-Ludwig-Str. 50 45663 Recklinghausen Here is the timetable for the antifacists actions on 27./28.11: Friday, 27th November (opened from 15:30) 15.30: Sleeping Place exchange 18.00: antifacists demonstration | Recklinghausen Central Station ab 21.00: Food (vegan) 22.00: Infobar + licence free cinema Samstag, 28th November ab 9.00: breakfast (vegan) – Stop the nazidemo - 18.00: bar 20.00: aftershow party If you need a sleeping place or any further information you can contact the mobilisation groups:
oa-recklinghausen@gmx.net PGP Key: http://www.oar.antifa.net/wp-content/offeneantifare.asc ------ Maybe someone can translate a few facts and infos into netherlands? Website: http://naziswegmoben.blogsport.de | |
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