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Berlin: Brunnenstraße 183 eviction now! urgent action! - 24.11.2009 15:49
The cops just arrived at the squat in Berlin Mitte (U8 Rosenthaler Platz) and seem determined to evict it.
Show your solidarity, galvanize and engage in DECENTRALIZED ACTIONS all over the city! Express your anger in various and creative ways!
REPOST THIS MESSAGE, spread it over your mailing list, wake up your flat mates and call your friends !
The cops shouldn't have any rest the next nights and days, keep them on the go! Organize demos / parties / riots!!!
Solidarity IS a weapon! Let hell break loose in Berlin!
Burn down your local german embassy!!! |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme europa militarisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | brunnenstrasse | nn - 24.11.2009 18:06
   picas | brunnenstrasse | nn - 27.11.2009 20:45
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aanvullingen | |