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5 december NO BERLUSCONI DAY arda - 03.12.2009 10:36
Saturday 5 December in Damsquare at 15.00 there will be a demonstration against Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, to sustain the national demostration in Rome with other demonstrations all over the world. Saturday 5 December in Damsquare at 15.00 there will be a demonstration against Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, to sustain the national demostration in Rome with other demonstrations all over the world.
http://www.noberlusconiday.org/?page_id=301 No Berlusconi Day’: Let’s save Italy, Let’s save democracy. Let’s ask for Berlusconi’s resignation We don’t know what will happen if Berlusconi finally resigns. And we believe that the false “fair play” of some of our opponents simply demonstrates a coward’s attitude to our democracy and they’ll have to in any case, answer for it to the voters. What we know for sure, is that Berlusconi is a very serious and dangerous anomaly in the framework of western democracy – as reinforced of late by the the international press that defines our government “a dictatorship”. We also know that he understands his political situation so well, that he constantly works to change laws and the Constitution for is own personal benefit. We can no longer aquiesce when confronted by the actions of a man who has taken our Country hostage fro more than 15 years and whose conception of the State and his position in it makes him hostile to every freedom of expression, as demonstrated by his recent attacks against the free press, satirists and the internet. We can no longer stay quiet when faced with theunscrupulousness of a man for whom the shadows of his recent past weigh heavily: his connections to the Mafia; his relations with members of the Mafia like Vittorio Mangano or Marcello Dell’ Utri, who has been found guilty of tax fraud, false accounting, and complicity in conspiracy with the Sicilian Mafia. |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme | aanvullingen | |