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eerste bezettingen in griekenland een feit.... NN - 03.12.2009 23:16
Breaking News: University Occupations ahead of the 6th of December have kicked off In Athens, the School of Economics (one of the strongholds of last December’s uprising) was announced to be closed indefinitely by the university’s adminstration under the ridiculous pretext of the …swine flu. Indeed, once the announcement was made, tens of swines (aka greek police) did show up at the gates of the university, swearing, beating and tear-gassing the students who immediately tried to occupy the campus to keep it open, ahead of the 6th of December. At least 50 students managed to smash open the gate and have made their way into the campus – they are now besieged by police. What happens at the School of Economics today is crucial ahead of Sunday, so those of you who are already in Athens please try make your way down there. Meanwhile in Thesssaloniki, the Theatre School (also a stronghold of the uprising last year) was today occupied by a large student assembly that was supported by the “Open Assembly for December”. More info on the Economics School as it comes. updates: Earlier this morning, comrades entered the Athens Polytechnic and issued a statement announcing they will be staying there, to keep the campus open ahead of the next days’ demonstrations. They are calling for an open assembly there at 9pm tonight. THE ECONOMICS SCHOOL IS NOW IN OUR HANDS TOO The cops have retreated. The gates of the school are wide open and an open assembly will be taking place there shortly.
http://www.occupiedlondon.org/blog/2009/12/03/134-breaking-news-university-occupations-ahead-of-the-6th-of-december-have-kicked-off/ |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | tension rises | nn - 03.12.2009 23:53
Exarchia protest Members of a residents’ association in the bohemian central Athens neighborhood of Exarchia said yesterday that they intend to file a suit against the police due to their behavior in the district. The residents said that they are unhappy that officers are allegedly repeatedly making unnecessary arrests and using violent methods to detain suspects. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATM theft Unidentified thieves yanked an ATM of Pancretan Bank from the wall in the Cretan port of Iraklio yesterday and fled with some 90,000 euros in cash the machine was believed to have contained. Police found two trucks, one mounted with a crane, and the tools believed to have been used by the thieves in the mountain village of Psiloriti, near Anogeia. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Political and social tension is rising across greece before the critical weekend (Saturday 5- Monday 7) that marks the first year anniversary of the assassination of Alexandros Grigoropoulos and the subsequent December Uprising. On the labour front, a series of sectors are restless. On Monday 30/11 Athens saw a demo of hospital doctors who went on a 24h strike in front of the Evangelismos hospital. At the same time nurses of the Agia Eleni hospital have occupied the management offices of the hospital demanding that employed nurses are removed from office work and placed only in medical care. On the telecom front, the workers of Wind have called another 24h strike for Thursday 3/12 in response to the forced "voluntary exit" of 200 workers. At the same time archaeologists employed by the Ministry of Culture have called a 48h strike for Wednesday and Thursday demanding immediate payment of all salaries. The archaeologists gathered in front of the Archaeological Museum of Athens and marched to the Ministry. On the heavy industry side, steel workers have called a 24h strike in protest to the layoff of 16 workers at the National Steelworks. The workers have gathered in front of the main factory of the industry and are closing on and off the national highway south of Athens. On the public sector on Wednesday 2/12 stage workers of the municipality of Salonica have blockaded the municipal headquarters disallowing all citizens and employers to enter the premises. The workers are demanding the revision of the new government's plans regarding the integration of stage workers to permanent employment. On the farming side of things, peach producers have been blockading the Egnatia national highway, halting all traffic from Salonica west, demanding that the Ministry of Agriculture fix a universal price for their products. Finally a striking event much discussed even in the mainstream media is an acid attack against the car of a cleaner, Venetia Monalopoulou, contracted to the Airport of Salonica. The cleaner is a leading syndicalist playing an important role in the efforts to built a united autonomous union front of cleaners on the model put forward by K. Kouneva, the Athens cleaner who is still in hospital a year after an assassination attempt against her with sulphuric acid. The latest attack came during an assembly of the cleaners and has been condemned by the cleaners as "boss terrorism". On the student front, a protest march took to the streets of Athens amongst piles of ungathered garbage due to a blockade of the Fylis refuse dump by locals. The students protested the closure of their schools by a collaboration if rectorial and police authorities during the 36th anniversary of the November 17 Uprising last month. A similar protest march took to the streets of the city of Volos on Tuesday 1/12. At the same time workers of the University of the Peloponese who have been occupying the rectorial headquarters of their university moved on Wednesday 2/12 to blockade the main Corinthian highway, thus putting all southbound circulation in the peninsula to a halt. On the anti-repression front, as the trial of the imprisoned anarchist Ilias Nikolaoy started on Wednesday morning under draconian police presence, a big motorised protest march took to the prisons of Diavata the previous night. At the same time a big protest march took to the streets of Salonica on Monday 30/12 protesting against the para-state bomb attack against the Bueno Ventura antiauthoritarian social centre last week. A day earlier another anti-repression protest march took to the streets of Petralona in Athens against the petrol bomb attack against the house of a member of the Revolutionary Workers Party who is actively involved in the anti-gentrification movement in the area. At the same time two new squats have appeared in the archipelagos of social antagonism: on in Exarcheia and on in Corfu. The latter has been receiving pressure of eviction by local cops. Finally the already tense social and political climate has been punctuated by a series of attacks against state and capitalist targets throughout the country. The latest of these was Tuesday night's blitz molotov attack against the commercial centre of Kaisariani, an eastern suburb of Athens, targetting mainly banks. In Salonica, a series of attacks against houses of policemen, judges and newspaper managers with small range explosive devices has been claimed by a the urban guerrilla group Convention of Anomics/ Ministers of Erebus. | van lib.com | nn - 05.12.2009 10:35
Attacks against the police marked Friday 4/12 despite the Prime Minister's public plea for calm. The tension in the capital city of greece is high with more than 400 high-schools and 30 universities occupied across the country. The greek Prime Minister's public plea for calm in the light of the first anniversary of Alexandros Grigoropoulos murder and the subsequent uprising last year was nullified today as the police was attacked three times in a few hours in the city of Athens. Minutes after 12:00 at noon two police patrols were attacked simultaneously in Exarcheia, the radical enclave of the greek capital. Radicals attacked the police with sticks and caused serious injuries to the officers, two of which have been hospitalised, one in bad condition. Following the attack strong riot police forces surrounded the area and several people have been detained but are being currently released. Two hours later high-school pupils formed a march in the northern suburb of Chalandri to commemorate the assassination of 15 year old Alexandros by cops last year, the first of its kind two days before the actual anniversary. The pupils marched to the local police station and attacked it with rocks and oranges. During the melee two banks were also attacked. There have been no arrests or detentions. The anti-police attacks come to add to the electrified climate in greece where at the moment 400 high-schools and more than 30 universities are under occupation. The government has announced a zero tolerance plan, claiming that although the assassination has "scarred the collective memory" of the people, it will not allow Athens to be destroyed again. Friday's session in parliament devolved into a brawl between parties concerning the measures taken and last December's uprising, amidst scaremongering by the extreme-right that "thousands of foreign anarchists" are flooding the country with sinister intentions. On a more calm note, the President of the Republic has declared the state "guilty towards the youth", urging once again for peace and reconciliation. --------- Forgot to mention that the previous night 50 radicals occupied the TV station of the local channel of Ioannina city during its main news broadcast. The radicals left after the channel broadcasted a 20 minute video on the December Uprising. ---------- Update: Riots broke out on Friday night in the city of Corinth. Around 300 high-school pupils formed a march in memory of Alexandros Grigoropoulos in the centre of the city and attacked the central police station. The main branch of the national bank of greece and one more bank are reported to have been smashed and torched, while riot police men guarding the police headquarters were attacked with molotov cocktails and abandoned their positions. One person is reported arrested. | sociale onrust | eco - 10.12.2009 13:30
griekse regering bezweert tekorten aan te pakken. De Griekse minister van financiën George Papaconstantinou heeft dinsdag bezworen dat Athene vaart maakt met de sanering van de overheidsfinanciën. Papaconstantinou legde zijn verklaring af onder grote druk van de financiële markten. lees verder http://www.fd.nl/artikel/13761404/griekse-regering-bezweert-tekorten-pakken | |
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