[05.12. Adam] Benefit Party for street kids in Marocco Power VS Power - 04.12.2009 14:57
Power VS Power Party at Club OT301 Overtoom 301 Amsterdam Damage 5 Euro Music Styles on 2 floors: Drum&Bass, Dance Floor Core, Dubstep, Techno Hosted by International crew of DJs & VJs  Flyer The organisation Power VS Power started a few years ago to work with street kids in Bosnia, Poland, Slovakia and Marocco. We use circus, artistics and trapez as workshops to give these kids a opportunity to spend their time with creative tools, gain self confidence and abilities to earn money in poor countries without being stuck in prostitution and druck abuse. During the last Power VS Power trip in Marokko, several groups of kids were supported with money and practical things like toiletries, clothes, schoolbooks etc. For the next trip to marokko we want to provide more money for bigger groups of kids and provide artistic workshops. Website: http://www.myspace.com/powervspower |