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Copenhagen Suicide Penguins Bomb Antarctica Pian estarovv - 05.12.2009 01:22
draft of a little global warming screenplay - the only hope the world has to begin to think... again KIL. EVERYTHING ::: BOMB ANTARCTICA (Draft) GENTLE CHANGE S C R E E N P L A Y TREATMENT By Rath Avens; Bombantarctica@gmail.com A note to reviewers: There are themes or subtexts not fully developed in this script at this time. Nicu's daughter, who is actually his 14 year old adopted daughter, Kirsten, is a mystery... partially wrapped in an enigma... and it is also a kind of a deception and forgotten, but then it comes back – AND it loosely ties into the stories of the Lost Children (!) possibly... We'll see... Also the romance, friendship and re-bonding of Aniya and Nicu is drawn out slowly and almost without notice as they travel, read the booklet The Winds of Insurrection and talk to each other. Some of these talks are also not yet developed in the script... awaiting young experts, I guess. Those who can fly... The opening scene is a typical day in Aniya's simple yet sporadically harried life. Aniya puts on her shawl and leaves her apartment onto a busy street near the walled-off area. She goes about her day observing, walking, flirting when useful and looking for enemy (State and Al Qaeda) agents. Occasionally, she supervises a large arms deal. The phone rings and her ex-lover (one of her firsts) Nicu, wants to meet at the AN-IS coffee shop soon. She buys a few things here and there as she travels along the busy market area... Once or twice she stoops down to whisper to some kids she knows and hands one a note... they laugh shyly and turn and run off giggling down the alley. Aniya finds a favorite place and sits on a large stone railing with a nice view to make a phone call (One that we don't hear...) She watches the traffic cross a bridge (a boat?) as she talks. ( a funeral?) Near the subway entrance she sees a sign that says: “Hi Speed train service suspended due to terrorism.” She meets Nicu at the coffee shop (could show more of Nicu previously – or Aniya remembering old Nicu times...). They stare at each other after Aniya brushes off his attempt to hug or cheek kiss. She just nods as he says a few things... then he begs her help. He tells her about his beautiful daughter... Kirsten. Aniya reluctantly agrees to help him with the big drug deal he has planned for the night. She grabs him suddenly by the shirt collar and yells at him softly – snarling - “You better not fuck up this time... AND you owe me big time – maybe your life.” He leaves and she has more tea (one of them smokes, we'll see). She watches the mellow ordinary people hanging around and smiles and moves her head as a worker (the cook), a young AN-IS woman, leaves. Aniya waves at the owners as she leaves. She walks past scenes of kids playing, drug deals and cop harassment. She checks into a few places (a radio station), a place to survey with her binoculars, and an acupuncture clinic. She ends up at a big fountain where she sits in the shade and reads an AN-IS Program Bulletin. She fishes in her pocket for a match and finds the hair ribbon. She looks at it and wonders. (or maybe she finds a plaque and reads it and it is a saying that comes back in story latter. More hints at what?). A few hours later she leaves her apartment and walks in the dark with a friend (Damiana) who we cannot see much of as she wears a large shawl. As they reach the point where she is to meet Nicu for the drug deal, her friend fades into an alleyway. Resting on a lamp post, she watches the slimier night time traffic as she waits for Nicu who is late. Nicu arrives and Aniya checks the position of her guns that are underneath her vest. They enter the four story building. At a mirror on the second floor stair landing she adjusts her earring again. At the first doorway Nicu flashes a playing card at the guard and they enter unquestioned and unsearched. The scene inside is a mix of grimy and old classy. Worn but exquisite red velvet sofas and polished old wood tables line a fairly narrow walkway. At the end of the hallway some anarcho punks are playing a game and laughing it up. One of the dice spins off the table and its gets a bit quieter for a moment as the punk gets the dice from near a guards foot. The guard, an Arab man with a beard and a machine gun pistol, stands at a door near the punks. He motions to Nicu as he opens the door. Aniya makes a sign to one of the punks as she follows Nicu in and then she touches her earing again. The Arab closes the heavy door. Then he closes the thick curtain on the window that Aniya is looking at and flashing her earing at. She was acting like she was just looking at her reflection... The deal goes down as a Power Puff Girls video plays. Three large black assassins stalk down the hall. Nicu checks his watch and Aniya wonders about that. On the rooftop across the street we see AN-IS sniper positions and a commander talking on the phone as she looks at the infrared screen: “Yes, Yes, three of the Cowtown assassins are about to enter the room! We have a fix on the earring but that's about it.” The voice on the phone says: “Kill the tall guys first, then kill them all except the girl! Now!” We see Avril's face waiting on the the other end of the phone line... The assassins stalk down the hallway. At the end of the hall by the door where Nicu and Aniya are doing the drug deal, a young Anarcho Punk stands up and begins to pull a gun from behind his back. The rear assassin blows his head off with a 44 magnum. Blood flies everywhere amid the screams of the people who had not yet fled. Aniya spins around and shoots the machine gun pistol Arab. She rips the curtain off of the window and throws it over another drug dealer guard who is pulling his gun. The door crashes in and the lead assassin shoots at Aniya but his gun jams. The tall leader says: “No take her kill the rest.” We see an AN-IS sniper spotting Aniya's laser glowing earing and he squeezes the trigger. The window shatters and the tall guys head splatters against the far wall. Aniya shoots another assassin as she drops the stun grenade and grabs Nicu's hand. She pulls him out the window and they fall ten feet onto a small roof. They barely have time to crawl down a gutter pipe as shots ring out around them. Several of the shooters are taken out by AN-IS snipers before they retreat to a van. Aniya and Nicu try to flag down a truck, but it goes by so they jump on the back. Nicu says why don't we wait for your friends?” Aniya looks out of the truck and says: “Parkour?” She grabs his arm and pushes him off the truck as they are crossing a bridge. He barely keeps his balance as he lands on the railing and jumps down to the slow-moving train. Aniya lands next to him and then roughly rolls over on top of him and pulls her gun. They are both breathing hard as she shoves the gun into his face. “Talk!” He tells her everything and she says I should just kill you now (actually that's from Kil. Serenity!). She pulls the gun back, cocks it and sticks it up to his face again: “Where does your wife live? Come on. We'll talk as we walk.” They get off the train and into a cab. They get out after a few miles and then they walk around a police check point and a few more miles to Nicu's wife's house. They walk down the final alley and recite together the well-known poem about the collapse that is painted on the wall. They smile and almost laugh at their singing. They arrive at the house and split up to circle around the house. As she approaches the front door she hears Nicu yelling or crying. She does a flying kick on the door and rolls into the living room with both guns scanning. The wife, grandmother and a friend are all dead. A professional hit Aniya says. Nicu doesn't say a word for a while, he just stands in the middle of the room, the middle of the carnage crying silently. Aniya investigates the bodies and digs a bullet out of the wall. Examining it she find the letter D on the base. Immediately she assumes it's some stolen DU ammo that she had sold the year before. She consoles Nicu and says: “ It was going to happen either way...” He talks about his old life with his wife together with heir daughter Kirsten. And proclaims that now he's in the Resistance again, if she'll have him. She says: “Don't worry will get your daughter and kill the killers or worse!” They talk some more about how to create a cover story for Nicu. Then they agree to get out of that house and talk while they walk. She even gives him a little friends' kiss as they leave. Switch to a big room with a lantern for light. Victor is telling Petru (Aniya's Dad) about the shoot out and all of Aniya's killings. Victor wants to bring her in, but Petru says just send her a note for a meeting. Petru dismisses Victor almost angrily or harshly. When Victor leaves he unzips a message about Nicu's wife's death and the missing daughter, signed God Willing. He wonders why Victor didn't have more intelligence on this matter or why he didn't tell him about it. And he makes a cryptic note on his to-dos notebook. Nicu and Aniya cross under and through the Wall into the AN-IS zone. They pick up a guide and and head to the AN-IS HQ. They walk through some semi-destroyed areas, potholes, rats, puddles and sewage. It gets better the farther they go away from the wall. Aniya tells Nicu what has been going on since he dropped out the year before. Aniya: “We can hide and shift among the gray and all of the invisible communes – and so our security and our strength is enhanced.” Nicu: “But you know that the Empyre of the Rich can be ultra-destructive any time it wants. Especially whenever its back is really to the wall – literally too like now.” Aniya: “I think that a cold shower, like a melting ice cap may make them relax (might chill out those fuckers long enough for us to eliminate them).” It's a long speech and it could have more from Nicu (Or less and the rest somewhere else). They talk about what people should have done a few years before. (More Com Ins adds ). Nicu mentions how gangs roamed the streets at night and how his friends Tara and Michael got robbed in Hamburg just after he moved out. (MORE CAMERA DESCRIPTION here and there). After a few hours and hiding out one time, the sun is setting and the guide motions them down an alley. They camp three stories up in a deserted building. They clean their guns, share some food and take turns on the watch. Nicu has a strange dream of his dead wife and his daughter doing something wrong. Maybe she acts like she blames her dad for her mother's death. Morning dawns and they pack up. Outside they run into Avril and Damiana who have come to surprise them and relieve the guide. They talk as they walk to the HQ. They make Nicu walk behind several paces. Avril tells Aniya about jthe death of Veska's dad in Kurdistan and about the new guy she met (Kurd scout, Sasha). She tells Aniya how the nuke purchase mission went; Then she says: “But I can't tell you everything here on the street – you know satellites, and listening devices. We're the top targets – ha ha. And anyway you know your dad is way more devious than even us.” Aniya: “Yeah he's at a whole different level than almost anyone...” Avril: “Yeah, so I don't really know what my dad and yours cooked up. They're using us but that's OK – they need us.” Aniya: “Words don't get things done, hands and feet do.” (could be the repeating saying? Instead?) Aniya tells Avril about Nicu and things... Avril has already had a briefing but doesn't tell Aniya. (Make some of this beginning Noir-sh.) At the AN-IS HQ Behind the WALLS: Nicu can't go in the meeting room and has to wait outside where he thinks and remembers things and wonders what else he should tell Aniya. After the meeting breaks up, Avril warns Aniya that her dad is upset about the shoot out. She hands her the note from her father about meeting with him. Then Aniya meets Courtney, a gringo hippie, who turns out to be a double agent “Spycatcher” - a spy and a traitor. A little later, privately, Avril warns Aniya of a spy near her Dad's inner circle. Avril says that she is working her way to Athens to meet Veska. Aniya asks her to look into the DU ammo sales of last year: Who was involved and where the ammo might have been resold. She shows Avril the DU bullet that she found at the assassination site. As an after thought Avril warns Aniya about the northern police checkpoint going into Macedonia. Aniya and Nicu head to the meeting with her father. On the way to the train station she decides to recon an Al Qaeda compound that they have little reliable information on. As they walk they talk about which of the insurgent actions they liked best over the years. Food store attacks, Clown Army, forced transport strikes... (add advanced Com INS). Before they leave they see a poorly disguised Victor with his friend Carlo (When is he Killed?). She remembers that Carlo was involved in the DU ammo sales. She rattles the DU bullet in her hand and says : “Yeah roll the dice again.” They head to train station and talk about their mothers some. Near the train station they are met by two AN-IS scouts just as Aniya's phone texts a code from her dad. All it says is: “2 guys, Trust 3, S.” So Aniya knows her dad sent them and the trust level is high. The shorter guy steps forward and says: Hi Aniya, my name is Stefan trust level 3. Your father asks you to go to Lubijilana to meet. He gives them some heavy jackets and directions on the trains to take. And then he gives her a sealed note that says: “Assassination of Decoy team, I need you. P.” Aniya is confused for a minute and looks at Nicu. She writes a note for Avril with real and girl code and gives it to Stefan to get to Avril. After riding illegally on a freight car for 20 miles (Slovak border) they get on board the train with counterfeit passes. They get some stares, but they are used to it and play with some of the children. They nap in the train station and when the sun comes up they walk around Lubijilana and buy cider from an old lady on the street. They talk about life and politics and how they wished they were born in a non-Nazi country. Nicu responds with a Coming Insurrection rap: “power is everywhere... after all who flee...” And then he teases her that BLOWING UP ANTARCTICA MAKES IT HARDER TO FLEE... Then they talk about fun and escapes... escapades. Break to a dark room and a woman like Aniya. She sits down in a chair in front of a big desk. Back to Lubijilana: They watch the afternoon people going about shopping and chores. A young couple kissing catches their eye... They are trying to figure out where the meet with her dad is and what part of town is where. The phone rings and we see her dad sitting at his desk looking at a woman in the chair. He says: “Listen Aniya, I'M TIRED OF THIS... You are to lead up a new decoy team per code plan 777 99fish. Take them to Albania now! Do you understand... do you understand anything? I'm busy and you go off show-boating at some drug deal shootout. Don't come back. I don't want to see you around here or in my way until all of this is over.” The phone goes dead. Aniya pushes a button for Nicu to hear the replay. He shrugs and says they always talk in code. She says no, well yeah but we're fucked... 99 fish means he can't talk and he can't meet, but that he wants to – or something like that...” She thinks to herself that they can ignore the decoy crap – or maybe do something half hearted? Switch to Avril prowling the back streets of Lubijilana. She spots Courtney whom she has been tracking. She follows her on and off for a few blocks and then cuts around a few houses and comes around Courtney's other side, just in time. Courtney is talking to Carlo. Avril has just received the message about the Carlo-Victor-AQ connection and this is enough for her. She takes aim and just as she pulls the trigger a cat up above her knocks over a bowl and Courtney dashes inside. The bullets hit the door. Two assistants of Avril move forward. Nicu and Aniya walk along the river as Aniya thinks. She gives Nicu those hopeless looks now and then and he knows that he is not much use to her or anyone right then. As they reach the top of the steps above the river they see Courtney run and get into a taxi. They flag down a taxi to Zagreb and follow Courtney. Just then Avril gets to the scene and sees Aniya leaving and hopes they are after Courtney too. Its too risky to text or call... Later we see her making a relayed call, but Aniya's phone is dead. Nicu wakes up as the taxi approaches Macedonia (or Skopje?) before dawn. Nicu is sleepy and confused and says he thought that they were going to Albania. Aniya shows him the text message and takes her word for it when she says “I think it's from AN-IS HQ, but it could be my dad or Avril. There was no number source. I tried running a trace, but the phone went dead. I even tried some pay phones... must be random insurgents – not a jam. They get across the border with their fake passports and by jamming the biometrics scanner. Before the next checkpoint they take a side road and then get out of the cab. Aniya manages to buy some kids' bicycles. They have fun riding down the hills and stop once to buy a Popsicle. It's some kind of festival day and then suddenly dark clouds approach and they decide to give the bikes away and hike up a hill to be closer to the storm. It doesn't last long but they enjoy it from the top of an old barn and remember how they loved storms as kids and teens. Aniya mentions Nicu's book on magic and crow and swan symbols. (They look at the Winds of Insurrection Booklet and have a talk about magic and power) Firecrackers and a cannon go off in the town below and the storm dissipates as quick as it formed. Maybe here is when they give their bikes away – on the way down the hill. At the plaza there are two different celebrations going on. One is a traditional Sobor celebration of village life. The other is a rowdy but friendly crowd of youth and anarchists old and young gathered around a stage where a performance is about to begin. The Suicide Penguin Skit stage is like an iceberg – or ice shelf. It even moves or wobbles. Act I: Damien is a white guy dressed like a jihadi but with a bow tie and top hat over his Taliban headdress. He is mime-begging to the audience and holding up a sign “Chaos Penguins Coming to an Ice Shelf near YOU!” Penguin Skit: Adellie the Penguin. See link: http://rathavens.webs.com/Documents/NOV0309%20PENGUIN%20SKIT%20B%20Antarctica.pdf) Near the end of the skit an agent of Victor's approaches Nicu in the crowd. He shows Nicu a video device showing Nicu's daughter Kirsten. The guy hands him a note with an address, that says: “Get her there in an hour.” Nicu shakes his head and says: “Can't do it. Text her from dad's phone number.” The agent leaves as Aniya turns around. The skit ends and half of the traditional celebration has arrived. The crowd chants: “Jump, Jump Jump!” as the penguin and or the guy jump off of the stage. Everyone is laughing, cheering and jumping up and down. A Gogol Bordello-like band starts up and then decides to wait a few seconds for the rest of the crowd to gather. The town rocks and dances. Aniya spots some affiliated anarcho-punks and goes over to tell them to spread the word that she needs a crew for an action/shipment to Albania. A text message comes in from her dad telling her to go to an address in 45 minutes. When she switches Sim cards to run a check it comes up blank. She frowns and gives Nicu a hard look. Nicu: “We don't have to go. Something doesn't seem right” and he means it. “We already have our decoy mission... maybe” Aniya: “No, we have to. It's my dad and we need com updates. I'm not sure what's going on with the phones...” As they are leaving the square, a couple of anarcho-punks that Aniya spoke to about Albania. are conferring. Girl punk: I swear that must be the girl that we are supposed to look-out for.” Guy Punk: “Yeah, must be. Better make the call to AN-IS. Girl Punk: “Are you sure we want to work with them? It seems like a one-way street. And we are pretty safe here right now.” Guy Punk: “Without AN-IS we're nothing. The Insurrection comes and we won't be safe here. (The girl has dialed and is holding the phone waiting to pres send.) Once shit really starts falling apart. The fascists and Mafia will be back, they'll wipe us out t and the farms too.” “OK, OK.” And she hits send. A ninja with her whole head covered in black gauze stands alone in a 2nd story window She puts her cell phone away and picks up a pair of binoculars. Nicu and Aniya walk through cobbled streets and alleys. Nicu looks bothered and checks his gun getting some more ammo from Aniya. So she checks hers and asks him: “What's wrong Nicu?” He's about to answer when a gaggle of 11-year-old kids catch up to them and start begging and playing with them. A few Ninja looking people with black covering their face and head are moving down alleys and looking out a tall window. They get to an old boarded up church. Nicu: “ Are you sure this is the place?” An old man comes out of the shadows near the door and Aniya recognizes him as a friend of her dad's from a longtime ago. More ninjas move toward the Church. Two ninjas finish setting up a sniper position deep inside a room. The old man lowers his gun and he opens the doors to the church. A lookout scout is seen killed by a ninja, knife in throat. As they walk into the church five people aim their guns at them and we see a torture chair in the middle of the room. One of the men is the guy who spoke to Nicu at the penguin skit. We see a ninja kill another scout. Victor walks over to the the chair. He motions and says: “Have a seat Aniya, a chair for a queen or an apostate who would corrupt Islam and anarchy!. I hope you had a good day because the rest will surely not be so nice... Oh and Nicu thank you so much for this little favor. We hoped we could count on you but one never knows. Take their guns.” Two young men come over to Aniya and Nicu. They take their guns and then search them, but Nicu's guard doesn't find his second gun or does find it and doesn't care. Nicu thinks he spotted the guard wink at him. Victor watches as the two men tie Aniya to the chair with leather straps and buckles. Victor says: “Sit over there Nicu I don't know if you get off on this sort of thing. We don't do as much now days.” Nicu sits down and says: “Where's Kirsten, Victor. What was on that video?” Victor: “Oh, Kirsten she's doing a little job for us down in Thessaloníki. She's remarkable, and a better traitor than her dad and much cuter. Aniya spits on Victor and says with malice: “ You can't stop us, no one can. The concept of Insurrection has already infected billions. You probably think that you are doing the right thing in your twisted little head, but you are old and blind and...” He slaps her mildly knocking her head to the side where she sees Courtney entering the room with a large Tazer in her hand. Victor: “I'll let our little Queen of Pleasure deal with the queen of nothing. She's all yours Sarah.” A ninja outside throws a knife into the neck of the old man who had opened the door to the church. The slight sound of a thud and the old man's gun hitting the sidewalk alerts one guard who goes over to the door. Victor crosses his arms and steps back as Courtney/Sarah approaches Aniya. We see Nicu unfastening a slit in his pants with some stealth. We see a ninja in a second story window (Aniya) giving orders. Courtney: “We only want to know the bomb locations and destinations. And for a swift death tell us the names of a few double agents.” Nicu shoots Victor in the head and then is shot by a guard as the good guard shoots the guy who shot Nicu and who is then shot by another guard as a sniper bullet shatters the window and takes out another guard. The sniper also gets another scout or counter sniper nearby. Aniya rocks and tips her chair into Courtney as five Ninjas burst in the door and kill the rest of the guards. A smoke grenade explodes as Courtney disengages from the chair, kicks Aniya hard and slips away. As the smoke clears we see one of the ninjas lays dead and one is wounded. Avril takes off her headdress and tends to Aniya. The shooting outside dies down (some kind of covering fire for Courtney). A ninja removes her black covering and Nicu sees Damiana, who he first met when he met Avril. She comes over to help him. Its just an upper arm wound. Nicu limps over shamefaced to where Aniya checks the bodies. He sees the guard who didn't take his gun and says in a pained voice: “He saved us Aniya, I let you down. I thought I could handle it...” Aniya: “Skip it Nicu, you did OK. Better than last time.” Avril: “Yeah it was worth some risk to get all these rats.” Aniya: “Courtney?” Avril just shakes her head, no Courtney is on the phone to an AL Qaeda renegade Demaho. The ninjas fade into the shadows. Five of them go to a restaurant. They talk and eat some pasta and then sneak out through a tunnel into a van and off to a farm where the bombs and decoys are kept. Driving... Exterior Night time at a Rambling Farmstead Garage. Trucks and vans are loaded with similar looking three by four foot wooden boxes. Two in each truck and one in each van. Avril shakes hands with one of the older truck drivers as he is getting into the truck to leave. The trucks leave with Damiana on board. Aniya and Nicu see a woman in one of the trucks who looks like Aniya. The now smaller group has some wine on the roof top. They talk about the rest of the mission, the trip to Thessaloníki and the public bus they will use. Aniya: “Did you think Nicu was going to betray us?” Avril: “Well it was going to be tricky either way. I had one person inside their group.” Nicu: “He's dead.” Avril: “You and Courtney have a little thing going Aniya, eh?” Aniya: “Fucking dready bitch!” Avril: “We have a lot to talk about.” Aniya: “First things first. Nicu is there anything else you have conveniently forgot to tell me about?” Nicu: “OK, I have these dreams.” Aniya: “You know the whole world is falling apart and I've got to have someone with me who is a known entity. Are you playing me? Do you think that you can run your own game right under mine?” Nicu: “Really, I know you have plenty of reasons not to really trust me. I'm not quite the pro you all are. I would of told you, but.” Aniya: “About the text message this afternoon? Come on spit it out.” Nicu: “No the dreams, I keep having this dream that Kirsten, that my daughter, or step daughter really, has turned into one of them: Victor / AQ. Whoever... they are.” Avril: “I don't have any intel like that, but it has been too quiet lately.” Nicu: “Why haven't we heard from them? A ransom or a demand for me or you.” Aniya: “That's what I was thinking.” Nicu keeps thinking about the video he was shown and he can't quite remember what it showed other than Kirsten and Demaho. Aniya: “Didn't Victor ask you something about a video?” Nicu (confused into a lie): “No, I thought he was making one...” Avril: “Hey you love birds, I got to get some sleep, we'll be leaving at sunrise in the vans. There's some blankets just inside the door over there.” Aniya: “We're taking the vans to Greece?” Avril (leaning closer to whisper): “No, the bus, the public bus.” Aniya: “Really, why...” Avril: “You'll see... get some sleep, I love you guys.” She gives them kisses on the cheek and Nicu gives her a funny look. They put mats down and sleep on the porch. Aniya pulls the covers over her and scoots back a little into Nicu. Aniya: “Hold me Nicu whenever we get around Avril or a lot of people, I feel scarred... Something always happens.” Nicu: “A Trap?” Aniya: “Only you lead me into traps, Nicu. Quiet, hold me.” (possible repeating saying here... or a dream of the Lost Children flits by...) Nicu watches the sky, the crescent moon and then he sees a shooting star and makes a wish. Dreams... The next morning they head to the town bus depot. On the way Avril hands Aniya a note that says not to talk to her until Kreminista. They drop Nicu and Aniya off down an alley a few blocks before the depot. The boxes fit OK in the under-storage area of the old bus. Avril pays the driver some extra. She wears a scarf moderate Islamic style and speaks Greek with a local accent. They drive all day with no events. Time passes fast and Aniya and Nicu rest their heads on each others' shoulders. Once he takes her hand and looks at it. She smiles and closes her eyes... The bus slowly empties out as people get off and fewer get on. The driver refuses a few people with no money. Once an old man pays for a woman and child to ride. An hour before sunset near the last big town (Kerminista) the bus overheats... Nicu tries to help the bus driver and another man fix the bus. They need more water and a young couple offer to get some at the creek they passed. The driver announces a 15 minute break. Aniya grabs a few things and then takes Nicu by the hand. “Come on a picnic.” They put a blanket down and lean their backs against a fallen tree. The sunset begins to unfold beautifully. Their conversation wavers between the personal and the political (The Winds of Insurrection booklet again.) Aniya: “For decades its been really hopeless in the USA. People got dumber, more spoiled and more inherently Nazi day after day for generations... AND they knew that the only hope they had was to die fighting and trying to buy time for someone else who is organized, some group or place that could save the day for somewhere if not for the USA people. (This can go here and/or back on their first walk page 8 or so.. . ).” Nicu: “I remember the endless middle class babble of Attack and those groups. People who should have been radicals kept listening to Democracy Now and other liberal whiners... until they only heard the guilt and shame (which just paralyzed them) and they did nothing, just re-hashing the same heart-breaking propaganda...” They talk about being together or whether couples and love mean anything in chaos. Aniya explains to Nicu part of what is going, what she knows. Nicu asks: “What made it all happen so fast? Was it the general global crisis and the decline of ecology? Or the awareness of how many millions were dying and suffering and doomed?” Aniya: “What was most important to where we are now, though I don't think that any of us knew it at the time, was the idea of the Coming Insurrection. That just by accepting the language and broad concept of a coming insurrection it would radically assist in spreading the word and making it look like everyone was doing it, and being it... A lot of groups grasped the power in using the phrases and feelings in the Coming Insurrection even if they did not fully accept the thesis...” Nicu: “And the French and the Greeks were right!” Aniya: “We'll see soon enough... in Patras. Why did it matter to the random kids looking for something cool or worthwhile? It just fit, it felt right, you know how fads or songs are big hits. Maybe its timing or luck or The Fates again. SUDDENLY it all seemed connected and thematic and so it was cool, simpatico with their struggles and easy!!!” Nicu: “Patras?” Aniya looks worried for a minute and looks off at the forest. Nicu: “What is it Aniya, more secrets?” Aniya: “See I'm worried because Avril wants me to do the big speech in Patras, if we even get a chance that is. I am to tell the people why they should all listen and convince them to risk everything...” The bus starts up and honks its horn three times. Aniya starts to get up and Nicu pulls her back down and kisses her hard for a minute. He holds her face and they look back and forth for a minute. Aniya: “I don't know Nicu, I don't really feel like that anymore... maybe never again...” Nicu: “I know, but don't say that. I want you to be happy, to find someone if this ever ends... I just...” Aniya: “It felt good Nicu. I've enjoyed being with you... now and in the past. Friends with privileges again... eh …” Nicu: “ I didn't know if we would ever get a chance. The way you all blaze a trail through a forest fire... I'm sure I'll die soon... or Kirsten...” Aniya: “Do you have a picture, I keep forgetting to get Avril on it... too damn busy I guess...” The horn honks again and they grab their stuff and hurry to the bus. The bus driver gives them a mean look then he smiles at their youth and says: “Sorry, but this jalopy (wreck) might not make it over the next hill...” They cruise fast just in case it dies again... Down a hill they come to Kerminista (last town). It's busy and there is a feel of refugees as people crowd in lines and kids eat crumbs. Nicu and Aniya buy a stick of grilled meat and veggies while Avril goes to the bathroom. When she comes out we see Aniya looking for Avril from across the street. Avril has a full veil over her face when she leaves the bathroom. Two boys approach her subtly. She looks at them and says something not translatable (Arabic ). Then she hands them a device (a cell phone and radio jammer). We see her lean up toward one of them and the words: “ The old bridge south.” They get back on the bus and then twenty or thirty people try to crowd on. But the bus pulls off with just a few and one guy falls off the side. A few youth and men help push back the crowd. Avril looks back at Aniya and then Aniya knows it will happen soon. They wind down the road and soon come to a valley. A mile later they cross a stone bridge. A speeding truck approaches suddenly as the bus starts going up the next hill. The truck stops at the bridge as the bus gets going again. At the top of the hill the bus slows down and then stops at a pull off. Everyone on the bus looks back and they see a large explosion at the bridge The truck speeds away out of sight. When the bus driver looks back from the rear he sees Avril with her scarfs off and two 45 caliber pistols aimed at his head. Avril: “Everyone off. Now!” People leave and then the bus driver too, after Avril reminds him to put the emergency brake on. Aniya gets out her pistols and hands one to Nicu. They linger in the middle of the bus to make sure that everyone complies. Then Avril swings out of the bus and tells the people there: “GO BACK DOWN THE HILL UNLESS YOU WANT TO WALK THIRTY MILES TO GREECE. WE ARE SORRY FOR THIS INCONVENIENCE. WE'RE JUST TRYING TO SAVE A PLANET. “ Hoots and a holler... follow. “There will be bus transport back to Kerminista in an hour. You don't want to go to Greece right now. I promise you...” People accept this with some sneers and head down the hill after grabbing some of the baggage that Aniya, Nicu and another man help pull off of the bus (and below in the luggage space? ) . We see people moving down toward the destroyed bridge in the distance. Avril scans the horizon with hi tech binoculars on a tripod. Aniya and Nicu look around at the road. Aniya stretches and goes to check out the bus (tires, underneath the bus, and in the luggage to get out a machine gun...). Nicu and Aniya arrive back at Avril. As she looks up from the binoculars a young couple walks back up from the crowd of people who are leaving (a bit like Blackboards Kurds). The couple both say: “Please, we know a lot is about to happen... everyone knows. We want to join you and help...” Avril: “No, No way...” Aniya (leaning on Nicu) speaks out: “Avril, come on, two people. Look at them... we need them... we need to be open. Even now...” Avril (Pointing a gun at the couple): “Are both of you sure?” The couple look at each other and then at Avril and finally Aniya. They nod solemnly. They all help load up the bus. Some things that no one claimed are left on the road. Up the hills they go with the motor straining and Aniya looks at Avril a few times seriously... Clouds are coming in (if we are lucky...). Near the top of the pass and almost to Greece there is a barricade of sticks and stones. Avril sees the nine armed bandits just as she has to slow down. The bandits turn out to be friends of Avril who have seen Aniya's dad. REALLY! Avril insists that the couple go with the bandits who are on deep patrol... After some milling around... Avril fills the radiator again. She climbs in the driver seat and announces that they are leaving . As the bus is pulling away, a man finishes talking to an older commander and turns to run after the bus. A fairly young second-level commander jumps on the side of the bus hanging on the mirror and watches Avril. Anton takes off his cap and swings on the mirror with one arm: Captain Anton Gorbayeva at your service, straight to Thessaloníki, no strings...” Avril: “We can't take the weight... dude...” Anton smiles and says: “I weigh less than you, but you are really beautiful... Are YOU like a special agent ...or something?” Avril opens the door. He comes in. Avril looks at the new kid and then turns around to ask Aniya who sits three seats back Avril: “Did you guess?” Aniya nods... “Guys or ...” Avril: “ All of it...” They drive on and the motor is kind of loud. Avril (Loudly, so all can hear): “It should be safe for a few days as this morning Base Alliance and An-IS units attacked a medium sized army base on the main road north of here. It's a base for a Macedonian faction allied with the old bosses and gangsters.. With that bridge blown up, I doubt that a wayward bus could attract more than small unit attention. Aniya and Anton cock their machine guns and say: “We got that covered...” They come to a flatter part of road and Avril tells them a story from the bomb acquisition in Kurdistan. Avril: “Let me tell you a story that will fill in some blanks.” She looks at Anton and makes a face. “Try not to listen too much.” It was the second day after we got the bombs and escaped my dad's camp. I still haven't heard what happened after that double cross with Al Qaeda. We had a little camp in a narrow valley with a small stream nearby. It was beautiful and quiet, but we knew scouts were closing in and another air attack was likely too. Veska and her new boyfriend Sasha, a Kurd like me, were off scouting or making out. Metalu, Veska's dad, took me by the arm and said he needed me to do something special. I said I would do anything for him and do it as if it were for my father. He said: “Here. I put the bomb into this smaller backpack. I need the old backpack to fool Veska and Sasha long enough.” I looked deep into his eyes for a moment and I knew this change was a desperate move. I nodded and took the backpack. I gathered up a few things and ate an orange. I thought about taking the rope but decided to go light and fast. As I made to leave, Metalu hugged my shoulders and said: "Don't worry about the tracker. I have it. Just head down this drainage to the coast." I knew that removing the tracker meant that it would stop being intermittent and send out a stronger signal. All I could think to say was: "I'll find you." I got the rest of the story from Veska while we were sailing across the Black Sea. After I left, Veska came back from the hills with a young man in tow. He was a simple goat herder, just a teenager, but Sasha thought he might be a spy. The goat herder told them he came from a valley 20 miles away where the drought is bad and the Turks stole the river with a pipeline. Then the youth said: "It's only a few miles to the village as the falcon flies." Veska pointed out that he said it was twenty miles. The youth responded: "The falcon would fly off the cliff. We're not falcons." Sasha said: “And neither are your sheep!" Veska got him to tell them where the cliff was lowest and the youth pointed up the ridge a short distance. He indicated that he knew a spot up there where the cliff was only 200 meters. Veska worried about this development. She knew there was a road in that valley that lead straight to a railroad to the coast. I was already far down the drainage and safe. In the fading light I saw people crossing a footbridge far up above. It was late afternoon when the three of them and the goat herder broke camp and headed up the trail to look for a place to cross the deepening canyon. Metalu made up some excuse for me I'm sure. They came to one crossing but the footbridge had fallen down. At a split in the trail Metalu attached a duplicate frequency reprogrammed transmitter tracker to one of the horses and told them it would only fool the Special Forces for a few hours. Veska removed a rope and also the reins to the horses' tackle and put them in her backpack. They sent the animal off down the trail with a slap on the butt. A short distance later they came upon the donkey they had lost the day before. He was standing at an old but serviceable footbridge over above a 150 meter drop off. They crossed the bridge, but the donkey would not follow. Just around the corner from the footbridge they heard goats and sheep bleating and they all looked at the goat herder. The ambush began. Metalu took a minor shot in the shoulder after picking off a few of the attackers. They retreated back across the bridge and Veska shot several more attackers before she shot the bridge ropes off on the other side. Metalu retreated to safety with some help from the goat herder. Sasha stayed to cover Veska who insisted on recovering some of the rope from the bridge. Veska got the ropes though a bullet grazed her cheek. Sasha killed the attacker who was sneaking up the hillside. About to turn away he peaked around the corner to see a young man standing casually with his gun pointed at the ground across the canyon gap. Sasha looked back the other way and saw the goat herder attending to Veska and Metalu. Then he turned and... This is really weird. Sasha looked back across the chasm at the Al Qaeda scout. The donkey returned to stand next to Sasha. Sasha went out behind the donkey to talk to the Al Qaeda. Pretty crazy if you ask me. The Al Qaeda scout said: “Don't worry brother you are good shots. You killed all of my friends. Except for one who I will probably have to kill.” Sasha said: "We will win this round, this battle, my brother in war. Who gets these bombs decides which war we fight first: ours or yours." The Al Qaeda responded: "Our Jihad is faster." Sasha nodded and smiled and then he said: "I can't say that you are wrong, but at least our way gives more people a fighting chance and one hell of a wake up call." The Al Qaeda sneered jokingly and stomped his foot in the dirt: "Perhaps or perhaps you are just a trick. A trick of the heathen capitalists. You waste our best chance. Blowing up ice, you will accomplish nothing. Nothing but the waste of Allah's Gift." Sasha said: "There are Jinn, the evil spirits, in these devices. Out of necessity we would use these to stop a greater evil. You, you are the ones being used, bewitched by these demons and lost to the world." The Al Qaeda said: "We thought of using them on the oil fields stolen by the Saudis, but that would bring desecration to the Holy Lands (Arabic term)." Sasha smiled then and he said: "You could have got us to do it. Taking out the oil might work better than melting the ice caps. Or you could have done it and blamed it on the Greens, the Anarchos..." The Al Qaeda bowed and made a secret sign: "The signs have spoken, we return to NYC, the White House and a few nuclear power plants. We must finish what we started that Day in September. We want Mr. Bush and his devil clones to read us some more Goat stories!" Sasha laughed and said loudly: "Good luck, and I mean it. Someday we will be on the same side..." He turned around to leave and then swung his gun around as he heard a click. It was just the Al Qaeda putting the safety back on. As Sasha walked away he heard the Al Qaeda yell: "Perhaps we already are... friends May the Black Flag and the White Horse guide you, my stranger." The donkey bawled, but remained on watch across the chasm. It would not come with Sasha. No one was seriously injured and so they make their way back down the trail. They hoped that they killed most of the scout group or that communications were not working in those narrow rocky canyons. Then the goat herder thought he saw movements down the trail a ways. I got to the coast a few hours later with the bomb and Veska still had no idea. They managed to rappel down the cliff, but the goat herder got shot in Metalu's arms. Metalu died a few hours later by taking the transmitter north on a train and drawing fire near a tunnel... THIS WHERE NEW FINAL IS CUT TO So let me tell you about those backpack bombs...” Avril turns to look at Anton and then Anya when with little warning attack helicopters fire machine guns and then missiles... Two explosions strike near the bus but they make it through (or in the low budget, version it is rifle fire...). They pull into an overhang of a tunnel that has not been used in a while. It's a secret tunnel from WWII that goes through a mountain into Greece. (Low budget you just film the attack and arrival at the closed off tunnel. Then later you film coming out of a different legal (but old) tunnel...) They drive on through the tunnel after they clear the brush... ( a bird flies...) Avril: “ Get ready!” They come out of the tunnel slowly into rays of sunshine... vague but nice... Once, out a ways from the tunnel... it looks looks a hundred soldiers are there. But in the end, after a few glances they realize that it is only thirty or so children. Most of them are under 25, only five or ten are over 16... Only a few of them have old rifles and a few pistols. (One RPG?) Avril stops the bus (but leaves it running). She and Aniya get out to talk with the children and are throughly marveled... They just walk around for a few minutes as the children are starting a fire to cook and celebrate. Avril winks at Aniya. Then Avril spins around and says grandly to the children: “Who wants a story and song?” Then she whispers top Aniya: “Time to practice for Patras, no?” More logs are put on the fire and some ears of corn are wrapped and tossed in with potatoes. Aniya and Anton get out all of the food that they have left (bread, cheese and some apples) and pass them out to the children,. They ignore one of the older youth who comes to help (or take). Lots of possibilities here: Avril tells a story of resistance, a child hero or the Lost Children ** A note to reviewers: There are themes or subtexts not fully developed in this script at this time. Nicu's daughter, who is actually his 14 year old adopted daughter, Kirsten, is a mystery... partially wrapped in an enigma... and it is also a kind of a deception and forgotten, but then it comes back – AND it loosely ties into the stories of the Lost Children (!) possibly... We'll see... Also the romance, friendship and re-bonding of Aniya and Nicu is drawn out slowly and almost without notice as they travel, read the booklet The Winds of Insurrection and talk to each other. Some of these talks are also not yet developed in the script... awaiting young experts, I guess. Those who can fly... and the Little Sparrows – Cherryh? - and / or they do like a workshop thing and the kids speak too! Nicu stares at a 12 year old girl who looks like Kirsten and points this out to Aniya who later tells him I thought she was only like 2 or 3 years old. She's not your kid.” More flashes of Kirsten – some deceptions earlier and now... ...Stars are just tear drops looking for a place to fall... Aniya does a little speech, impromptu and changing mid-way... about the Coming Insurrection... Anton plays a guitar song and everyone sings along... The bus starts up with a cough and in the end they take three children with them. They leave all of their food gear and a few pistol;s ( with the right kids) and lots of ammo... (binoculars...). Anton comes too, but he could get off at an early checkpoint (anarcho checkpoint). MAYBE HE MAKES OUT With Avril ONCE BEFORE HE GETS SHOT ON ROOF ...OR? ) As they are driving and thinking about the children, Avril shows off their improved com devices: scanning roaming freq am-FM walkie talkies - not scrambled or secure but a new code unknown and unused before. We also hear more details about Aniya's earring - green laser. Jammers and other body – type scanners... Avril: “ A Greek army battalion in Kalindia is supposed to mutiny today. So, all Greek attention should be focused to the North. Just then a helicopter buzzes them but never comes back. They drive on and Avril decides to finish her story. “I want to finish the story about the bombs. This is going down really quick and some of you need to know. Well, the bomb decoys to Albania were the real ones. I wonder if they figured out the ruse yet and too late. The bombs are already on the way to Antarctica.” Aniya looks rather surprised. Avril: “There is a hidden turnout in the Gratsstern Tunnel in Macedonia near Albania. We switched the containers into smaller vans in the tunnel during a diversion. We're just transporting some land mines and hi tech IED's for Greece. Nicu: “Great, you ,ean all this time we've getting shot at and bouncing around on these roads with a giant bomb? An old junker bus...” Avril: “The nules, the backpack nuclaear bombs, the ones we got from Kurdistan, are just for Panama... The pirates and a few friends will get Suez. The Zapatistas and other 2012 groups are just waiting a few more days to hit every bridge and railroad on the Isthmus of Tehuanapec. They'll grab a lot of food from the freights and hit every grocery store to assure that some stockpiles exist. Then we also have a whole fleet of key foodstuffs sailing our way because we bought the cargoes – on credit of course. It practically bankrupted us and all of our friends... but of course there won't be an international economy anymore so credit worries don't exist. Oh, and the pirates are mostly working for us now and we financed some new ones too. Thet're tracking food ships around Africa. We have a plan to rubberize or tar some of them and dump them along the coast to villagers who are ready to tow them in. Food for a year – well maybe.” Aniya (who may have been in a stuppor for an hour, withdrawn and feeling depressed or scared tabout all the stuff about to go down, : “By then we'll be farming everythng we can... (and slaughtering beef, pig and dairy breeding stock!) They drive on many miles and buy some gas. Close to the bottom of the last big hill, we see a shot from behind of the bus and then from behind the bus driver, Avril. Aniya and Avril are singing songs and a funny girl mix (some French rap and some Snoop Dog). Aniya puts her hands over Avril's eyes. Avril stretches out her arms and says: “Let's Fly...” (weird like end of skit and also put it in earlier... “Flying... or Let's Fly) MORE INFO ON SECURITY PRECAUTIONS, COMM AND ACTIONS/CRIMES ETC PROCEDURES AND GEAR – The Goal of any insurrection is to become irreversible (Excerpts and pages shown from Winds of Insurrection...) Aniya and Nicu read through the Winds of Insurrection illustrated booklet: parts on community and also timing devices, ambushes or explosive devices... And she tussles with parts of the philosophy and he asks what's the big deal and finally she tells him how there are a lot of things planned along with the ice cap bombings – many of which I do not know or even suspect... One that I am involved in is the taking of Patras... in Greece. We want to get the people to rise up and barricade everything – even take out stairways in high rises and break holes in the walls between the buildings – booby-traps like Chechnya and surprises – and then we want to negotiate that we will leave Athens alone for now if they pull back and evacuate the cry babies and the rich from Patras, Thessaloníki and RHodes ( all of which we already have in every way except name! ) But why didn't anyone or the Committee talk about the real options pounding down on us: Do evil, and then you get to be dishonored or die brutally... ? They held back – they were afraid to tell us? “Or it just had to happen says Nicu – I do not know... Like Sparta – or Like Jerusalem (900?)” Later in Thessaloníki... More Com Ins Strat and End Game come out in and sweet affinity groups stuff – at one point Avril talks about her boyfriend (who went back to help her father or is in Athens?) Another Avril talk is in Thessaloníki, they have a long talk with Avril too or she is just there. Squats... on the way into town and gardens and eating fresh tomatoes and spinach... or FINAL LOCATION SITE: Morning sunrise clouds and wind Thessaloníki Meet up in Thessaloníki (first) They are tricked or kidnapped – deception. Kirsten IS presented as a new recruit. Courtney:”Didn't you wonder why she wasn't killed ? Oh you thought that we still valued you. Well we would of if we knew you cold get in Aniya's pants again! Wow dude...” Courtney (strokes Nicu's hair – sexy or possessive): Yes she is our new convert. Anti AN-IS like Victor who you dispatched so easily in Skopje How did you figure it out Aniya? (could be drama as he turns an eye to Nicu) Why didn't you stop her Nicu? And then Aniya and or Avril or Petru (who is there ? ) their eyes go up and they look at Nicu. No more pretenses Nicu. They should know what A GREAT performance you achieved... Nicu – I'm sorry Aniya - you should of follow your instincts and killed me right away... Victor had the right idea. You may think him a traitor and an evil friend but he meant well. He thought your dad's path was suicide. And it is. (a trick in here somewhere where Aniya figures out Nicu is hedging) maybe her dad hasn't come in yet and she gets to tell his story – or a twist in for Nicu or Kirsten... how and when or earlier does some clue about Kirsten being Petru's daughter come in? When does Petru come in – or First Victor's friend and an Arab come in. They prepare to torture Avril... ( or they bring her in) Avril says something about or a reference to old days and Aniya's earring and nods toward a window - Did you scan these bitches? Arab asks - Aniya gets the hand cuffs up to scratch her ear and to turn on the laser - and a guy comes over to check her as Avril is screaming from hair pulled back or pressure hold 0hhhhh. and then the bullets fly. Kirsten is thrown a gun and shoots Courtney when Avril's gun jams and Aniya's runs out... Maybe one of Arabs yells kill him (Nicu too) as the shots ring out. And he is grabbed but slides his gun or drop kicks it to Kirsten who looks at Petru At one of the shoot outs in Thessaloníki Aniya tells Nicu – after he screws up or gets them captured again: Look you cracked, OK? OK maybe you cracked a few times, but most people don't even take that one step, the step forward because they are afraid they'll crack. At the shoot out in Thessaloníki Nicu throws Aniya or Kirsten a gun. Some kind of show down Kirsten and Aniya - or maybe here she runs but later she helps? When does Nicu get killed Thessaloníki? Everything was murder. Besides really it was the only thing that could of worked – or along with all of the other stuff – there had to be murders – revolutionary trials and execution; assassinations of the rich assholes who ran everything. Nobody valued the wilderness or nature much. No one connected the dots. And the poor and the starving children here and around the globe – well they asked for it – they were lazy or communists or not blessed by God. But everyone cared about life – or their own life. They craved security even as their little world of walled villages shrank in upon them. Splendor and peace they would have again even if it meant mass murder on a global scale. I keep trying to tell you that We Are Not trying to save the world!” I want to hold the hand inside of you. I look at you to see the truth and I see nothing. You live your life and see shadows. Into your darkness I return. I think it is strange without U – Loose your eyes at what's not there. Yeah, strange you never knew all of that certainty that they clung to and depended on. The resolve to die… Thank you for your concern for my pirates; we welcome support for our violation of international law. Please join me in Somalia as we are in need of a PR rep. I’m sure you will love it over here, and all of my friends will be very amiable. We promise not to hold you for ransom because everything wrong in the world is the fault of the United States, just as you say. I treasure your guilt and hope that your comfortable lifestyle will travel with you to Somalia. But please, don’t study history and see how Jefferson resolved the issue of the Barbary pirates. Oh and just in case you really care about origins and root problems, let me explain you how it all began. Due to the sorry state of anarchy that Somalia is, for decades now, many fishing vessels cruise illegally in somalian waters. I am talking about thousand-ton factory trawler, with giant trawls which just completely wipe out all life on their path. So the Somali fishermen, on the brink of starvation, decided to defend themselves. And that proved to be financially interesting, yes; but it was not the main reason it all began. It began because of those silent assholes you never noticed before the shit hit the fan: fishing corporations. The next time you’re eating fish & chips, don’t forget that some of that food has been taken from the mouth of starving somalis (well, not anymore, thanks to who? Certainly not you, but pirates, yes). E-Mail: bombantarctica@gmail.com Website: http://myspace.com/bombantarctica |
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