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Riots in Corinthus - Greece @@ - 05.12.2009 14:32
First arrests for December... At 8 pm a demo in memory of Alexis began is the small city of Corinthus. The demonstration was not previously called and started spontaneously by people gathered for other reason there. About 150 demonstrators moved in the central streets of the city. Near the university a riot police group with shields and teargas guns tried to approach the demo, but it was attacked with rocks. After that a bank was torched. The demonstration approached the police station and a few demonstrators attacked the cops that were standing in front of it, using molotof cocktails. 5 of the cops caught fire, dropped their shields and started running. the conflict with the police continued for some time... In the end 22 adduction from which the 3 were arrested. Two boys of 15 years old and one 23. The will pass from the prosecutor on Monday. SOLIDARITY |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme europa vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | |