[A'DAM] Always Coca-Cola? Film & Debate DvB - 09.12.2009 12:22
22 December, 20:30 at OT301, Overtoom 301, Amsterdam Films and debate on globalisation and resistance.  We need no water, we can drink Coke! Holy Water (2007) (30 min) A film about India's farmers protesting against Coca-Cola, decreasing water levels and a Coke factory that had to close down because of this. Mine, story of a sacred mountain (2009) (10 min) About the Dongria Kondh tribe that see their lands being invaded by Vedanta Resources, a London-based Mining company. Debate on global resistance Nandlal Master, Leader of the farmers movement against Coke in India Geert Ritsema, Milieudefensie Gerard Oonk, India Committee of the Netherlands Tobias Schmitz, Both Ends Come and join us! Tickets: 4 Euro Location: Overtoom 301, Cinema (2nd floor), Amsterdam (www.ot301.nl) All proceedings go to farmers movement against Coke in India - read more on http://www.mehdiganj.org/ E-Mail: solidarity.mehdiganj@gmail.com Website: http://www.mehdiganj.org/ |