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uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  | ter aanvulling | nn - 09.12.2009 16:11
een aardige overkill aan smeris vannacht in rel-uniform. zo'n 11 busjes vol. Ze reden het terrein op zo rond 2:30 waarbij een deel zich opstelde rond de slaapvertrekken en een ander deel de werkplaatsen doorzocht. Niemand mocht de slaapvertrekken verlaten op dat moment. Er is wat actie materiaal meegenomen en ook zowat alle vellen papier met overzichten van meetings en agenda's etc. (allemaal niet zo bijzonder die info). Het hele zootje vertrok weer rond 3:45. Twee buschauffeurs zijn tijdens deze actie nog even hun bus uitgetrokken en hebben een tijdje geboeid gezeten terwijl de bus onderzocht werd. Verder geen aanhoudingen.
| correctie bovenstaande | nn - 09.12.2009 16:17
het bleek te gaan om bouwmateriaal voor de slaapplekken itt actiemateriaal. | Report from the raid at Ragnhildgade | GI - 10.12.2009 01:04
Report from the raid at Ragnhildgade (van: http://indymedia.dk/articles/1448) Icon_article Udgivet: Wednesday 09 December 2009 18:26 af Cablefish Tagget som: cop15 cop15imc police repression Område: ragnhildgade The activists staying at Ragnhildgade don't share the police's impression of a calm and orderly investigation. An eyewitness staying on firewatch duty says the police was indiscriminate about the stuff they took. Paint, stepladders used for setting up smoke alarms, hammers, screwdrivers and basically any sort of practical tools available. Along with this some rubber matresses were taken on the grounds, that could be used to make shield padding. When taken outside, the local activists were quickly sorted from the international activists. The international activist were only let go pending orders from what the officers referred to as "a higher place". Furthermore there is an unconfirmed rumor that two bus-drivers who had nothing to do with protests or activism was cuffed and threatened with arrest by the police, while their busses were searched. The Danish law requires the police to have their searches witnessed by either the person whom they are raiding or a neutral witness. The police conveniently forgot to tell anyone and didn't want to comply, when the activists demanded this right. The police never produced a search warrent. This is not legally necessary if the police are in a hurry. But the fact that the police managed to call in more than 200 officers and the nature of the raids timing in the middle of the night makes this highly unlikely. Along with all kind of tools the police took all papers and documents the activists had with them including the activists permit from the fire depardment and the van wich is supposed to be used at the demonstrations later on. After a heated argument with some local activists the permit was given back. The bolt cutters and painted shields have been proudly on display for the mainstream media. At the press conference the police spokesperson was overheard arguing that the stepladder might be used to stand on while throwing stuff. However the police haven't been eager to talk about all the other stuff they've been taking. | |
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