Announcement for solidarity to anarchists of "Resalton" cent alfa3 - 11.12.2009 15:34
Financial support to Greek arrested anarchists of "Resalto" center  Following the police assault and brutal break-in at the anarchist/ antiauthoritarian center of "Resalton" during the afternoon of Saturday, December 5th , the 22 arrested comrades were released by the Piraeus Court at the dawn of Tuesday, December, 8th. For their release, both from prison and from custody until their trial, the Court imposed limitative clauses on them, and furthermore, bail money was set at a very high amount. The total amount of bail money sums up to the amount of 51,000 euros. More specifically, for one of those arrested bail was set at 15.000 euros, for three of them at 5,000 per person and for the remaining seven, bail starts at 3,000 euros. The total financial amount of bail-money must be deposited by Thursday, December 17, but it is advisable, for the purpose of avoiding bureaucratic deadlocks, that this money is raised until Tuesday, December 15th. So, for the financial support of the 22 arrested of Resalto, but also for the prompt payment of bail, a solidarity fund has been established. It is necessary for all of us to assist in gathering this, unusually high, total amount of bail money. For this purpose, in order for this amount of money to be securely raised you are all greatly encouraged, and kindly asked to establish direct contact at the following telephone number: 30 6973657960 or establish contact via e-mail, at the address in order to obtain the bank account number where this money may be deposited. Solidarity is our weapon |