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Noise bombs at dutch embassy Chile Direct Action - 12.12.2009 13:55
"On the evening of Wednesday, December 2nd we wanted to make a gesture of solidarity with the 'international call for action for the release of activists imprisoned in the Netherlands.' Bron:
http://www.directaction.info/news_dec06_09.htm anonymous communique (translation): "On the evening of Wednesday, December 2nd we wanted to make a gesture of solidarity with the 'international call for action for the release of activists imprisoned in the Netherlands.' Our action consisted of putting three noise bombs in the building housing the Dutch embassy in Chile, located on Apoquindo street, in Las Condes. One of the imprisoned comrades in the Netherlands was arrested on October 29 and the other on November 17; both are accused of releasing about 5,000 mink from a fur farm and for substantial damage to the extermination center. With this action we take the opportunity to send them much strength and affection, because in the struggle against speciesism, they are not alone. With the explosions carried out last night we also shook the false peace of one of the most affluent suburbs of Santiago, where many of those responsible for exploitation (in all its forms) sleep. The loud noise of the bombs was heard more than 3 blocks around which left no one unaffected. To fight until the freedom of all prisoners is achieved! The actions will continue ... For human, animal and earth liberation, now! Dieren Bevrijdings Front (Frente de Liberación Animal in Dutch)" Spanish: "La noche del miércoles 2 de Diciembre quisimos hacer un gesto de solidaridad por la "convocatoria internacional de acciones por la liberación de las activistas encarceladas en Holanda". Nuestra acción consistió en poner 3 bombas de ruido en el edificio donde se encuentra la embajada de Holanda en chile, ubicado en la calle Apoquindo 3500, en las Condes. Una de las compañeras encarceladas en Holanda fue detenida el 29 de Octubre y la otra el 17 de Noviembre, ambas están siendo acusadas de la liberación de unos 5000 visones desde una granja peletera y por daños materiales al centro de exterminio. Con esta acción aprovechamos de enviarles mucha fuerza y cariños, porque en la lucha contra el especismo no están solas. Con las explosiones realizadas anoche también sacudimos la falsa paz de una de las comunas más opulentas de Santiago, donde duermen gran parte de los responsables de la explotación (en todas sus formas). El fuerte ruido de las bombas se escucho a más de 3 cuadras a la redonda lo cual no dejo indiferente a nadie. Hasta conseguir la libertad de todxs lxs presxs por luchar! Las acciones continuaran... Por la liberación humana, animal y de la tierra, ahora! Dieren Bevrijdings Front (Frente de Liberación Animal en holandés)" |
Lees meer over: natuur, dier en mens vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | Ook Finse solidariteit | Mink - 12.12.2009 14:31
Ter aanvulling en met dank aan http://animals-in-the-news.blogspot.com: Solidarity demonstration at the Dutch Embassy in Helsinki 02-12-2009 ELP Support Network, UK On the 2nd of December a group of Finnish animal rights activists took part in the international day of action in solidarity with the two activists imprisoned in Holland. We gathered at the Dutch embassy in Helsinki to express our disgust at the Dutch authorities for imprisoning the activists suspected of animal liberation activities. Their isolation should be ended so that they can receive mail and visits from their friends, family and supporters. We also demand that the two activists are released immediately. In the end of the demonstration the people in the embassy were reminded of the fact that this disturbing demonstration could have been avoided if Holland had banned mink farming. (Bron: http://www.spiritoffreedom.org.uk/) | |
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