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update | nn - 15.12.2009 00:52
de ingang van christiania werd met brandende barricades en stenen verdedigd, maar na inzet van de waterwerper is de smeris binnen kunnen komen en hebben ze daar 200 mensen opgepakt. | foto | nn - 15.12.2009 00:56
 eenmaal barricade | Up to 200 arrested in Christiania | nn - 15.12.2009 00:57
  Troublemakers threw both incendiaries and fireworks at police, before the raid  Up to 200 arrested in Christiania see: http://ekstrabladet.dk/112/article1269906.ece (in Danish) translation (not my words but a highly subjective newspaper article - actually what can be seen is that the cops are more repressive than ever breaking all laws on their way): title: Then there is fire and fire at Christiania. Police have, according ekstrabladet.dk, stormed Christiania/Freetown which is happening right now, mass arrests are made inside the area. 150-200 persons have been held up for administrative detention, said the police press spokesman Johnny Lundberg to ekstrabladet.dk. There has been trouble since 22:30 o'clock in the context of a great celebration for the people who attended today's demonstration, which was dissolved for dinner in Christiania. 500 people were in a circus tent, which held a concert. A climate activist told TV2 News that police threw tear gas into the party in the hall after the city was stormed. The police can neither confirm nor deny. - We go in and make arrests 23:43 in large forces after we got off the fire at the barricades outside. Among other things, at Woodstock in detention we have a number of people we've seen come running from barricaded areas, said police spokesman Henrik Suhr to TV2 News. 40-50 policemen stormed into the town, where party members cast glass opposite the police. It seems that the police strategy is alternately moving in and out of town. Shortly after police influx, they came out with police dogs again - to turn out five minutes later - at 00:04. Police have called in reinforcements, and there will be many more officers and dogs to the scene. There are 12-13 Dutchman coaches (?riotvans??) present alone at Princess Street, and police have control over the situation outside of the main entrance on Princess Street. There are however subject to 'bangers' and the like into the street from inside Christiania. 00:23: The police begin to escort detainees from the city. The first bus at Burmeistersgade arrived, and ekstrabladet.dk 's broadcast have been told that 17 detainees be transported away in the bus. There are certainly more buses on the road. Tear gas, bonfires and fire Ballad began around 22:30 o'clock, when party-goers built barricades outside the main entrance on Princess Street with flammable materials on site, where police last hour has been solid in place to prevent that party pulled out of Christiania. - As we go forward we will extinguish fires by the Molotov cocktails which will be thrown at us, told the press spokesman Henrik Suhr to ekstrabladet.dk. The police threw tear gas, but retreated from Princess Street and into side streets. Black-clad activists stormed out and barrikerede street with sofas, tables, a large boat and other things. And set fire to it again. Water cannon - with police words of fire and clearing vehicle - was the first time at the climate meeting being used to extinguish the fire at the main entrance on Princess Street/Prinsessegade War Zone Meanwhile, the police throw tear gas into massive degree by violence tells ekstrabladet.dk 's broadcast. In an area outside the area cars are burned and the police will sweep the field. It thunders and roars from the city and firework and stones has been thrown against the police. ekstrabladet.dk 's broadcast tells the area resembles a war zone. Police helicopter hovers above the ground. According to TV2 News, at least two further men were arrested before the city was stormed. ekstrabladet.dk following the case ... | timeline | nn - 15.12.2009 01:00
December 15, 2009 00:20 - Reports coming in that 200 #arrests are bring made. December 15, 2009 00:15 - Reports of bridges by #Christiania having a stong police presence as well as police checks on Gyldenlovesgade, Dronning Louises Bro, Fredensbro. Dogs being deployed in streets around area. December 14, 2009 23:45 - Teargass fired at entrance to #Christiania and police coming in through the back. December 14, 2009 23:40 - #Initial reports stated that Christiania was being stormed by the police, seems it is more of an incur sion into the first blocks. Confirmed that police have raided at least one bar inside Christiania. Some arrests made. December 14, 2009 23:25 - Party at #Christianina is being raided. Entrances blocked with police, vans and dogs. No one allowed inside. Police stated this may take some hours before allowing people in or out. December 14, 2009 22:40 - On Princessegade in #Christiania there are barricades being built. A large police presence with the water cannon. The police are stopping and searching people and threatening them. December 14, 2009 19:45 - Naomi Klein and Tadzio Müller have been speaking to a largely attended CJA-party in Christiania. Michael Hardt is due to talk in a while.#cop15 #cja December 14, 2009 15:14 - March has proceeded to Christiania and the police have left. People very happy and a lot are going to stay in Christiania, perhaps until the Reclaim Power party this evening. #cop15 #noborders December 14, 2009 15:05 - Demo turning into Prinsessegade, moving towards Chrstiania with a lot of riot police behind them | movie 14.48 Pigs... And street party! | nn - 15.12.2009 01:05
14.48 Pigs... And street party! indymedia.dk is a bit overcrowded so better to put the movie here: 14.48 Pigs... And street party! | Police raid Christiania | nN - 15.12.2009 19:46
 A massive police inmate turned off all of Christiania and the area about against restlessness in Prinsessegade on Monday evening both spectators and press. Modkraft had a reporter within the barrings. December 15th 2009 Københavns Politi blocked late on Monday December 14th all of Christiania and large parts of Christianshavn. It happened after according to Københavns Politi there were ignited fires in Prinsessegade and police officers attacked with Molotov cocktails that they'd put out the fires. The police put between 22 o'clock and 22.30 one very effective barring of all entrances to Christiania and all the streets that are leading through Christianshavn until the free city. The area was hermetically sealed and no press representatives obtained apparent admission to the area because of the police blockades. The police action and the barring of the area happened according to the police, because during the evening there was an ignited fire in Prinsessegade that runs along Christiania, and that police officers had been affected with Molotov cocktails, when they'd put out the fires. Presentations to restlessness Aktionsnetværket Climate Justice Action arranged a support party on Monday evening in a tent in the Peace's Meadow for an advertised civilian disobedience action on Wednesday December 16th. Many demonstrators from a civilian disobedient demonstrator ion had also late in the afternoon been searched for into the free city, after having been pressed away from Christiansborg Slot place and out on Christianshavn by police chains and vehicles. - That already resembled a presentation to street fight, when the police pressed down the demonstrators against Christiania in the afternoon, says one of Modkraft's street reporters. - It was only hindered, because the police's chains moved back and disappeared in the afternoon. Thus it cannot wonder that there broke out restlessness in the evening, he says. He emphasizes that the troubles about in return didn't think to have something with the action network's party in the Peace's Meadow to do. A water cannon inaugurated Modkraft got reports from several independent sources about 23 o'clock in the area that there had been fired tear gas in in Christiania and that nobody could come neither in nor out of the area because of the barring. The police subtracted himself about 23.30 o'clock provisionally back from Prinsessegade. and they progressed cards after this new burning barricades in the street. That got the police about midnight to again entering the street and clearing the fires with a recently purchased water cannon that thus got one's début - also as a goal for missiles. The gun was only aimed at fires. Stone throw at the entrances A Modkraft reporter succeeded in about 23 o'clock being let off into Christiania. He reports that he here observed a fair amount of fight up and down between masked activists and police officers at the entrances to the free city that the police with very great forces around hrs. 00.30 rushed in from all pages and with quite a few divisions. - The activists couldn't enough find missiles to hold so great forces of infantry back. Instead they ran in all directions and mingled with other crowds in Christiania. They made countless arrests during the storm, but it didn't look like that they managed to take some activists in a the very act, the reporter reports. Activists mingle with others The police after that had the problem that they had a hard time very telling people from each other, that is between residents, ordinary visitors, banquet participants and activists, who had participated in troubles. That led to a certain mobile among the police officers, the Modkraft's envoy reports. He heard for instance police officers say that you were to be ready again move out of the area. The police raided the meeting point the Greenlanders' house and the pub Woodstock, apparent in order to look for Molotov cocktails, before it got a grip on the situation. Party went free for police harassment The Celebration for Climate Justice Action remained comparatively untouched of the troubles and the police's action. The Modkraft's envoy heard the police's bid leader Bjarne Christensen over the police radio emphasize that the police officers must not do anything about the Peace's Meadow, where the party took place. The Celebration could therefore continue comparatively unceremoniously - except tear gas that drifted in on the area. The police established during the action a kind of floodgate that meant that banquet participants from the Peace's Meadow were led entirely out of Christiania, if they left the party-area. It happened probably of apprehension of the militant activists, who had spread in the area. With the floodgate the area could be emptied for people, without disturbing the party for a lot, the Modkraft's envoy reckons. Continuation of party had to be cancelled Thus it was experienced however not by the participants in Climate Justice Action's party. A participant tells Modkrat that about midnight worked as if a drop gas bullet hit into the tent, where the party took place. The banquet participants had to flee the tent therefore. Also Climate Justice Action experienced the police action as a violation. In a press release the network writes that it's a criminalisation of the climate protests, when the police chooses to throw tear gas towards a peaceful party at a debate event "The banquet participants experienced the party as calm, and nobody knew what happened outside Christiania. All exits to Christiania were closed and far from everybody reached out, before the police started to arrest accidental" , the network writes. The continuation of Climate Justice action's party that had been planned to happen at the gaming site Loppen, was cancelled. Tear gas applied - also in in Christiania The police informed the night in the race that there only was applied tear gas in Prinsessegade. But that doesn't fit. Modkraft's photographer can document that the police fired in tear gas via Christiania from Bådsmandsstræde (watch the top photo). And Modkraft just from several sources independently from each other got reports on use from tear gas in in Christiania. They for instance used tear gas in the vicinity of the Peace's Meadow, where the climate party was arranged. A great area around Fredens Ark and Meadow had taken up a lot of room with gas that seemed very strong, report the Modkraft's envoy. The tear gas has probably not been fired directly with the party Mod strength experienced no violent arrests or violence episodes during the evening. It however at the same time wasn't possible to approach the area, where the police kept a check on the retained ones. Mod strength heard however in Pusher Street two women violently protest against an arrest, where there ostensibly was a used truncheon. source ; http://modkraft.dk/spip.php?article12232 somebody info about the arrested people? | Misschien jammer | zelf gezien - 18.12.2009 17:15
Dezemededeling komt van iemand die er naast stond. Enkele Blackblockers vonden het broodnodig om naast Christiania barricades op te werpen. Zeer moedig hoor, met een stad vol eventuele doelwitten vonden ze er niets beter op dan een relletje te organiseren naast een stuk stad dat al 30 jaar wordt gekraakt en op een voorbeeldige manier wordt "bestuurd" (zijnde horizontaal en ultrabasisdemocratisch). Voor hen moet het natuurlijk leuk gewweest zijn 200 à 500 mensen bij hun oorlogje te betrekken, te vluchten in een feestende massa en de politie de kans te gunnen om met 'reden' Christiania binnen te vallen. Verdomme, zelfs ik had intelligenter kunnen zijn. Bij deze dan maar meteen een oproep aan alle militante activisten die geweld niet schuwen om hun brein is te laten werken voor de handen uit de mouwen worden gestoken. Het kan niet dat de groepen binnen onze beweging die het meeste risico nemen en de hardste acties hebben er het minst bij nadenken. Voor alle duidelijkheid de reactie van de politie was een re-actie, geen actie. Naar alle waarschijnlijkheid heeft depolitie het zalig gevonden om christiania aan tevallen en is alle registers open te smijten, dat wel, maar ze hebben wel degelijk van onzentwege de voorzet gekregen.
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