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raid op Bolsjefabrikken (denmark) Nn - 15.12.2009 19:01
The police seizes bike-block before klimate-action at Bella Center The police has during a search on Tuesday in the culture house the Sweet factory seized the bike-block for "the Reclaim Power action". 1 arrested. (updated)  Hrs. 18.35 The police seizes bicycles, which were to be used for Climate Justice Actions "the Reclaim Power action" on Wednesday at Bella Center. Hrs. 18.32 The Modkraft's envoy reports that the police has brought two boxes from the Sweet factory. Moreover there have arrived more police, for instance a group car, to the area. A group on about 15 people has met at the police's barrings and follows the action. Hrs. 18.23 The chairman from the society of the Sweet factory, Benny Henningensen, has taken time off from his work as a Christmas tree seller and is got to the police's barrings. - I cannot learn something from the police, but we have two peoples inside the house together with the police that checks that the search takes place without problems, he says to Modkraft.dk. He confirms that climate activists have used the place to build bicycles in connection with an action on Wednesday at Bella Center. He reckons that there are about 100 bicycles at the Sweet factory but refuse that this was to be illegal. - People have built bicycles, for instance to the many foreigners who are in the town so that they can come around. It's a lovely climate-friendly mode of transportation, he says. Apart from bike-workshop the culture house has also been used as media centre in connection with alternative media's coverage's of the protests against COP15. Hrs. 18.11 The police's bus has left the area with a single one arrested. At the same time a large white truck has arrived, which according to the Modkraft's envoy indicates that the police will seize the many bicycles, which are to be used for "the Reclaim Power action" on Wednesday. The press has also arrived to the place. Hrs. 18.01 The police has blocked the area around the Sweet factory and is massive present. Hrs. 17.42 The situation is calm at the Sweet factory, the mod strength's envoy reports. But the police checks everybody in the area. At the same time tells a user of the place, who was in the culture house when the police arrived that the action ran without drama. - We were all placed in a room after which the police went into action with searching the place. People were noticed before they got permission to leave the place. They had some identification forms where they noted name and address but also height, hair colour and which clothes people were wearing, Tommy, reports to Modkraft.dk. Hrs. 17.36 The chairman of the society of the Sweet factory, Benny Henningensen, tells to Modkraft that he be surprised at the police's action. - We have nothing illegal at the Sweet factory. The only thing who happens in a relation to the climate summit, is that they build bicycles to a "Bike bloc", which is to be a part of "the Reclaim Power action" tomorrow at Bella Center, he says. Hrs. 17.33 The police confirms opposite Modkraft.dk that the police around 16 o'clock Tuesday went into action with searching Boljsefabrikken in the Copenhagen north-quarter west. The Modkraft's envoy reports that at least one is been under arrest and a bus with room for arrested has arrived to the place. translated from : http://modkraft.dk/spip.php?article12239 |
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