Naomi Klein on:"Taking the Movement Forward: Post-COP15 mobi Spirit Of Squatters Collective - 18.12.2009 20:54
link to video  Spirit Of Squatters Collective here You can watch it: Feel free to embed,link it,send it,screen it etc. Use it=dont't loose it. Reclaim the media with us ! For the mainstreem media if they would like to get the best quality they can contact us... Testimonies of affected communities and campaigners will make the links between local to global struggles for climate justice. The struggle to combat climate change including mobilisation and resistance against an unjust economic system, the promotion of fossil fuels, carbon offset projects and other disastrous policies are being met with a powerful transformative agenda that will help us move towards more sustainable societies. Now is the time to get involved and take action. Spirit Of Squatters Collective Spirit Of Squatters Collective We are giving the voice to indigenous people from Caravan Block on the front of Reclaim Power demonstration. But could anyone translate it and send it to us, that more people could understand the message, please ? Spirit Of Squatters/ Climate Justice News We are giving a short report of everything that we see and experience here. Everyday you can check our pages, and use them. Pass the relation further. Reclaim the media with us. Change the climate for better (and not for business). With our activity we are supporting www.climate-justice-action , , and other honest people who are really concerned about our planet. We would stand against any hypocrisy,fake solutions (like gmo, agro fuels, nuclear power, carbon trade or big part of official COP 15 etc.), corporations, "green" capitalism etc.Here is the second part... So get inspired. Spirit Of Squatters. E-Mail: mgriks(at) Website: |