Fountainhead Tanz Theatre Fountainhead - 19.12.2009 21:54
An overview of the International, Intercultural Diplomacy undertakings of Fountainhead Tanz Theatre, A COMPLEXION CHANGE.  A COMPLEXION CHANGE  Fountainhead Tanz Theatre XXIV. Black International Cinema Berlin Germany & USA 2009 May 7-10 Rathaus Schöneberg (city hall) John-F.-Kennedy-Platz 10825 Berlin-Schöneberg "A COMPLEXION CHANGE – International & Intercultural Diplomacy" A tribute to: Chancellor Willy Brandt "The future will not be mastered by those who dwell on the past." Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals." President John F. Kennedy "We must never forget that art is not a form of propaganda; it is a form of truth." President Barack Hussein Obama "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." produced & directed by FOUNTAINHEAD® TANZ THEATRE THE COLLEGIUM - FORUM & TELEVISION PROGRAM BERLIN in association with CULTURAL ZEPHYR e.V. in cooperation with Commissioner for Integration, District Tempelhof-Schöneberg, Berlin From May 7-10, 2009 Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre under the direction of Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith and Prof. Gayle McKinney Griffith, present the interdisciplinary and intercultural film/video festival Black International Cinema Berlin for the 24th year. For the first time, the festival will guest at the Rathaus Schöneberg (city hall) and be presented in cooperation with the Commissioner for Integration of the district Tempelhof-Schöneberg, Berlin, Gabriele Gün Tank. Under the theme "A COMPLEXION CHANGE - International & Intercultural Diplomacy”, films from Africa, the African Diaspora and films with an intercultural perspective are the focus. Approximately 60 productions will be screened, among them cinematic works from Cape Verde, Benin, France, USA, Iran, India, Togo, Senegal, Belgium, Germany, United Kingdom, Colombia, Spain, Nicaragua, Switzerland and Madagascar. In addition, film discussions, performances and seminars will be conducted. German Commission for UNESCO, Bonn Our festival is supported as an ideal project by the German Commission for UNESCO, Bonn. As a result we received the following letter of acknowledgement from Christine M. Merkel, Head of the Division for Culture and Memory of the World. "A COMPLEXION CHANGE 2009-2011 is an International Media Project with a very contemporary and innovative approach. It aims at contributing to the strengthening of international understanding, peace and friendship among peoples. It promotes intercultural dialogue in the spirit of the ideals and aims of UNESCO. The German Commission for UNESCO appreciates this initiative. We kindly ask you to assist Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith and the Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre / Black International Cinema Berlin / The Collegium – Forum & Television Program Berlin & Cultural Zephyr e.V. as well as all other co-organizers and project participants in realizing this project. We are convinced that this idea can offer inspiring experience to many people in the region." Railbookers "Since it was founded in 1986, the Black International Cinema festival in Berlin has developed into one of the most highly regarded film events in Europe and movie fans will have the chance to experience it for themselves between May 7th and 10th. Produced and directed by the Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre, the extravaganza is an interdisciplinary and intercultural celebration of the contribution made by black actors and directors in the world of film. The focus of the festival is to present works of a cultural, artistic and political nature coinciding with the general social, economic and educational interests of people from Africa. Open to all filmmakers and visitors, the event provides a platform for the impact of cinema from the African Diaspora and people with an interest in intercultural relations. The Fountainhead® organization is committed to fighting religious, ethnic and gender persecution and seeks to battle discrimination through dialogue and understanding. By using art, theatre, dance, music and seminars, the foundation believes that prejudice against disadvantaged groups can be challenged and stronger links within society can be forged. Visitors will be treated to powerful and thought-provoking examples of cinema from the past and present." Information: Tel.: 030-782 16 21/75 46 09 46 oder Fax: 786 34 66. e-mail: Mottos "I may not make it if I try, but I damn sure won´t if I don´t..." - Oscar Brown Jr. "Mankind will either find a way or make one." - C.P. Snow "Whatever you do..., be cool!" - Joseph Louis Turner "Yes, I can...!" - Sammy Davis Jr. "Yes, We can...!" - Barack Obama FOUNTAINHEAD® TANZ THEATRE e LETTER, Berlin/Germany November 2009 Please send replies to / Bitte senden Sie Antworten an ******************************************************* CALL FOR ENTRIES XXV. Black International Cinema Berlin MAY 4 - 8, 2010 Intercultural/Interdisciplinary film/video, dance, theatre, music & seminar presentations Berlin/Germany & USA A COMPLEXION CHANGE International & Intercultural Diplomacy The Magical Oasis Cinema Experience Rathaus Schöneberg John-F.-Kennedy-Platz 10825 Berlin in cooperation with Commissioner for Integration, District Tempelhof-Schöneberg, Berlin in association with Classic In Black Production & Direction: Fountainhead Tanz Theatre ******************************************************* A Complexion Change International & Intercultural Diplomacy The Magical Oasis Cinema Experience "Europe is not just about material results, it is about spirit. Europe is a state of mind." - Jacques Delors Fountainhead Tanz Theatre XXV. Black International Cinema Berlin 2010 THE COLLEGIUM - Forum & Television Program Berlin, Wolfsburg, Magdeburg, Dessau and additional cities Cultural Zephyr e.V. present "InterRelations" a collage of film and text interpretations interspersed with music. November 17, 2009 6 p.m. Rathaus Schöneberg John-F.-Kennedy-Platz 10825 Berlin-Schöneberg Kinosaal in association with CrossKultur A series of productions from the district office of Tempelhof-Schöneberg November 16 - December 18, 2009 The series CrossKultur was organized by the museums of Tempelhof-Schöneberg and the commissioner for integration and is part of the district model project "Demographic Change - Strategies for Berlin districts". Tribute Margarete Heymann - artist - "Her work was original, functional, beautiful and remarkably advanced for its time." Bauhaus 1920-1921 Serena Williams - Tennis Champion - Gifted, determined, destined. Music: Aaron Copland Text: Possibilities for the future through multi- and inter-cultural communication (excerpt) Author: Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith, 1996 Narration: Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith and Marion Kramer "Once a great wrong has been done, it never dies. People speak the words of peace, but their hearts do not forgive. Generations perform ceremonies of reconciliation, but there is no end." - Tiv of West Africa The theme is that of the complex series of interactions between the oppressed and their oppressors; its truth is that half-measures cannot substantively change those interactions. "Underdeveloped" societies in the world, held captive both economically and psychologically, somehow possess their own vision of possibilities. The materialism of many countries often spells the death of compassion and respect. The need to and the complexity of struggle to reverse, alter and fend off the present order is implicit in many of these people's cultural outpourings and contributions. "Without truth, reconciliation between people cannot succeed. But truth without a view to reconciliation is inhuman. The ability to identify one's own weakness, failures, and faults can work wonders. This doesn't signify exclusion, but the best starting point to have a chance at a new start. This new starting point is important for one's future life." - Richard von Weizsäcker, Federal President of Germany, 1984-1994 Music: James Brown Text: The Willy Lynch Letter A Metaphor for the Historical, International Strategy of Divide and Conquer Reading: Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith "And so it was necessary to teach people not to think and make judgements, to compel them to see the non-existent, and to argue the opposite of what was obvious to everyone." - Boris Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago "Granted: I am an inmate of a mental hospital; my keeper is watching me, he never lets me out of his sight; there's a peephole in the door, and my keeper's eye is the shade of "blue" that can never see through a "brown" eyed type like me." - Günter Grass, The Tin Drum Berlin Africa Conference: November 15, 1884 - February 26, 1885 Chairman: Otto von Bismarck, Chancellor of Germany Film: "I Dream A World" Production: Fountainhead Tanz Theatre & Pol-Tel Direction: Tomasz Lewinski Documentary, Poland/Germany 1990 English A portrait of a multi-cultural, ethnic festival of dancers, teachers and their communication in Arezzo, Italy. "Hello Again, Farewell" Production: Fountainhead Tanz Theatre Choreography: Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith Artist: Prof. Gayle McKinney Griffith Germany 1996 Music: Ella Fitzgerald Text: "Ain't I A Woman?" Artist: Marion Kramer Excerpts from "Ain't I A Women?", an original performance utilizing readings in English and German, dance and music to portray an international and intercultural group of women, who created and made a vivid impression upon the world, from the 18th century to the present and beyond. The women are Sojourner Truth, Anais Nin, Hannah Arendt, Simone de Beauvoir, Ella Fitzgerald, Valerie Solanas, Isabel Allende and Toni Morrison. Conceptualization, Direction and Choreography: Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith, Artist: Marion Kramer, Rehearsal Assistance: Angela Kramer, Costume Design: Prof. Gayle McKinney Griffith and Gladys Denk The production was originally performed during the XV. Black International Cinema Berlin 2000. "I want to throw open the windows of the Church so that we can see out and the people can see in." - Pope John XXIII "Vengeance is pointless, but certain men did not have a place in the world we sought to construct." - Simone de Beauvoir Film: "A Man Without Limits" Production: Fountainhead Tanz Theatre & Pol-Tel Direction: Dr. Ntongela Masilela Documentary, Poland/Germany 1990 English Documents Europe's first Black Cultural Festival Berlin, produced and directed by Fountainhead Tanz Theatre, March 3-23, 1986 in Berlin, Germany. The venues were the Theatermanufaktur am Halleschen Ufer from March 3-16, music - dance - theatre; Hochschule der Künste Berlin on March 11, symposium; Kino Arsenal from March 17-23, film. Organization and artistic direction: Prof. Gayle McKinney Griffith (USA/Berlin), Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith (USA/Berlin), Donald Muldrow McKinney Griffith II (USA/Berlin), Dr. Ntongela Masilela (South Africa); in cooperation with: Prof. Dr. Abdul Alkalimat (USA), Uazuvara Ewald Katjivena (Namibia), Getinet Belay (Ethiopia), Joliba Africa Center; organization assistance: Annette Koschmieder (Germany) "Culture is simultaneously the fruit of a people's history and a determinant of history, by the positive or negative influence which it exerts on the evolution of relationships between man and his environment, among men or groups of men within a society, as well as among different societies." - Amilcar Cabral, National Liberation and Culture Music: Jessye Norman Text: "Troubled - Aufgewühlt" Artists: Cordula Alkert and Marion Kramer Written by Cordula Alkert Translated and edited by Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith, Angela Kramer, Marion Kramer "...The mother eventually became so foreign to me, that I thought, this cannot be my mother..." The story of an irreconcilable relationship between mother and daughter. Text: "Grownupism, 1 Day When I Grow Up" Part LXXII Skool, skool, skool! Yukki, yukki, yukki! Author and Reading: Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith "A boy is a magical creature - you can lock him out of your workshop, but you can't lock him out of your heart." - Allan Beck Music: John Coltrane Film: "Black People/Black Berlin" Production & Direction: Fountainhead Tanz Theatre Documentary, Germany 1995 English This documentary was created prior to the fall of the Berlin wall. Interviews were conducted with members of the Berlin African Diaspora: Black Germans, Black Americans and Black Africans, regarding social, political, economic and cultural issues, intercultural marriage, refugee status and their hopes and dreams for the future. The interviewees: Johnetta Page/USA, Mona Agbaje/Swaziland, Robert Harrel/USA, Magumba/St. Kitts, Dr. Mahoma Mwaungulu/Malawi, Alycia Jones/USA, Mai Opitz Ayim/Germany and Ifatayo Ifayemi/Germany. Credits Music: Luciano Pavarotti Production & Direction Fountainhead Tanz Theatre/XXV. Black International Cinema Berlin 2010/ THE COLLEGIUM - Forum & Television Program Berlin, Wolfsburg, Magdeburg, Dessau and additional cities/Cultural Zephyr e.V. Concept & Direction: Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith Production Co-ordination: Angela Kramer Public Relations Co-ordination: Marion Kramer Production Assistance: Cordula Alkert Technical Assistance: Thomas M. Wendt "I may not make it if I try, but I damn sure wont if I dont..." - Oscar Brown Jr. "Mankind will either find a way or make one." - C.P. Snow "Whatever you do..., be cool!" - Joseph Louis Turner "Yes, I can...!" - Sammy Davis Jr. "Yes, We can...!" - Barack Obama English/German Fountainhead Tanz Theatre, November 9, 2009 ******************************************************* THE COLLEGIUM TELEVISION PROGRAM BERLIN produced & directed by/produziert und geleitet von Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre/Black International Cinema Berlin/Cultural Zephyr e.V. ALEX - Offener Kanal Berlin (Open Channel Berlin) Voltastr. 5, 13355 Berlin-Wedding * LIVE * LIVE * LIVE * LIVE * LIVE * LIVE * NOVEMBER 15 7-8 pm / 19-20 Uhr ALEX - Offener Kanal Berlin (Open Channel Berlin) CINEMA t.b.a. STATE OF AFFAIRS ASYLSHITUATION by Sonja Prinz, 2007 ARTS CALENDAR TRIPTYCH Fountainhead Tanz Theatre Choreography: Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith Dancer: Angela Kramer ******************************************************* ALEX - OFFENER KANAL BERLIN / OPEN CHANNEL BERLIN For further information & visual impressions, please visit THE COLLEGIUM website. ******************************************************* PART LXXII Grownupism! 1Day, When I Grow Up! So, as usual, I wuz sittin' an' stinkin' 'bout evrythin' an' sumtimes, I wuz jes stinkin' 'bout nothin'! Nothin' is easier to deal with sumtime, 'cause evrythin' is jes to confusin' an' overwhelmin', sumtime! There is jes so much stirrin' an' swirlin' in the wurl an' I don't know where it cums from an' for sure I don't know where it's goin'? None of it! Evrybody is still talkin' 'bout how ol' Stetson Hat took his boots an' left a big mess behine. Mess, mess, mess an' now it's clean up time, for sumbody or sumbodies else! Needless to say, the dragon teechers are on our case 'bout all this stuff, an' we gotta write papers an' have exames an' explain evrythin' to the dragon teechers, an' we have to explain stuff, they shuld already know! The title of the papers from the fire dragons, is the state of the union 2009-10. I wuz wondrin', which union an' where, with all the quarrels an' stuff goin' on evrywhere I look an' listen!? So, as usual when in doubt, I'm off to granma, papa, an' mama, my walkin' talkin' internet, encyclopedia family. When I asked granma 'bout all the wurld goin' on's, she jes looked at me an' smiled an' shook her head. "When I was your age, young man, I don't remember anyone asking me about all the upheavals in the world! Maybe it's a good thing, you're finding out and exploring the world around you and us? A lot of the turmoil did not need to happen, but on the other hand, since we are human beings, it was and is inevitable, that we have had and are now facing a roller coaster history ride. Perhaps you can write in your paper, that the state of the union and maybe all unions, is to care for yourself and the people as much as you can and when you're tired and run out of ideas, step aside and make way for someone else and meanwhile, try to move forward more often than backwards. I love you, young sun and I wish a bright future for you, your sister and your friends, so I guess you can use the theme for your paper of two steps forward, for every one step backwards. That is probably hopeful wisdom and probably reasonable too! Add a strong dose of justice, vision, education and love for your work, and eventually all this effort will amount to progress. I hope I am being helpful, young sun, I surely do hope so." Wow, I ran to granma an' gave her a big hug an' I saw she had tears in her eyes an' that made me teary too! I love you too, granma an' like alwayz, I thank you for all you do for me an' us. After all this brain werk an' emotion, I think I'd better rest. So, I'm jes gonna sey G'nite I luv you G'nite Fountainhead Tanz Theatre Copyright, October 2009 PART LXXII Erwachsensein! Eines Tages, wenn ich erwachsen werde! Also, wie üblich war ich am Sitz'n und Stink'n üba alles und manchma' war ich einfach am Stink'n üba nichts! Manchma' is' es einfacher, üba Nichts nachzudenk'n, weil Alles einfach mancha' zu verwirrend und erdrückend is'! Es gibt einfach so viel Gewirbel und Geschwirre in der Welt und ich weiß nich, wo das herkommt, und sicherlich weiß ich nich, wo's hingeht? Nix von dem! Jeder spricht noch davon, wie olle Texashut seine Stiefel in die Hand nahm und 'n großen Mist hinterlass'n hat. Mist, Mist, Mist und jetz' is' Saubermach'n angesagt, für jemand andern oder mehrere andere! Muss natürlich nich erst erwähn', dass die Drachenlehrer uns mit diesem Zeugs quäl'n und wir Aufsätze schreib'n müss'n und Tests hab'n und den Drachenlehrern alles erklär'n müss'n und wir soll'n ihnen Zeugs erklär'n, was sie längst wiss'n sollt'n! Der Titel der Aufsätze von den Feuerdrachen lautet "die Lage der Union der Bundesstaaten 2009-2010." Ich fragte mich, welche Union und wo, mit den ganzen Streits und was so überall abgeht, wo ich auch hinguck und was ich hör!? Also, wie üblich, wenn Zweifel aufkomm', mach ich mich auf zu Oma, Papa und Mama, mein laufendes, sprechendes Internet, meine Enzyklopädiefamilie. Als ich Oma üba alles, was so los is' inner Welt, fragte, schaute sie mich einfach an und lächelte und schüttelte den Kopf. "Als ich so alt war wie du, junger Mann, hat mich niemand, so weit ich mich erinnere, über all die Umwälzungen in der Welt befragt! Vielleicht ist es eine gute Sache, dass du etwas erfährst und die Welt um dich und uns herum entdeckst? Das Meiste dieses Aufruhrs ist nicht nötig gewesen, aber andererseits, da wir menschliche Wesen sind, war und ist es unvermeidlich, dass wir eine Achterbahnfahrt der Geschichte gehabt haben und nun eine erleben. Vielleicht kannst du in deinen Aufsatz schreiben, dass die Lage der Union, und vielleicht jeder Union, die ist, für dich und die Menschen zu sorgen, so viel du kannst, und wenn du müde wirst und dir die Ideen ausgehen, gehe einen Schritt zur Seite und überlass jemand anderem den Platz und in der Zwischenzeit versuche, dich öfter nach vorn zu bewegen als zurück. Ich hab dich lieb, meine Sonne, und ich wünsche dir, deiner Schwester und deinen Freunden eine strahlende Zukunft. Also ich glaube, dieses Thema des 'zwei Schritte vorwärts für einen Schritt zurück' kannst du für deinen Aufsatz benutzen. Das ist möglicherweise hoffnungsvolle Weisheit und vielleicht auch vernünftig! Füge eine gehörige Portion Gerechtigkeit, Visionen, Bildung und Liebe für deine Arbeit hinzu, und schließlich wird all die Mühe in Fortschritt münden. Ich hoffe, ich bin hilfreich, meine Sonne, ich hoffe es wirklich." Wow, ich lief zu Oma und umarmte sie ganz doll und sah Tränen in ihren Augen und das machte mich auch ganz weinerich! Ich hab dich auch lieb, Oma, und wie imma, danke ich dir für alles, was du für mich und uns tust. Nach dieser ganzen Gehirnarbeit und den Gefühlen, glaub ich, sollte ich mich ausruh'n. Also sag ich einfach ma' 'Nacht Hab Euch lieb 'Nacht Fountainhead Tanz Theatre Copyright, Oktober 2009 ******************************************************* A Cinema Dedication to Michael Jackson written and presented by Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith / Fountainhead Tanz Theatre Grownupsim on THE COLLEGIUM website Grownupism on YOUTUBE Grownupism on FEST21 ******************************************************* BLACK INTERNATIONAL CINEMA BERLIN Production & Direction: Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre FestLabPass Holder presented by European Festivals Association FESTLAB - An Initiative of the European Festivals Association 2009 - EUROPEAN YEAR OF CREATIVITY & INNOVATION ******************************************************* AACHRONYM A Blog regarding Global African Arts with a focus on art-equity and cultural patrimony issues. Notable Person: Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith / Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre ******************************************************* Fountainhead® at Fountainhead® at MEDIAWAVE FESTIVAL, Hungary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE COLLEGIUM TELEVISION PROGRAM BERLIN produced & directed by/produziert und geleitet von Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre/Black International Cinema Berlin/Cultural Zephyr e.V. Sunday 7-8 pm / 19-20 Uhr Wednesday 11-12 pm / 23-24 Uhr ALEX - Offener Kanal Berlin (Open Channel Berlin) THE COLLEGIUM on YOUTUBE THE COLLEGIUM Television Program is televised in Berlin, Magdeburg, Wolfsburg, Dessau and additional cities. THE COLLEGIUM Fernsehmagazin wird in Berlin, Magdeburg, Wolfsburg, Dessau und weiteren Städten ausgestrahlt. BERLIN Every Sunday/jeden Sonntag 7.00-8.00 pm 19.00-20.00 Uhr Every Wednesday/jeden Mittwoch 11.00-12.00 pm 23.00-24.00 Uhr ALEX - Offener Kanal Berlin Voltastr. 5 13355 Berlin-Wedding presenting / präsentiert werden Cinema / State of Affairs / Arts Calendar Filme / Diskussionen / künstlerische Darbietungen for program information, please contact: Programminformationen bitte unter: 0049 (0)30-782 16 21 0049 (0)30-75 46 09 46 THE COLLEGIUM MAGDEBURG Offener Kanal Magdeburg ( First Thursday in every month Jeden ersten Donnerstag im Monat 6.00 - 7.00 pm 18.00 - 19.00 Uhr THE COLLEGIUM WOLFSBURG TV 38 ( 25.11.09 - 18.00h/6.00pm 26.11.09 - 9.00h/9.00am & 15.00h/3.00pm 31.12.09 - 18.00h/6.00pm 01.01.10 - 9.00h/9.00am & 15.00h/3.00pm THE COLLEGIUM DESSAU Offener Kanal Dessau ( ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOUNTAINHEAD® TANZ THEATRE BLACK INTERNATIONAL CINEMA BERLIN THE COLLEGIUM - FORUM & TELEVISION PROGRAM BERLIN CULTURAL ZEPHYR e.V. MISSION STATEMENT We are an international, intercultural community of persons engaged in achieving increasing understanding and cooperation between individuals and groups in support of democratic procedures and the elimination of violence, religious, ethnic and gender persecution, youth exploitation, homophobia and racial hatred through the process of art, education, culture and dialogue. Wir sind eine internationale, interkulturelle Gemeinschaft von Menschen mit dem Engagement für ein besseres Verständnis und wachsende Kooperation zwischen Individuen und Gruppen, mit Unterstützung des demokratischen Prozesses und der Beseitigung von Gewalt, Verfolgung aufgrund religiöser, ethnischer und geschlechtlicher Zugehörigkeit, Kindes- und Jugendmissbrauch, Homosexuellen-Feindlichkeit und von Rassenhass, durch die Mittel der Kunst, der Bildung, der Kultur und des Dialogs. Nous sommes une communauté internationale et interculturelle de personnes engagées à promouvoir la compréhension et la coopération croissantes entre les individus et les groupes, à lappui des outils démocratiques et à travers lélimination de la violence, de la persécution religieuse, ethnique et sexuelle, de lexploitation de la jeunesse, de lhomophobie et de la haine raciale par le processus de lart, de léducation, de la culture et du dialogue. MOTTOS "I may not make it if I try, but I damn sure wont if I dont..." - Oscar Brown Jr. "Mankind will either find a way or make one." - C.P. Snow "Whatever you do..., be cool!" - Joseph Louis Turner "Yes, I can...! - Sammy Davis Jr. "Yes, We can...!" - Barack Obama Copyright: Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre/Cultural Zephyr e.V., November 2009 |