69 The Movie in Zwolluh ZAC - 20.12.2009 18:44
Wednesday 23 december "69" the movie from 20.00 Zwartewaterallee 8 te Zwolle With vegan chocolate milk and cake.  Copenhagen is one out of many European cities in the process of being cleaned up from the inside by city councils, but the organized resistance that took place during the eviction of the Youthhouse took the conflict to a new level. '69' depicts the last 6 months of the history of the Youthhouse, seen through the eyes of the activists. Including unique inside footage from secret meetings, direct actions, riots, everyday life in the Youthhouse Collective and the eviction filmed from inside the house, this documentary movie portrays the tights between being marginalised and radicalised. So wednesday 23 december from 20.00 Zwartewaterallee 8 te Zwolle hetzwartewater.blogspot.org |